Obviously, being trapped by Kong Xuan is a great shame for the strong Wu clan.

"Break it for me!"

Chi You screamed in the sky, and the magic flame in his body directly drowned the space.

Moreover, he became ruthless, and hit him directly with his powerful body, his body cracked and blood spattered, and he couldn't stop it for a moment.


In the end, with a bloody strike, the five-color space shattered.

Chi You was covered in blood and looked very embarrassed, but his expression became more and more indifferent.

"I want you to die!" He looked at Kong Xuan, and the wound on his body, covered by the magic flame, healed again and returned to his peak state.

Kong Xuan stood in the sky, the colorful brilliance of the sky condensed behind him and turned into five-color divine light again.

"No, you are dead." He calmed down and said lightly.

As the voice fell, a majestic breath like the ocean swept from the human race camp.

This breath is so terrifying, it is soul-sucking, as if facing the supreme existence.

"Chiyou, right? This emperor will kill you today!"

Accompanied by a cold voice, endless golden rays of light, like a tide, overwhelming the sky and sweeping towards here.

too fast!

The golden light came in the blink of an eye and collided directly with Chi You.

The ground collapsed and the mountains shattered into pieces, terrifying like the end of the day.

Chapter [-] Fierce battle! (third more)

This is?

When Xuanyuan Huangdi's voice sounded, the human army that was still fighting hard was shocked.

Everyone's heart is full of excitement.

That is the leader of the human race, and now he is the emperor, which represents the supreme glory.

Just now, they were struggling to support, but when they saw Chi You's strength, they were anxious in their hearts, and when they fought, they were no longer in their prime.

But now it's different!

Their main bones have arrived, which makes people's blood boil, and the supreme fighting spirit erupts.


Pan Wang escaped from the five-color space, only when he was not facing Chi You, he was still strong, and he was dissatisfied with the mysterious golden lines.

When there is a big witch attack, the lines on the body flicker, covering the whole body, and there is almost no damage.

This is Panwang Jinzhong Dafa. He is very talented. He has practiced the way of true martial arts. After self-improvement, he created the most suitable method for himself.

"Xuanyuan Huangdi was born, you will follow me to kill the enemy, and today will destroy the evil demons and heretics."

Jibo flipped his hands, and every time he made a shot, the enemy would be thrown into the air.

And his palms are long and slender, as white as jade, they are a pair of hands that are more delicate than a woman's, but they contain terrifying power.

At this moment, the army of the human race broke out with unprecedented fighting spirit, and the morale was high, shaking the world.

Only the dozens of Jinxian powerhouses who had objections to Xuanyuan's claim to the emperor at the beginning had ugly expressions on their faces and stood aside, feeling a little overwhelmed.

They are opponents. For their own interests, they do not want the unity of the human race, and they want to govern themselves.

Even if he joins the battlefield at this moment, he may not be forgiven by Xuanyuan, and his current position is very embarrassing.

However, the war is already heating up, and no one cares about them at all.


The air burst, forming violent air waves, countless towering trees were broken, rocks collapsed, and it was a terrifying mess.

Xuanyuan Huangdi was dressed in golden armor and looked majestic and looked down at the earth below. Chi You smashed the earth in an embarrassed manner.

"Slaughtering hundreds of cities of my human race, cruelty to the people of the world, I will settle the account with you today." He looked down at Chi You coldly, his attitude was indifferent, and he contained endless murderous intentions.

You must know that all the actions of the evil witch were caused by Chi You.

That is to say, Chi You is the original sin of evil in the words. He has always kept his identity hidden and has not made it public.

But according to the information obtained by the human race, it has long been known that he is such a person.

Known as the God of War, the existence that survived from the ancient times is very powerful. After the Lich War ended, the world's living beings have been battled without a single defeat.

This is Chi You's brilliant life, and being able to survive the Lich War is itself a manifestation of strength.

Now cultivating the magic way, it has inspired fierceness, and it is even more powerful and terrifying.

But now facing Xuanyuan Huangdi, who was proving the Tao, he was shot flying and fell to the ground. The scene was terrifying.

"Gaga, my Wu clan has always been the ruler of heaven and earth. As for your Xuanyuan, in my eyes, you are just a relatively strong ant."

Chi You stood on the ground, laughing wildly in the sky, endless demonic flames filled his body, gushing endlessly.

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