Naruto Puppet Manipulator

Chapter 318 The Unexpected Orochimaru

"The Blood Ninja Village, which became famous in one fell swoop, moved out of your name, and the five countries recognized the status of the Blood Ninja Village in your face, and then things were a little beyond expectations, and the Blood Ninja Village directly began to attack Cloud. Shinobi Village, directly captured Cloud Shinobi Village, and played a unified world to establish the banner of a nation.

The Blood Ninja Village, which had always been secretly giving orders from Tsunade, suddenly lost control and ignored Tsunade's orders.

The anti-invasion started unexpectedly, and the first thing to suffer was Cloud Shinobi Village in Thunder Country. In just one day, Blood Ninja Village defeated all the defense systems of Cloud Shinobi Village and broke into Cloud Shinobi Village.

Fourth Raikage Ai, unbearable, made an angry shot, but Fourth Raikage was stopped by Kimimaro, the nominal battle commander of the Blood Ninja Village.

Ninjutsu initially opposed the Earth's Curse Seal, but the final outcome was beyond everyone's expectation. Under Shigeo's coordinated combat, Kimimaro, who was still young, forcibly killed in front of the entire Cloud Shinobi Village. The tough Fourth Raikage ended the battle between Blood Ninja Village and Cloud Shinobi Village.

And just when everyone didn't know what Kimimaro wanted to do, they went so far as to unify the Shinobi world and establish the same nation.

"This was originally Tsunade-sama's goal, but Tsunade-sama originally wanted to do it in a softer way, and now it just happens to be smoothly pushing the boat, and directly announced to join the blood ninth village, the remaining villages also immediately agreed with it, the only one who resisted. The kingdom of thunder of voice has been destroyed, so it goes without saying. At the beginning, Wanokuni was also very chaotic, and it even almost reverted to the five major kingdoms of Ninja several times, but fortunately, Second Hokage was established at this time. A series of systems and mechanisms, and several other films have also made suggestions.

"After the establishment of Wanokuni, there were six villages, as well as the previous six villages. The strongest blood ninja village was designated as the capital of Wanokuni. To commemorate you, you were bestowed the identity of the First Generation Ninja Emperor by everyone. In the election of the six villages, Lord Tsunade became the Second Generation Ninja Emperor. After so many years of efforts by Lord Tsunade, this is what Wanokuni is today."

Although I don't know what Blood Ninja Village wants to do, this is exactly the purpose of Tsunade. I immediately mobilized several other Ninja countries to respond, and this has the prototype of Wanokuni, and the current system and mechanism that are continuing are based on Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, the editor-in-chief, and other film revisions were completed. The move that revived the shadows at the beginning unintentionally contributed to the growth of the blood ninja village.

"Blood Ninja Village has always been in charge of you?"

After learning about the history between Wanokuni and Blood Ninja Village, Sasori was immediately sighed, and he didn't expect that the middle process was more responsible than Sasori believed.

It just suddenly occurred to me that when he summoned the shadows, all the shadows were enjoying life in all parts of the Ninja World, and no one was managing the Blood Ninja Village, and Tsunade had always been in Konoha. How did Shinobu Village develop to where it is today?

"Yes, the two of us plus Orochimaru. At the beginning, the blood ninth village was out of the control of Tsunade-sama. It was Orochimaru who played the banner of establishing a nation. We originally thought that he was going to take advantage of you to betray. Who knew he was still hiding in the laboratory. If you don’t come out, I sometimes said that I just helped you when you were away. You will definitely come back. The result was really hit by him.

There is an answer that Sasori didn't think of. Orochimaru turned out to be the main promoter of the development of the blood ninja village to today.

Orochimaru was experimenting here because he was forced to do so, Sasori used the sand iron laboratory to imprison him, and even used Mitarashi Anko as a threat.

Orochimaru's mind has not been put into the hidden brain exercise sand. He always has his own independent consciousness. It is reasonable to say that with such a good opportunity, normal people will definitely take the opportunity to take the blood ninth village and replace the status of the Ninja Emperor. Stand here. The highest point in the world.

However, Orochimaru did not do this. In addition to often adjusting and directing the layout and expansion of the blood ninja village, Orochimaru has always been nestled in the sand iron laboratory. Mitarashi Anko even suggested Orochimaru to leave once, but was rejected by Orochimaru. Not only did he not leave, he even helped Blood Ninja Village. This was really surprising to Sasori.

"You guys rest first, I'll meet Orochimaru."

After being silent for a long time, Sasori smiled at the three of them, and even after leaving the secret room, he appeared in the laboratory where he was.

Everything here is no longer what it was in memory. Various new equipment and facilities flooded the entire laboratory. Orochimaru was dissecting a blood relay boundary.

"Why? So those women are finished?"

As soon as Sasori appeared, Orochimaru turned his head directly back to Sasori and asked jokingly. Orochimaru had known that Mom was back with Orochimaru's ability, but Orochimaru was indifferent to this.

"Have you studied the Immortal Immortality Technique?"

After Sasori appeared, he frowned and kept looking at Orochimaru. On Orochimaru's body, Sasori always had a strange power surrounding him.

In a blink of an eye, Sasori woke up a little, Orochimaru's body hadn't had any production for so many years, and it had undergone a change! Immediately, it was full of strange and rhetorical questions.

"It's almost a bit. After having a stable experimental environment and experimental materials, the progress has improved a lot, but it is a pity that although I have found a way to immortal the body, the inner things are still slowly weakening. Look at this creation.

The corner of Orochimaru's mouth twitched, and the only thing that could detect the change in his body for the first time was exhausted. Sasori was immediately proud and nodded in disappointment.

At the same time Orochimaru stomped his feet, and immediately the sand iron in front of the two of them separated into a brand new cultivation tank. A young body was in the cultivation tank, suspended quietly.

ps: I feel a little uncomfortable today. I will go to bed first. The update at 12 o'clock in the morning may be later or directly updated tomorrow morning. Don’t wait.

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