"Oh my God! If we really fight, our city will be implicated, right?"

The human race powerhouses all turned pale, their hearts trembled, and their panic could not be concealed.

This place is too close to the spiritual meridian. For cultivators, they can reach it with just a few breaths.

If there are super powerhouses fighting, the aftermath sweeps away, and thousands of miles of mountains and rivers will be destroyed, not to mention their dangerous distance.

"When the city was built, Elder Xuanyuan once issued a warning, and thought that the creatures in the spiritual veins would not take action, but I didn't expect that the first to take action was the creatures from the outer domain." Someone growled, his face full of unwillingness.

They can't escape, and they can't escape alone without heart. There are hundreds of thousands of mortals in the city below!

Just when everyone was still struggling, a faint voice sounded from the depths of their souls.

"Don't worry, you will not be affected."

This voice was illusory, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, hitting people's hearts and making their anxious emotions calm down in an instant.

For a moment, everyone was shocked, their faces were inexplicable, and they looked at each other, feeling incredible.

"What kind of existence this is, even we know what we think."

"We can just wait and see what happens. That kind of existence is not something we can figure out."

This is too terrifying, it is like the power of heaven, and what people think, there is nothing to hide.

In the mountain forest, the majestic spiritual veins are shaking, making a rumbling sound.

The entire majestic spiritual vein could not bear Li Zhenwu's aura and began to shake, as if it would disintegrate at any time.

Bai Ze's face was full of horror, and he felt a vast breath in his heart, which was even better than the Heavenly Emperor who faced the demon clan before.

"Who the hell are they?" He was horrified, trembling all over, shaking Feather Fan's hand, all stiff.

Even in the face of ordinary quasi-sacred supernatural powers, he asked himself that he had not calmly dealt with it, but the teenagers and girls he met today seem to have broken the previous routine.

Needless to say, the barefoot girl stomped her feet gently, and all the patterns of the array were extinguished.

And that young man was even more terrifying and frightening, exuding a blazing light all over his body, and his aura was so powerful that it was like the arrival of heavenly power.

"Wait, if I want this treasure, I will give it to you. I will leave immediately, so as not to hurt the peace." Bai Ze said, put away the feather fan, turned around and wanted to leave.

"Did I say you can leave? Since you took the shot first and offended my dignity, if you don't punish it, wouldn't it make the world laugh?" However, Li Zhenwu's indifferent voice came, and his attitude was very strong.

"That's right, you didn't listen to me when I asked you to leave. You obviously offended this king, but you still want to leave, do you really think we are easy to bully?"

The voiceless voice came out, Yao Chi raised his face, a dungeon king can't just count it...

The two were very strong. After all, they persuaded each other with good words at the beginning, but Bai Ze still shot, and other great supernatural powers could not bear it.

Of course, the intentional component seems to be bigger.

"I count three times. If you don't come out, you'll never have to come out."

Li Zhenwu opened his mouth, his tone was arrogant, his attitude was high, and he gave an ultimatum to take a strong shot.

Hearing this, Bai Ze's face was grim in his spiritual veins. Once upon a time, he was so insulted that even if he was a quasi-sage in the prehistoric era, he would have to treat him with courtesy.


He was helpless in his heart, this was simply bullying, saying it was offensive, but it was just an excuse.

"No, my future cannot fall into the hands of others, except for saints and the former demon god emperor."

In the end, Bai Ze gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, trying to deduce how to survive.

But he was disappointed. If he resisted and escaped, the future would be dark. If he surrendered, his future would have undergone extreme changes.

It's just that I can't see the change in 4.4, I can only feel it vaguely.

"Forget it, the world has changed, maybe this is my chance!" The unknown is the most anticipated and frightening, and the same is true of Bai Ze's current mood.

The spiritual energy in the spiritual veins was so dense that it almost turned into substance, obscuring his sight and making it impossible to see his true face.


The next moment, Bai Ze disappeared from the spot, had already left the spiritual veins, and headed towards the outside world.

In the distance, the five black bear demons were still waiting anxiously, trembling in their hearts, and suddenly, with a bang, their rigid bodies fell to the ground, as if they had broken free from the invisible restraint, their pores dilated.

"The ancient demon Bai Ze, I beg the seniors to forgive me."

Accompanied by a respectful voice, a figure walked out of the white mist and fell directly at Li Zhenwu's feet.

Chapter [-]: No Apprentices (Second)

It was a young man, wearing a snow-white robe, holding a feather fan, elegant demeanor, eyes as deep as the sea, containing the light of wisdom.

This is Bai Ze, he appeared in human form and bowed down in front of Li Zhenwu.

If Bai Ze was unwilling before he saw Li Zhenwu, then at this moment, he was sincere.

"He has no body, he is a human race." In his heart, a huge wave was set off, and he was no longer calm.

At the beginning of the Great Desolation, there was no human race at all. After the first robbery of the dragon and the phoenix, the lich competed for hegemony and Nuwa became a saint, and the human race really appeared in this world.

It can be said that among the many races in the Great Wilderness, the human race has experienced the youngest years.

But Bai Ze saw a trace of strangeness in the young man in front of him.

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