Naruto Pickup

Chapter 071

Chapter 71

Time flies quickly –

A week passed by Natsuki Tsunade.

Regarding Tsunade’s Hokage appointment, it finally came down.

On this day, the sun was shining and very lively in Konoha, and all the villagers and ninjas, one by one, wearing white clothes embroidered with fire characters on their backs, walked out of the house and continuously converged towards the Hokage Building!

Since today is Tsunade’s Hokage succession ceremony, from today onwards, Tsunade will officially be named Hokage, and the news of her becoming Hokage will also be sent from the Land of Fire to the five powers and villages in the Ninja Realm.

This will represent the complete end of Konoha’s reign under the three generations of Hokage, with a new Hokage coming to an end, along with the new policies she brings with her, and the possible impact on the ninja world.

After all, Konoha is still the first ninja village in the ninja world, and this is recognized by the entire ninja world!

On the roof of the Hokage Building, Natsuki took Hinata, Jiraiya and two Hokage advisors, plus some department heads of Konoha, as well as heads of families such as Inuga Butterfly and Hinata, all gathered here.

Tsunade, on the other hand, was wearing a fifthai Hokage’s Haori, plus a Hokage cloak, standing at the front of the crowd.

This succession ceremony was much more solemn than the hasty succession ceremony that Tsunade remembered in Natsuki’s memory!

“Natsuki-kun, Tsunade-sensei is so handsome!”

Standing beside Natsuki, Hinata looked at Tsunade’s heroic appearance and spoke.

Nodding, Natsuki whispered in approval:

“After all, it is a hero among women, Tsunade-sensei can become a female ninja leader in the entire ninja world, it is normal to have such an attitude!”

Hearing Natsuki’s words, Hinata nodded and spoke:

“Hmm! But…”

Speaking of this, Hinata turned his head to look at Natsuki.

Sensing Hinata’s eyes, Natsuki turned his head and asked:

“What’s wrong? But what? ”

Shaking his head with a smile, Hinata spoke:

“No… Nothing! ”

Retracting his gaze, Hinata looked at Tsunade’s back, and there was a word in his heart that he didn’t say-

When Natsuki-kun becomes a Hokage, he will definitely be more handsome!

In the crowd on the rooftop, Hinata Hinata looked at Hinata and Natsuki who were whispering from the corner of his eyes, and there was a faint smile on his serious face, and his good mood could be felt by the people next to him.

After faintly glancing at the youngest people here, Natsuki and Hinata, these spirits were clear in their hearts.

Hinata Hiashi gave birth to a good daughter!

These small actions are all private, and they cannot affect the inauguration ceremony of the Hokage.

Not long after, Tsunade stood in front of the Hokage building, with a smile on his face, took off the Hokage cloak above his head, and said aloud:

“From today onwards, I will govern Konoha Hidden Village-”

“Fifth generation Hokage!”

After Tsunade’s voice fell, a cheer erupted in front of the Hokage Building, followed by a shout:





Soon, such cheers sounded throughout Konoha Village, and the entire Konoha Village seemed to erupt with an unprecedented vitality.

I have to say it again –

The sacrifice of three generations of Hokage is worth it!

Listening to this cheer, Xia Mu smiled slightly, and there was a strong touch in his heart.

Becoming a Hokage may not be as helpless as he thought.

This minute, Natsuki –

I’m starting to look forward to it.


Early the next morning.

Natsuki’s house.

Bang bang!

The door of the small courtyard was knocked, and Xia Mu, who was drying his clothes, couldn’t help but turn his head and look at the door:

“Which one?”

With some doubts, Natsuki opened the door of his yard.

Nara Shikamaru was full of lazy colors, and when he saw Natsuki open the door, he spoke:

“Yo! Good morning, friends! ”

Seeing Nara Shikamaru appear, Natsuki’s face had a hint of doubt:

“Shikamaru? Come and play with me? Come on in! ”

After that, when Natsuki was about to give way, Nara Shikamaru shook his head and said:

“Although I also want to play, but not now, hurry up and change clothes, Naruto-sama summoned the two of us, it seems that there is something!”

Raising his eyebrows, Natsuki nodded and said:

“Well, I see, wait for me for three minutes!”

After speaking, Natsuki turned and walked into the house.

Three minutes later, Natsuki, who had changed his clothes, and Shikamaru, quickly left Natsuki’s house and headed towards the Hokage Building.


In the Hokage office.

Looking at the two Naka Shinobi vests set aside, Natsuki and Nara Shikamaru, I knew what Tsunade meant.

“You two, you already know, right?”

Putting down the documents in his hand, Tsunade looked at Natsuki and Nara Shikamaru with a smile and spoke:

“After discussion, in the last Chu Shinobi exam, the results and performance of the two of you were recognized by the village, so from today onwards, friends, Shikamaru, you two are a Shinka Shinobi of Konoha! Keep up the good work! ”

Hearing Tsunade’s words, Natsuki’s face was really so colored-

When Nara Shikamaru looked for him, Natsuki wondered in his heart whether he was advancing to the middle of the ranks.

Now it seems that his guess is very accurate!

Originally, Natsuki thought that Tsunade would directly promote him to Shangnin, after all, his strength was enough.

I couldn’t go straight to Shinobi, and Natsuki felt a little pity!

While thinking about it, both Natsuki and Nara Shikamaru reached out and took Tsunade’s secret technique, that is, the vest and new brace handed over by Shizune.

“It’s ugly.”

Looking at the green vest in his hand, Natsuki complained:

“Even if I were to endure, I wouldn’t wear this vest!”

Nara Shikamaru had a troublesome expression:

“Naka-ninja? Future tasks will definitely be more troublesome… Gee, trouble! ”

Hearing the words of Natsuki and Nara Shikamaru, Tsunade’s face turned dark, and Shizune’s face was holding back a smile-

Whether it is Natsuki or Nara Shikamaru, this character is quite excellent.

“You two, fuck me!”

Tsunade said unpleasantly:

“And friends, you have been idle at home for too long, and now the mechanism of the village has been restored, so from tomorrow, you who became a Zhongnin, temporarily lead the eighth class to carry out tasks, understand?”

Hearing this, Xia Mu was stunned for a moment and asked:

“Eighth shift? I know. ”

Of course this will not refuse, how could he refuse such a good thing as performing a mission with Hinata?

After receiving the letter of appointment from Naka Shinobu, Natsuki and Nara Shikamaru left the Hokage office.

Compared to the idle Natsuki, Nara Shikamaru still had to help his father, so he left first.

Natsuki looked at the time, took the Naka Shinobi vest, and went straight to the third training ground-

Advance to the middle of the Shinobu, this good news, naturally to tell Hinata and share it with her!

And tomorrow will lead the eighth class on a mission, this surprise, but also want to tell Hinata quickly.

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