The next moment, the stone tablet glowed with blue light, misty and mysterious fluctuations.

Xuanyuan's whole person was petrified in place, and deep in his soul, vast and mysterious runes emerged, which outlined the end of the road.

"This..." He was shocked and looked solemn.

Because Li Zhenwu disappeared, the doubts about the power of Zhenwu in the past were bright at this moment.


Immediately afterwards, a powerful fighting intent came out through the body, alarmed Jiuxiao, and burst into an indomitable momentum.

this is too scary!

The spiritual energy contained in Mount Tai spurted out at this moment, turning into a white mist that filled the sky, like a nine-day Milky Way, pouring in from Xuanyuan's skin pores.

The aura is transpiring like a fog, gathering but not dispersing, a vast expanse of white.

"Is this the case?" Someone exclaimed, feeling a strong coercion in the fog.

"Is he going to break through here?"

Others were also shocked. If this was the case, wouldn't this stele evolved from the people living in Lingshan go against the sky?

"You don't need to be surprised, Elder Xuanyuan is just entering an epiphany at this moment. As for his breakthrough time, it is not here."

Yao Chi stood up and explained at the right time, very calm, so that everyone's emotions were calmed down.

Immediately, she was also curious in her heart, she never expected that the king's methods were so terrifying.

Xuanyuan, who was at the pinnacle of Daluo Jinxian's cultivation, had already found an opportunity to break through after only a moment of comprehension, which was truly comparable to the means of a saint.

However, Yaochi didn't know that the stele evolved by Li Zhenwu was originally prepared for Xuanyuan.

As for the others, it's just a chance to be given by the way.

After half an hour, the white fog gradually dissipated, revealing Xuanyuan's figure in front of the stone tablet.

His eyes are clear and clear, with divine light shining, his skin is glowing, his hair is fluttering, and there is a faint luster.

There is no need to guess, everyone present can clearly feel the aura that is as thick as a mountain.

Become stronger after comprehending the stone tablet?

"real or fake?"

"So evil, Elder Xuanyuan's powerful cultivation base can also have such a heaven-defying effect?"

"In this way, then I am in the early stage of a true immortal. Will I be directly promoted to the realm of Taiyi true immortal?"

Everyone's eyes were blazing, and they were all eager to try.

This is simply comparable to the gift of the Tao. By solving the doubts in the heart, the strength can be raised to a terrifying level.

"You don't need to guess, the reason why Elder Xuanyuan can improve his strength is not because of the role of the stone tablet, but because of his sufficient realm. This time, the doubts of the Dao Heart disappeared. It's just a manifestation of accumulation, not the miracle of the stone tablet." Bai Ze came over and told everyone that he had tried it a few days ago, and to get the effect, he still needed to comprehend the appropriate method.

In other words, not all the doubts on their respective paths are of great use to them.

Only a small part, clearly aware of the obstacles to the path of practice, can get the greatest effect.

"In this way, the higher the aptitude, the richer the chance." After all, Xuanyuan is the leader of the human race, and in this world, he is also considered to be an existence with defying aptitude.

"Even if you can't improve your cultivation, as long as you solve the doubts in your heart, your future practice will be smoother and more correct."

Not only were everyone not disappointed at all, but they were full of expectations, and many people wanted to come out and gain enlightenment.

"This is the stele of enlightenment. If you want to comprehend, you can come together, you don't need to come one by one." Bai Ze smiled lightly and told everyone that the stele evolves into three thousand avenues, no matter how many people, as long as the cultivation process is different, all Can solve the puzzle at once.


When the voice fell, everyone couldn't bear it any longer.

Pan Wang, Ji Bo and other high-level human race, hesitated for a while, got Xuanyuan's nod, and also stepped forward to understand.

"Ah... It turns out that I have been going the wrong way all the time. This kind of cultivation path will not work at all in the end."

"It turns out that as long as I get over this shackle, my future cultivation will be unimpeded."

"Haha, I'm going to break through."

In a short time, everyone got an unexpected opportunity, some people made breakthroughs in an instant, some people's horizons improved, and they obviously became more confident about the future cultivation path.

The sky is full of auspicious clouds, auspicious, colorful rays of light, and the top of Mount Tai is a peaceful scene.

In just an hour, all the creatures who came here to watch the ceremony have had the opportunity.

Some of them have a breakthrough in cultivation, which makes people eye-catching.

What kind of terrifying means is this?

Even if the accumulation itself is solid, if there is no such enlightenment, it will take a long and terrifying time to break through the boundaries.

"Thank you Fairy for the opportunity, and I will have nothing to say about all the places that will be used by me in the future."

Everyone faced Yaochi and worshipped sincerely.

Chapter [-] Low-key Mount Tai! (third more)

No matter how much they get, for them, it is a progress of the Tao.

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