Xuanyuan Jian frowned, his eyes flickering uncertainly, and he finally gritted his teeth, "Send a message to the elder Shennong to inform the matter. Maybe, the elder Shennong will have a solution."

The expressions of everyone present were slightly stern. Looking at Xuanyuan's eyes, they seemed to feel the pressure.

Wudang Mountain is the ancestral land of the human race.

After Li Zhenwu disappeared, he should have been at the bottom of his position, but because the saints of Houtu lived in seclusion here, all positions became more sacred and majestic.

In the Human Race Square, in front of the statue of the Holy Father and the Virgin, Shennong stood below, his eyes were wise, and the whole person exuded an indifferent atmosphere.

Beside him, there are several old people, including the two elders Xia Zhou, who are all gray-haired and old at the moment.

Only Shen Nong still looked like a young man, with black hair like a waterfall, a melodious breath, and a body that was as motionless as a mountain.

"Please enlighten me!" He said lightly, bowed to the statue, then turned around and bowed again in the direction of Wudang Mountain.

The people behind him, followed closely behind, all bowed and saluted.

Although the right to stay away, Shennong's majesty seems to be more and more profound, because in the ancestral land, only he can invite saints.

As his voice fell, the sky floated to Ruixiang, and on Wudang Mountain, colorful rays of light bloomed, gorgeous and dazzling.

I saw an auspicious cloud falling from the top of the mountain, and two girls stood in it and spoke clearly.

"In the name of a saint, so that Shennong knows that it is inconvenient for a saint to intervene in your affairs. If you want to solve future troubles, you can go to Mount Tai."

After Xiaohua and Xiaocao finished speaking, they turned around and left.

In the field, it was quiet in an instant.

"Shen Nong knows." Shen Nong bowed and thanked him.

Immediately afterwards, they sent a message back and let Xuanyuan and the others decide how to act.


When Xuanyuan and the others got this answer, they were all stunned.

"Taishan is the Yaochi Fairy Dojo. When the mountain was opened, it was said that it would protect all spirits in the world."

"If that's the case, then I'll trouble the fairy of Mount Tai again."

"This time, we must kill all the evil witches!"

The atmosphere of the crowd was warm and the mood was high.

Only Xuanyuan remained silent, and there was a dignified look in his eyes, as if something like a mountain was buried in his heart.

"Elder Xuanyuan, when will we leave?" Pan Wang looked at Xuanyuan and asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Xuanyuan woke up and secretly said that he was over-hearted, and then he regained his calm, and said, "It's not too late, since Mount Tai is the key to killing the evil witch, we will set off immediately."

Soon, they packed up their moods. The high-level people of the human race were all dispatched this time, and they were galloping in the direction of Mount Tai.

Time is life, and they are extremely anxious about the constant massacre information.

The next day, after countless moves, I finally came to the location of Mount Tai again.

"This is Mount Tai. The richness of spiritual energy is probably the best in the world." At the foot of Mount Tai, Xuanyuan raised his head and praised sincerely.

The others nodded in agreement, with a hint of awe in their expressions.

"Human Xuanyuan, meet Fairy Yaochi and Fairy Martial Arts."

Xuanyuan took the lead, everyone bowed and sang aloud.

However, when it comes to the word "Martial Dao", Xuanyuan always has a strange feeling in his heart, and the familiarity in his heart makes him feel strange.

Chapter [-]: Sergeant Bai Ze! (third more)

Heavenly Court, Lingxiao Palace!

When Xuanyuan and others, mighty and mighty, set off towards Mount Tai.

Haotian Jade Emperor, his heart almost collapsed, and his face was as red as purple as he watched the scene in the Haotian Mirror.

What's happening here?

He was completely stunned, sitting on the high platform, the whole was like a sculpture, petrified in the same place.

"Impossible, Xuanyuan wants to kill the evil witch, isn't the guidance of Tianji come here to find a way?" Haotian shook his head, his face full of disbelief.

So weird!

Since he left Zixiao Palace, the entire trajectory of his life seems to have deviated from his original position.

Although I don't know the cause and effect, but under the deduction, there is always a lack of all important things.

"Could it be because of Mount Tai?"

As soon as he thought of this, Haotian's eyes widened, looking at the spiritual mountain reflected by the Haotian mirror, the hatred in his heart was like the water of the galaxy, gushing endlessly.

You must know that he is the emperor of heaven and has a distinguished status. Even a saint is inferior.

But things don't always go well, and the reason is that the moment they parted with Yaochi, it seems that all the cause and effect are against him.

"After the Pan Peach Banquet begins, I will make you Taishan lose all brilliance." Haotian gritted his teeth, gasped for breath, and resisted the urge to kill Taishan.

In fact, as the master of the heavenly court, he has really been suffocated all these years.

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