But at this moment, his face was solemn, and that palm just now contained the control of space, so that those people could not escape at all.

After all, the Wu clan is innately in charge of various elements of the world, and Chi You has the bonus of the magic way, so I am afraid there will be more abilities to master.

"An ant dares to compete with the sun and the moon for glory? I don't know whether to live or die."

Killing hundreds of powerful people from the human race, Chi You's face was full of pride, as if he had killed a few bugs.

At this time, the war became more and more fierce. The human race and the evil lich and evil spirits fought once, and the landslides and the earth were torn apart, and the scene was very tragic.

On the side of the evil witch, not only the witch clan, but also the other races that were held hostage by them, are also desperately working hard at this moment, and the blood splashed and dyed the ground red.


King Pan practiced the Golden Bell Dafa, with a strong physique, standing on the spot like a rock, fighting with dozens of great witches.


He is very strong, he is still, his fists are shining with golden light, and every 123 shots, he will accompany the enemy and fly out.

This area is full of golden light, which is particularly dazzling in the dark night.

"There is one ant that is stronger. Since Xuanyuan doesn't shoot, then I will kill you first."

In front of the Giant City of Deer, Chi You looked towards Pan Wang, suddenly grinned and sneered, his footsteps moved, and a rumbling sound rushed over.

The earth trembled, his footsteps fell, and the ground sank, forming a terrifying deep pit.


Pan Wang suddenly became alert, felt the ground shaking, and couldn't help but look over.

Seeing this, his face changed dramatically, as if facing a peerless beast, endless fear suddenly grew in his heart.


A giant of ten thousand feet, with a monstrous demonic flame on his body, exuding a peerless murderous intent, he locked King Pan and wanted to carry out a powerful sniper kill.

"King Pan, run away!"

In the distance, Kong Xuan was extremely anxious, and immediately sent a sound transmission to remind him.

Immediately afterwards, his colorful wings flapped behind him, drawing a streamer in the void, whistling, and flying over to rescue him.

Great Wu Chiyou, rampaging on the battlefield, no one can stop the other side.

Today, only Xuanyuan, who is accepting the merits of the heavenly way, can fight against the five-color altar.

Even Kong Xuan knew in his heart that he was not Chi You's opponent.

Chapter [-] Kong Xuan fights Chiyou! (third more)

The war for the deer started, Chiyou came strong, and wanted to sacrifice Xuanyuan to the sky, so as to achieve the great cause of the ages.

It has to be said that under his leadership, the declining Wu clan can actually have such combat power.

This is very terrifying. Hundreds of thousands of witch races, and hundreds of thousands of other races, like a dark wave, surging out of the giant city.

"There are too many enemies, and our terror is hard to resist."

Some people shouted, their faces full of unwillingness.

With the blessing of the Killing God Array, they can barely resist, but the number of opponents is too large, and it is almost impossible to kill them.

Now Chi You joined the battlefield and locked King Pan as the first high-level Terran to kill.


The towering body rushed into the crowd, and suddenly turned over like a giant dragon in a creek, and all the creatures in this area were overturned.

Regardless of the enemy or me, everything that stands in front of you will still be crushed.


In an instant, regardless of the human race or the evil lich, they were all frightened, they turned around and fled in a hurry, never daring to take half a step around Chiyou again.

This is the way of magic. It is maddening, and there is no distinction between enemy and me. It is very terrifying.

"His target is Elder Pan Wang."

Suddenly, someone shouted, seeing the route Chi You was walking, and his face was full of horror.

"Elder Panwang's Golden Bell Dafa focuses on physical training. Its strength is comparable to the peak of Daluo Jinxian, but its speed is far less." A strong Jinxian growled, telling everyone that if Chiyou chased Panwang, I'm afraid they won't be able to escape.

"You can't let him succeed. Even if you try your best, you have to stop him."

Some of the human race powerhouses who once followed Pan King, with red eyes and maddened hatred, drove the magic circle and rushed over.

Immediately, in this area, there are dozens of killing god formations, bursting with dazzling rays of light, with terrifying power.

They didn't have the slightest fear on their faces, and they desperately wanted to stop Chi You from moving forward.

Unfortunately, it was of no use. Dozens of great formations slammed into the giant and exploded. For Chi You, it was just a few sparks.


The giant didn't feel any pain or itch. Instead, he laughed loudly. After a few steps, he came to the area where King Pan was.

Immediately, this place rioted, and the demonic flames raged wildly.

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