"I'll go to the toilet first. Looking

at his expectant face, it seemed that he wanted to perform Orochimaru, who had a needle in his eyes on the spot.

Itachi said softly.


Hearing Itachi's words, Orochimaru didn't understand that Itachi didn't want to show himself ......

However, thinking of the cells that were about to arrive, Orochimaru's heart became hot, and he couldn't help but stretch out his long and pointed woman's treasure like a snake letter, and licked his lips.

Feeling Orochimaru's gaze, Itachi's pace quickened a little.

This guy is not a good person, and when he thinks of his method of abducting and selling children like a bug, Itachi is a little afraid that he will accidentally be tricked.


Walking to the toilet and shielding the perception around him with chakra, Itachi solemnly took out the scroll that was stored close to him.

Truth be told, he could get a pair of Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheels right now, but he didn't want to.

The main thing is that his pupil technique is an illusion, and Fuyue's kaleidoscope is unknown.

And the other gods who stop water are also illusion attributes.

Once genetically modified, it's definitely not as simple as one plus one.

Now that he knows that his moon reading can be effective against Kakashi, who doesn't have Uchiha bloodline and has a kaleidoscope, he really isn't sure about Obito. After all, there are intercolumnar cells in the soil. And the grade of the eyes is the same level.

As for Nagato's immortal eye, his strong pupil power alone can discourage him.

And there is a fatal flaw in monthly reading, that is, it needs others to see its own eyes.

In the original work, turn on the immortal mode and cover your eyes, and the ferret's illusion will be gone.

In an emergency, he used a forbidden technique, sacrificing an eye, and quickly pulled the pocket back to the right path.


Itachi thought as he took out a needle and pointed it at the old father's eye.

I secretly felt that I had miscalculated, and I should make some three-hook jade as a backup, after all, those two forbidden techniques were really fierce.

After extracting some cells, Itachi hurriedly dripped the potion given by the big snake pill, so as not to trouble ...... if it breaks it when the time comes

Seeing the rapid healing of the needle wound that had passed through the potion's eyes, Itachi breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the eyeballs move the needle, and it looks too terrifying.

The container was sealed again, and Itachi, who had been stored close to him, walked out of the toilet gently.

The syringe was put in his sleeve, otherwise it would be a little difficult for others to see it.


After Itachi handed the syringe to Orochimaru, Orochimaru hurriedly and carefully caught it, and then used some containers that Itachi couldn't understand to seal the syringe.

"Do you still have the cells that stop water? Whether it's hair or skin tissue, I can find his DNA, analyze it, and make a potion.

After packing up the syringe, Orochimaru said seriously.

One yard is one yard, since it is a transaction, it must be implemented carefully.

And he hasn't done it yet, and he's quite interested in research.

If he'd done this before, he really didn't have much energy.

After listening to Orochimaru's words, Itachi took out a scroll from his body.

The scroll opened, and inside were some water-stopping relics......

This is the predecessor preserved, the body of the water, the weasel did not find, so he can only go to the home of the water, search for some relics, originally planned to make a tomb for the water, but the predecessor didn't know what to think and didn't act, so he kept putting it on his own ......


"You guys have a lot of affection......"

Orochimaru whispered as he watched Itachi hold the water-stopping clothes and search for something inside his hair.

Maybe it was luck, but it really allowed Itachi to find a few short hairs.

"It's alright......"

Itachi replied softly as he handed his hair to Orochimaru.

"Hehe, Itachi-kun is really an emotional person.

Orochimaru casually took a small bottle and put it up, and then ate it into his stomach ......

"How long will it take to succeed?"

Itachi didn't tell Orochimaru to screen it when refining DNA, so as not to get other people's DNA at that time.

After all, those few hairs are likely to have other people's broken hair attached to them.

This kind of professional matter can be handled by professional people, and amateurs like yourself should not talk too much, just wait for the results.

"Itachi-kun has now signed the psychic scroll of the Dragon Cave, and then we will use snakes to send messages.

Orochimaru smiled lightly, and responded to Itachi's words with a bit of flattery......

The momentary charm made Itachi panic ...... in his heart


"I'll go first, and I'll be in touch when I'm free.

Looking at Orochimaru's face, Itachi said a little unnaturally.

Hurriedly stood up and prepared to slip away.

Orochimaru looked at the back of Itachi leaving, a little abruptly.

"It's good to be young......"

Orochimaru sat for a while, drank the wine in his glass, and got up to leave.

"My lord, please settle the wine money......"

Just as Orochimaru was about to leave, the tavern attendant stood in front of Orochimaru and said with some trepidation.

Orochimaru's vertical pupils and the murderous aura that he inadvertently emitted really made the waiters who belonged to ordinary people a little ......hairy

"Hey, didn't my companion settle the bill?"

Orochimaru was a little puzzled by the words of his teammate's waiter.

"No...... No, he said you ...... "


." Orochimaru licked his lips with his tongue, remembering the way Itachi did such a thing, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"What an interesting person...... "

Itachi walked to the place where he lived, and he wanted to pay for it just now.

Originally, I thought that he should pay for the wine bureau he grouped, but suddenly remembered the money bag, and he threw it next to the pillow and forgot to take it.

That's why he slipped away as soon as possible and committed such a shameless ......

After all, this is indeed a bit unkind.

But when I thought of a little pit for this snake uncle, I had a faint sense of accomplishment in my heart.

After all, facts aside, Orochimaru is indeed a very attractive person.


"Tuk, tuk, tuk. "

Just as Itachi had just returned to his place of residence, he had just sat down and had a cup of tea.

There was a knock at the door.

This made Itachi feel a little confused.

"Could it be that Orochimaru found this place and asked for money for wine?"

Thinking about it, Itachi was still prepared not to make the family wait, and opened the door before ......

When Itachi opened the door, Juzo's unique appearance appeared in front of Itachi's eyes.

"Shizo, what are you doing here......"

Itachi asked with some confusion as he gave up a position to Shizo and let him in the door.

"How's your chat?" Shizo

asked with some eagerness as soon as he saw Itachi close the door.

"It's okay, it's going well. I really didn't expect that my fellow was pretty good. In

response to Shizo's inquiry, Itachi walked to the table and sat down, poured a cup of tea for Shizo, and replied.


Shizang took the tea handed by Itachi and drank more than half of it in one gulp.

"It's okay if it's going well, I'm here to ask you if it's going well, if it doesn't go well, I'll help you beat him up......"

After listening to Itachi's words, Shizang made a ...... of thugs

"Hehe, then thank you

, Shizang......" Hearing Shizang's words, Itachi smiled.

In fact, as time passed, Itachi also wanted to save Shizo's life.

Itachi estimated that when he and Shizo went to the land of water to explore the three tails, it was in the past two years, so he found something to do for Orochimaru.

Let Orochimaru leave the organization early.

When the organization is short of people, Obito should let the oni shark play in advance and replace Orochimaru's position. Be a companion with the Red Sand Scorpion.

The tragedy of Shizang should never happen again.

And as soon as this butterfly effect moves, it is very likely that Deidara, who is less than twelve years old, will not be persecuted, and will be his Tokage and marry his junior sister.

Of course, all this is up to Orochimaru's current thoughts, but there is a high probability that it will be carried out according to his ideas.

[Brothers and sisters, the old wine on the street is pitiful, give a five-star praise, love to generate electricity...... Hmmm!].

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