Haotian's heart hurts!

"Your Majesty doesn't need to be angry, Fairy Yaochi is just opening a mountain, and there is no threat to Heavenly Court. As long as Your Majesty seals the world's great supernatural powers, when the time comes, Taishan's move will be self-defeating."

Taibaijinxing was saying, after all, the other party has only one spiritual mountain, and the heavenly court, the palace group are endless, and the heaven and the blessed land are countless.

Coupled with the transformation of the Taoist ancestors using the means of reaching the sky, today's heavenly court is rich in spiritual energy. One day of practice can be compared with one year of underground practice.

This is the advantage of Heavenly Court. Taibaijinxing still understands it very well, so 5.6 is so comforting.

Haotian took a deep breath, calmed down his emotions, his eyes flickered, and he said, "Taibai's words are reasonable, this Emperor of Heaven sits in the heavenly court, is the master of the world, and a mere spiritual mountain, how can he compare with it."

At this time, he also figured it out, and he couldn't help sneering in his heart.

"Since they announced the world, then the Emperor of Heaven will seal the world and let the people of the world choose whether they will come to the heavenly court to act, or will they go to the human world."

After all, there is another treasure in Heaven, which is the Immortal Transformation Pond.

Those who seek refuge can become immortals and enjoy longevity as long as they enter the Immortal Transformation Pond, no matter how they behave.

This temptation, Haotian believes that in this world, apart from the great supernatural beings, no creature can resist.

Chapter [-] Congrats from all directions!

However, the Haotian Jade Emperor only calmed down for a while, and glanced at the Haotian Mirror, his face flushed again.

"It's too deceiving, stealing the sky and thief, it's just deceiving me, Haotian has no one."

The scene in the mirror is so exciting that even Taibaijinxing's body softened when he saw it, so he shut up and fell silent.

Mount Tai, the top of the Jade Emperor.

At this moment, everyone in Xuanyuan followed Bai Ze and the others up the mountain.

The white jade stairs are like a heavenly road. When they walked to the top of the mountain, their minds and body were calm, as if they were in a fairyland legend.

"Two great kings, the audience has arrived."

Seeing this, Bai Ze turned around to face the Jade Emperor's Top and saluted respectfully.

As his voice fell, everyone who climbed the mountain was surprised, and felt that the name in it was so strange.

But thinking of the identity of the master in the mountain, he fell silent and waited patiently for the other party to show up.

"Wait a moment, everyone, the congratulatory people have not come yet, you will wait for the opportunity, it will not fall." In the magnificent palace, the crisp voice of Yaochi came out, which was very pleasant, like the ding dong of spring water.

Xuanyuan and the others were stunned for a moment, suspicious in their hearts, apart from them, is there anyone else who would come to congratulate them?

They also learned from City Lord Hu and others that they knew that the other party opened a mountain today, so they came here specially to make friends and let the nearby human races have a safe place.


For a moment, the grand bell sounded from the sky, endless Buddha light, golden light, came slowly.

"My Buddha is merciful, and in the name of the two sect masters, I specially came to congratulate Fairy Yaochi for opening the mountain today."

A huge Buddha country, the Sanskrit sound echoed, and slowly descended.

"So that the fairy knows, Biyou Gong Yunxiao, replace the teacher to congratulate Fairy Yaochi for opening the mountain."

With the arrival of the messengers of the Western religion, the sect master of Tongtian, Taishang Laojun, and all the saints of Yuanshi Tianzun all sent messengers.

Not only that, the Wa Palace dispatched Jiutian Xuannv, whose dresses fluttered, like a fairy descended from the earth, beautiful and elegant.

The people who came to congratulate them one after another, and the characters behind them, shocked everyone on the top of Mount Tai.

These are saints!

Not to mention Xuanyuan and the others were shocked, Bai Ze and the five black bear demons had already set off turbulent waves in their hearts.

After all, sages, for all living beings, are aloof, majestic, and have the merits of educating the common people.

But now, they have sent messengers to congratulate them. What kind of honor is this?

For all spirits in the world, it is already heaven to be able to meet a quasi-sage great supernatural power.

Now even the saints are coming, and the status of Mount Tai, in the hearts of everyone, instantly rises.

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan?"

At this moment, the shock in everyone's heart has not calmed down, and a crisp voice sounded from the end of the sky.

I saw auspicious clouds floating in the distance, and two little girls carved in pink and jade opened their mouths crisply, and their eyes fell on Xuanyuan.

"Why did the two senior sisters come here?"

Xuanyuan ignored everyone's shock and raised his head to ask.

"The Lady Houtu sent me to come here to congratulate Fairy Yaochi for opening the mountain."

Xiaohua and Xiaocao came to Xuanyuan and said with a smile.

The words of several people shocked everyone present.

Bai Ze's face changed. This is a saint who has recently preached the Tao. He has been keeping a low profile, living in seclusion and Wudang Mountain. He didn't expect to send someone here at this moment.

The congratulations from the saints had been delivered, and then they left, and Bai Ze saw them off one by one.

Only Xiaohua and Xiaocao got along with Xuanyuan for a while, and finally left, all the saints' wishes came, and the rest was left to Yaochi.

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