In the distance, the white-shirted boy and the fat man were horrified, their faces were pale, and the shock in their hearts made them unable to speak for a long time.

so horrible!

The thunder light was like a pillar to the sky, breaking through the thunder cloud, ignoring the distance in space, and slammed down Kong Xuan's head.

So far away, they all felt the power of thunder tribulation.

Even in the heyday of the evil witch just now, I am afraid it is difficult to bear the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.


In the desperate eyes of the two, Lei Jie was ruthless, like a river pouring down, directly drowning Kong Xuan's whole person.

"Is he dead?" Fatty's voice trembled, his whole body cold.

In his eyes, the top of the mountain was submerged by lightning, and the dazzling light was so dazzling that he could not see anything.

The huge peak was tens of meters shorter in an instant. It was affected by the thunder tribulation, and it was cut in half, flat and smooth.

"No, Kong Xuan is resisting."

Suddenly, the white-shirted boy exclaimed, pointing to the distance, his face full of incredulity, as if he saw some terrifying sight.

Even if he faced the evil witch just now, it was not as shocking as the scene in front of him.

"Damn, scared the pig to death, this kid's five-colored divine light is so defiant?" The fat man was shaking with excitement.

Under the thunder light, there are five-colored rays of light blooming, like a creation lotus blooming, suspended above Kong Xuan's head, resisting the endless thunder light.

Just listening to a loud shout, the waterfall-like thunder light was forcibly resisted.

"Break it for me!"

On the top of the mountain, Kong Xuan transformed into a human figure, extremely powerful and straight, screaming in the sky, wanting to fight against the sky.

After accepting Zhenwu preaching, he realized the magical effect of the five-color divine light, and just now he used the power of the heavenly tribulation to refine the five-color divine light.

At this moment, the five-color divine light was shocking, and a terrifying movement broke out.

Kong Xuan's black hair is like a waterfall, his body is tall and straight, his facial features are cold, his eyes are shining with divine light, and he is very strong.

With the five-color divine light being refined, his cultivation level also skyrocketed in an instant, and his breath was so powerful that it was even more terrifying than the evil witch just now.


The next moment, he harnessed the five-color divine light and rose into the sky, very ferocious, and wanted 667 to face the calamity.

In the distance, the white-shirted boy and the fat man saw this, their whole bodies were dumbfounded, their hearts were beating, and they felt like they were dreaming.

"God, is this kid really going to defy the sky?" Fatty trembled. If he hadn't seen it himself, he wouldn't have believed that such a powerful creature could exist in the world.

That is a catastrophe!

You must know that when facing the calamity, they are almost always cautious, and it is like Kong Xuan, who is in a mess.

"He, like us, should have been taught the way of true martial arts by the immortal."

The white-shirted boy exclaimed, the way of fighting was too familiar.

Because, fighting in close quarters, with an indomitable momentum, there is no fear in the bottom of my heart, even in the face of catastrophe.


The next moment, the heaven and the earth shook, and Heifeng Mountain collapsed. Unable to withstand the mighty power, it was razed to the ground.

Kong Xuan made a strong shot, controlling the five-color divine light, like a sword god, mighty and domineering, he shot directly and slashed into the thick thundercloud.


The five-color divine light bloomed with dazzling light, it was the light of innate, the thunder tribulation could not bear it, and with a bang, it was immediately cut open.

The powerful force runs through the thundercloud and is about to disperse in one fell swoop.

Heaven and earth, once again restore the clear and bright.

Chapter [-] Preaching! (third more)

I don't know how long it took, the main mountain range was razed to the ground, and the charred soil and stones indicated what had just happened.


The fat man swallowed hard, feeling unbelievable.

What a terrifying catastrophe, with a radius of ten miles, no grass grows, Heifeng Mountain was smashed to pieces, and the rocks melted.

"It's over?" The white-shirted boy whispered, his voice trembling.

Their hearts were shaken, and they couldn't calm down for a long time. Seeing this scene was enough for them to brag for a lifetime.

"Two brothers, thank you." Kong Xuan stepped forward and said sincerely.

He looked young, with black hair like waterfalls, cold facial features, and a feather that turned into mottled robes. His eyes shone with divine light, which contained terrifying coercion.

After the calamity, his strength increased greatly, comparable to the demon king, and his realm skyrocketed directly.

If you are fighting against the evil witch just now, I am afraid you can suppress it with one hand, even if the evil witch is in its heyday, it can be crushed by force.

However, cause and effect are all fixed.

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