"What a horrible atmosphere, they have become stronger."

Everyone was shocked, and they all showed a look of horror. They immediately controlled the formation and returned to Kong Xuan's side.

"General Kong, what are we going to do now?" Someone asked, glancing in Xing Tian's direction, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

There is no need to guess, if Xing Tian broke free from the shackles, everyone present would not be his opponent.

Kong Xuan's face was calm, but he suddenly grinned and said, "What else can I do? I can only clean up everyone before he comes out."

While speaking, his mottled robes were filled with light and brilliance.


Kong Xuan took one step forward, his head full of black hair scattered, the roots were bright, and the whole person exuded colorful light, bright and majestic.

When the others heard it, they no longer hesitated. They all controlled the formation and rushed out.

Everyone knew that if they hadn't resolved the battle before Xing Tian broke out of the prison, I'm afraid all of them would have to be explained here.

"Kill, if you want to survive, the only chance is to kill them all."

At this moment, everyone was jealous.

Dozens of splendid light groups followed behind Kong Xuan and rushed towards thousands of evil lich and evil spirits.

Majestic, like a meteor falling, making a whistling sound.

At this moment, everyone is desperate, and the shot is very hot. They are cruel to themselves and hate the enemy.


One of the balls of light seemed to be on fire, shattering the bombardment of a great witch, staining the mountains and rivers with blood.

At the same time, dozens of people were seriously injured and vomited blood in the killing god formation.

Clap!The formation collapsed, the fairy light erupted, and it could no longer be sustained.

The scene was tragic, the human race was desperate, and in the face of a powerful enemy, they used two defeats to hurt their fighting methods.


A great witch, King Kong glared.Holding the dragon and snake in his fists, he suddenly bombarded the light group next to him.

Immediately, the powerful force smashed the light group into pieces, and the more than [-] people in the killing god array were turned into flying ashes, and all of them were drenched in blood.

The picture was too bloody, but it couldn't make them breed fear, but aroused endless blood.


Kong Xuan's expression was stern, and he stepped forward from the void. Wherever he passed, there was no enemy of unity.

Even if the five-color divine light is not there, his strength is still strong, and the strength below Daluo Jinxian has almost swept away.


Kong Xuan raised his hand and patted it, and invisible ripples appeared in his palm, and the surrounding Wu clan turned into flying ashes on the spot.

Too strong!

Xing Tian, ​​who was trapped in the five-color space below, spewed fire from his eyes, and the demonic energy on his body exploded, turning into a gray mist all over the sky, and steaming out.

"You are all going to die!" His eyes were red, his fists clenched, and the dragon and snake wrapped around his arms opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, exuding a peerless killing intent.

Endless demonic energy emerged and radiated out, and the evil witches who stimulated the battlefield all screamed.

Xingtian was furious, the demonic energy in his body erupted, powerful force, poured into his fists, and rudely bombarded the five-color space.


Loud noises echoed in the mountains.

"Quick fight!" Kong Xuan shouted when he saw this.

He is very aware of the strength of the five-color space, and now the power of Xingtian Dawu, who breeds demonic energy, has increased several times.

The voice fell, and the human race was desperate.

Facing the evil witch that breeds demonic energy, his strength has greatly increased, but he is still fearless and collided head-on.

The screams of killing shook for nine days, and the scene was extremely tragic. Every collision would be accompanied by the disappearance of lives.

But no one backed away, and even seriously injured, dragged their bodies and blew themselves up, to perish with the evil sorcerer.

"This is……"

Looking around, Kong Xuan was stunned. There were fewer and fewer evil witches beside him.

However, there are fewer and fewer human races.

How tragic this is, with the disappearance of the enemy, they also died, very decisive, without the slightest hesitation.

"Could it be that the teacher will educate them, so it is."

At this moment, Kong Xuan's heart was enlightened, and his understanding of the human race became more profound.

The power of martial arts in the body gradually revolved, exuding vast fluctuations, and the realm increased by half a step again.

It is only a threshold away from being quasi-sage.

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