
In the end, those people sneered and didn't want to quarrel with Kong Xuan, but they wouldn't let go.

At this time, Xuanyuan became emperor, and he was about to be exposed again, but Kong Xuan was extremely strong and proud.

"Very good, let me ask you a question, what is your objection to the title of Emperor Xuanyuan?"


The others shook their heads, looking very excited and ready to go.

Hearing this, Kong Xuan suddenly smiled faintly, "Since there are none, then it's easy to handle, give it to me!"

During the conversation, the tone in front of him was indifferent, but at the end, he suddenly burst into drinking.

As the voice fell, a splendid brilliance bloomed in the field.


The five-color divine light bloomed again, covering the opponents.

The five-color space is sleepy!

With a hum, those who opposed were all trapped and put into Kong Xuan's space.


The sudden change made everyone unable to react.

"Now, why is there any objection?"

A faint voice, with arrogance and invincibility, asked again.

Chapter [-] The battle is imminent! (third more)

Kong Xuan was rude and direct, without any hesitation, he directly collected the dozens of Jinxian.

This move made everyone stunned in place.

But no one dared to object. After all, Kong Xuan represented the Taishan lineage and was a vanguard general. Among them, there was also the military division Bai Ze, who played a considerable role in this battle.

After a long time, seeing that everyone was silent, he waved his hand, "Very good, since there is no objection, then Elder Xuanyuan will immediately report to Heaven and Earth, so that all beings know that the human race will usher in a great unification."

Great unity?

Hearing that, everyone present, the blood in the body is boiling, and they are too excited to extricate themselves.

There are hundreds of millions of human races and countless tribes.

Because of this, it is even more difficult to manage, and some tribes are not bound at all.

At the same time, it also caused the ravages of demons.

After all, the shattered Great Desolation is still too big. If you want to communicate, unless those tribes take the initiative, it will be difficult for the Elder Hall to contact.

To be an emperor at this moment is to unite people's hearts, and everything is based on the orders of the emperor.

"Since everyone loves you so much, even if Xuanyuan is smashed to pieces, he will win a great future for the human race." Seeing that the emperor could not stop it, Xuanyuan said lightly.

"Elder Xuanyuan's words are serious. This move is not what the elders wished, but it is the will of all beings in the world."

"That's right, our human race actually dominates the world, and naturally we have the responsibility to seek blessings for the people of the world."

"It's not too late, before the evil lich and evildoer react, you should act immediately."

Everyone spoke in unison, extremely sincere.

After all, over the years, everyone has seen what Xuanyuan has done, and it really is for the human race.

As for the opponents?

After being taken into the space by Kong Xuan, although they will not kill them, they will not be released until the end of the proclamation.

Everything went smoothly, without the slightest hindrance in the middle.

In front of the giant city, the camp where the human race is stationed, life is noisy and the atmosphere is warm.

In the very center of the camp, a ten-zhang altar stood, blooming with colorful rays of light, splendid and dazzling.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, with solemn expressions, lined up neatly, and arched the entire altar, like a guardian, silent and silent.

Wearing a Taoist robe, Bai Ze shook his feather fan, and with a smile on his lips, he glanced around. Although he was a monster, he still felt the blood in his body boiling.

As a military advisor, he was presiding over the ceremony of proclaiming himself emperor, and he wanted the world to announce it.

"Elder Bai, it's your job this time." Kong Xuan stood under the altar and thanked Bai Ze.

Originally, Bai Ze was not used, because after Xuanyuan became emperor, he was added to his body.

"It's okay, all of this is the master's intention." Bai Ze responded lightly, his face full of incomprehension.

He is the person who knows the most about this catastrophe, even more clearly than Yao Chi.

Just kidding, King Taishan is the Holy Father of the Human Race, and I am afraid no one in the world knows about it.

The desert was desolate, and the Golden Crow landed on the horizon, dyeing the sky red.

After the war, this place is very desolate, with yellow sand, howling, and the wind is fierce and violent.

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