"This mountain is transformed by the spiritual veins. There is nothing bigger than the mountain. It is rare in the world. An ordinary name may ruin its luck. Let's call it Mount Tai!"

Li Zhenwu made a final decision, and he already had a scruple in his heart, and continued: "The top of the mountain is surrounded by clouds and mist, and there is a palace. And we are the kings, so here is the Jade Emperor Peak! The temple for me."

Since you want to surpass the heaven, then you should seal the heaven and let all the spirits in the world worship it.


As Li Zhenwu's voice fell, the heaven and the earth shook, and above the nine heavens, there was auspiciousness gushing out, colorful, and even more colorful clouds of unicorns, running between the clouds and the sea of ​​​​clouds.

"We don't accept apprentices, we only serve as shelters."

Hearing the words, Yaochi's mind moved slightly, and he thought of something in his heart. He immediately smiled like a flower, and the laughter was as crisp as a bell, resounding thousands of miles around.

Chapter [-] Black General! (third more)

When the aura of white mist emanating from Mount Tai was restrained by Li Zhenwu's great mana, it revealed a majestic and magnificent aura.

The mountain is crystal clear and full of brilliance, as if it was carved out of complete jade, with fairy light flowing on the surface of the rock formations, exuding a rich and extreme aura.

The human city, ten miles away, exploded at this moment.

The human race powerhouses in the city main hall were boiling, they couldn't calm down and were restless.

"Everyone, if it's a good estimate, then the creatures in the top-quality spiritual veins have been subdued by the supreme existence."

"I don't know if this kind of change is a blessing or a curse for us?"

"I already sent a letter to Elder Xuanyuan last night. There is a letter from there. Elder Pan Wang is coming soon. During this time, we don't need to panic."

"Yes, if we act rashly, we may cause trouble."

People are talking, and their minds can't be calm.

This is amazing!

In the former forbidden area of ​​life, there were big monsters dormant, and they didn't like outsiders, so even the Great Elder Xuanyuan had warned them not to enter rashly.

But looking at the scene now, I am afraid that the owner has already changed.

Boom boom boom!

Just when they were guessing, a guard walked in in a panic, panting.

"Report! There are powerful monsters outside the city asking to see you."

The guard came in and saluted immediately, his voice trembling, his tone was frightened.


Everyone in the hall was stunned for a moment, turned their heads to look over, and all showed doubts.

"The monsters from there?" A thin man said lightly, his breath was long and leisurely, and he had a true immortal cultivation base.

He is the city lord of this city, and the most powerful person present, and has the right to communicate with Elder Xuanyuan.

"He said he came from Mount Tai." The guard's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and he told the other party that the real immortal cultivation base had been transformed into a human form, and he came swaggering without restraining his demonic energy.


This time, everyone in the hall was dumbfounded.

Thousands of miles from the city are all plains, and only in the depths of the mountains is there a spiritual mountain...

and many more!

Wanting to be here, the city owner was shocked, and when he looked at everyone, he could see the horror in their hearts.

"Did he sign up?" he asked while suppressing the shock in his heart.

Yes, in the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles, except for the spiritual veins that are ten miles away, there are no famous mountains at all.

In other words, the monster powerhouse who asked to see it probably came from where.

Hearing the words, the guard thought for a moment before saying uncertainly, "He seems to be called General Hei."

The voice fell, and the entire hall fell silent.

The next moment, all of them stood up and walked out of their hearts with trepidation.

The mottled city wall with a height of [-] meters, with traces of minions, penetrated deep into the city wall and could not be erased. It was attacked by the monsters that were resisted, and there were still mottled bloodstains.

"Oh, I don't know what Elder Bai means by this move?"

The old black bear demon turned into a black-faced man, eight feet tall, mighty and strong, with a faintly radiating demonic aura, pressing down on the surrounding soldiers, trembling all over his body.

This is so abnormal!

In the city where the human race lived, there were monsters visiting the door, which was unimaginable in the past.

"Is Your Excellency the Black General?"

At this moment, the city lord led the high-level human race, and dozens of people came out of the city gate.

Before anyone arrived, the voice had already come.

Xiong Er's eyes were slightly raised, and he landed on the tall and thin man in front, and grinned: "But City Lord Hu?"

"Exactly, I don't know where the black general came from, what is the important thing when you come to Hu's place?"

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