The power of true martial arts in the body has been continuously tempered, and it has become more and more powerful.

A powerful and vast aura emerged from his body, like the Lord of Heaven and Earth, carrying infinite majesty.

"It's really going to break through. If the catastrophe comes, I'm afraid there won't be enough time."

Seeing this scene, Bai Ze frowned, the situation on the battlefield was very bad, only Kong Xuan was fighting against Chiyou, and he was still at a disadvantage.

I don't know how long it can last.

If the time to pass the tribulation is delayed, and the hidden demon Rahu has not yet appeared, it will not be a good thing for the human race.

Bai Ze wanted to take action, but he thought of Li Zhenwu's advice at the beginning, as a last resort, except for Kong Xuan, not to interfere too much.

As for Li Zhenwu's long-term thinking, in Bai Ze's opinion, the current battlefield situation will be reversed by the evil witch at any time.

As long as Kong Xuan was defeated, except Xuanyuan, no one could resist Chi You, the terrifying murderer.


Suddenly, a loud noise came, and Bai Ze's face changed drastically.

I saw the battlefield in the distance, Kong Xuan vomited blood, and there was a big pit where he was, and it was bottomless.

Obviously, even with the five-color divine light in his body, he is not a demonized Chiyou opponent.

"It's just ants, I'll send you on your way."

Chi You was extremely ruthless, and his body was covered with wounds, but under the nourishment of the magic flame, those terrifying wounds healed quickly.

It has to be said that after cultivating the magic way, the potential in the body is stimulated, and the ferocity is a mess.


In the deep pit, Kong Xuan rose to the sky, full of divine light.


The five-color divine light merged, like a divine sword that shocked the world, directly beheading the past.

After cultivating the way of true martial arts, coupled with the five-color divine light body protection, he can also fight Chi You.

But now, it is clearly still invincible.


Chi You threw out his fists and hit the five-color divine light, the monstrous demonic flames drowned in the past, wanting to wipe it out.

However, the five-color divine light touched it lightly, and immediately retreated, instead of being shaken by it.

"Well? A magical power to cut people's cultivation?"

Chi You felt that the magic flame on his body was weakened. Although there was only a trace, he could clearly sense it.

But it's still useless, he is too strong, he is not afraid at all, he is not like Xingtian at the beginning, and he is cut off for a period of cultivation.


Kong Xuan shot again, controlling the five-color divine light, and suddenly fell down.

The extremely bright light illuminated the night sky, like a rainbow, crossing the void and arriving in front of Chi You.

It's just that Chi You suffered a loss, and he didn't choose to fight head-on, but controlled the wind, fire and thunder, and smashed his head.


This area is completely destroyed.

The mountains in the main film collapsed, the earth was covered with deep pits, and the scene was terrifying.

"General Kong, hold on for a moment!"

As soon as he missed it, Kong Xuan wanted to leave the battlefield, but when he heard Bai Ze's voice transmission, he was stunned for a moment.

Chapter [-] The Yellow Emperor takes action! (Second more)


Kong Xuan was speechless, if he hadn't had the power of true martial arts and the five-color divine light to protect his body, he would have been crippled by Chi You long ago.

But Rao is so, it is still dangerous.

Just wanted to escape from the battlefield to recover, but after hearing Bai Ze's words, he turned around again and killed Chi You.

There was no hesitation at all.


With a whistle, Kong Xuan harnessed the five-color divine light and released all the people in the space from a hundred miles away.

Immediately afterwards, the splendid divine light merged to form a hazy wave, shrouding Chi You down.

"Do you still want to come?"

Seeing this, Chi You sneered, surrounded by thunder, obviously he had already prepared for the five-color divine light.

But this time he made a mistake.


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