"Ninjutsu is used to break tricks and have an advantage, not to create flaws like you. "

A huge flaming lion rushed at the weasel.

The voice of the weasel stayed in place, floating in the air.

And the figure has long been missing.

"Evil Uchiha imp, you know what!" Looking

at the death of his companion, one of the remaining members of the shadow department had a trace of sadness in his eyes, and some angry roar.

A mouthful of fire gushed out of his mouth again.

He's going to burn all the annoying trees around him so that this little imp has nowhere to hide.

At this time, his heart was a little confused.

Two elites, one of whom was killed by an imp, and opened his mouth to mock.

This made him, who originally didn't look down on Itachi, very angry.


"There are a lot of chakras, and there are a lot of ninjutsu, is this move next......"

Itachi's figure appeared in front of the shadows at some point, watching the shadows quickly form a seal.

Itachi stood faintly in place.

Quietly watched each other's seals.

And just as the other party was about to finish, Itachi opened his mouth.

A mouthful of molten fire erupted from Itachi's mouth.

The target is the dark part of the seal that is ready to release the ninjutsu.


The people in the shadows had seen this little ghost, and they dared to walk in front of them, and looked at themselves so contemptuously.

I was angry, and the seal in my hand was a little faster, breaking through my limit.

Angry, he was ready to burn this little devil who didn't know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth into black charcoal.

didn't think for a long time that this little ghost had no trace of the seal, and he actually released the ninjutsu ...... one step ahead of him

"Demon magic?" At

this point, his movements froze, and his mouth muttered.

The eyes were full of disbelief.



Itachi's figure walked out from behind the shadows, and the long sword configured in the shadows stabbed directly into the heart of the shadows.

The screen turns.

At this time, the dark part is staring blankly ahead.

Pupils dilated.

A bloody tip appeared on his chest.

At this time, where are the traces of fire escape released on the battlefield.

It's just that when he was repelled by the Itachi, he fell for the illusion......


Draw your blood-stained sword and bring out a pool of blood.

The corpse of the shadow was lying on its back to the ground.

Itachi shook the blood off his sword.

Then he squatted down a little unpleasantly, and wiped the long sword in his hand in a relatively clean place in the dark robe.

I remembered the scene of the battle just now.

After a few moments, he stood up.

Turn and leave.

There was only one sigh left in the air.

"Who says if you don't look into my eyes, you won't fall for illusion. What a naïve idea...... "


." As a genius Itachi, after understanding that as an Uchiha clan, no one would look at his eyes stupidly in battle, so he had already studied a set of illusions.

This set of illusions is slightly complicated, but it also breaks through the defect that others will not fall for illusions if they don't look at their eyes.

But this ninjutsu is not yet perfect.

There are too many prelude mediums, and it is a little difficult to pull the other party into the illusion unconsciously.

After all, when fighting against people of the Uchiha clan, the enemy will always be on guard to prevent themselves from falling for illusions.


"Itachi-kun, are you still having fun?" Looking

at the young man who appeared in front of him, especially the conspicuous scratches on the forehead of the other ninja, the hideous face under the soil mask was torn and smiled.

"I'm very happy, it's just a little insufficient, and it's still far away......"

Itachi replied softly as he looked at the masked man wearing yellow in front of him.

The tone is flat.

"Let's go, let's go to your organization. Looking

at Obito stunned, Itachi spoke softly, unquestionable.

Originally, when he heard that the weasel seemed to have changed somewhat, Obito was slightly stunned.

Then he heard Itachi's undoubted words, and the doubts in Obito's eyes became even worse.

He felt that the weasel at this time seemed to be a completely different person.

The previous Itachi belonged to the kind of calm and reserved people.

At this time, how did the weasel feel a kind of arrogance? Arrogant and domineering?

Obito shook his head and suppressed the doubts in his heart.

He couldn't figure out how the weasel had become such a ...... after only a few hours


Then he thought of the current Itachi, who was only twelve years old.

It's normal to find yourself strong and become a little inflated.

Thinking about the young self at the beginning, even learned a heroic fireball, it was the first posture in the world of labor and management, eager to try, full of aggressive eyes, and wanted to find someone to be a target and bake a skewer for each other.

Thinking of this, Obito suddenly became in a bad mood and didn't say a word.

He remembered a young figure ......

"Lynn, wait, I'll create a world with you again...... The world without you, I don't identify with ......"

Obito roared in the bottom of his heart.

At this moment, his heart was not comfortable.


The two hurried away without saying a word, leaving only the figures of one after the other.

Losing interest in conversation, Obito, who is silent in his inner world, feels that everything is not interesting.

And the ferret is also quietly rushing on the road, looking at the surrounding scenery from time to time.

The occasional wars have not destroyed this beautiful landscape.

Even if there are traces of destruction, they have been covered up over time.

It's as if everything is just painless.

After the hearty battle, it all seemed so good.


Of course, there are some minor flaws in this.

That is, the weasel felt that his eyesight had deteriorated a lot.

For a period of time in the future, it is likely that the appearance of the outside world will become more and more blurred.

That's why the ferret is interested in appreciating all this ......

Soon a touch of morning light slowly rose from the sky, and the white clouds in the sky seemed to be roasted into golden barbecue ...... by the sun

At this time, the sun has not yet appeared.

Seeing this scene, Itachi only felt a little hungry ......


"That ......"

Itachi thought of this, and his footsteps stopped, and he braked the car steadily.

Hearing Itachi's voice, Obito stopped and looked back at Itachi with some confusion.

"What's wrong?"

Obito asked, confused.

It seems that the mood has recovered, and there is no longer the appearance that no one should enter.

Of course, judging all this can only be judged from Obito's tone.

After all, Obito wears a mask, and Itachi doesn't have the ability to see through the mask.

"Well, I'm hungry. Let's catch some cute little animals and roast them...... "

Recalling Itachi's life, he loves sweets, but he has suffered all his life.

I have to take good care of myself when I cross by myself, and I resolutely can't let myself live like the original book.


"Troublesome little imp......"

heard Itachi's words, and Obito muttered softly.

Then there was a rumbling in ......

stomachIn this quiet early morning, it was a little harsh.

The face under the earthy mask flashed a few flushes quickly.

It's a pity that the ferret can't see this wonderful scene, and can only sigh in his heart that this guy is a little thick-skinned.

The stomach is demolished, and you can still be silent.

Then the two of them opened the three-hook jade writing wheel eye and began to hunt.

With the writing wheel eye, he ...... probe the subtle traces of small animals in the grass

"How could it be so early...... Small animals.

Thinking of the barbecue that Itachi talked about, Obito swallowed a little unhappily.

The eyes under the mask swept around ......


Itachi sat against the edge of the tree and looked at Obito who was busy.

He searched for a while, but found no trace of the animal, and felt a little bored, so he began to be lazy.

Looking at Obito, who looks like a hunter, Itachi crosses Erlang's legs and holds a weed in his mouth.

His eyes were a little misty......

At this time, the ferret is a bit like going back to the 21st century, sometimes middle two, hot-blooded, lazy nature.

Obito is still going to use him now, and it won't be against him, so he loosened his tense nerves slightly.

Quietly enjoy the beautiful ...... of life


"Annoying little ghost ......"

came back with two processed small animals in his hand, and when he saw the lazy Itachi, he was unhappy for a while, and whispered softly in his mouth.

resisted the urge to slap this little ghost to death in his heart, and kept silently thinking in his heart, this little ghost is still useful, and ...... useful

"Little ghost, go pick up some branches and come back......"

Seeing that the weasel was still in a daze, Obito suppressed the depression in his heart and said quietly.

Itachi's pupils begin to focus, and he looks at the figure of the prey in front of his eyes.

"Good ......"

Itachi stood up and patted his pants on his buttocks, stained with dew and dust.

Then he turned and left.


Look at the ferret who has gone away.

The center of the eyebrows under the Obi-earth mask.

"How can this little ghost be like having multiple personalities, and which one is his real character?"

Obito thought to himself......

"Gollum ......"

the stomach made a dissatisfied sound again.

Obito came back to his senses.

"Why hasn't this little ghost come back yet?"

Obito sat on the ground, carrying the bloody prey, a little irritable.


"I found something interesting to put in the belly of my prey and it would be better when the time came.

Itachi's figure appeared in front of Obito.

Then he bent down and placed the dead branch on the ground.

Then he sat on the ground without an image and took out some of the spices he found from his arms.

Carefully tinkering.

"Little ghost, are you Konoha so corrupt now? It's good to have raw food and food pills to eat, and you are so particular?"

Obito looked at the grinding and chirping Itachi and said impatiently.


"A task is a task, life is a life......"

Itachi replied lightly when he heard Obito's somewhat sarcastic words.

Looking at the Itachi who answered the question while tinkering with the strange plants, Obito did not speak again.

Hands began to seal, and a small fire spat on the dead branches piled up in front of him.

Seeing the branches being lit, Obito's mood was slightly better.

"I really don't know what kind of person you are, you killed your parents last night, slaughtered your whole clan, and today it's like nothing happened.

Obito was in a slightly good mood, and some sneering sarcastic weasels vented their dissatisfaction in their hearts.

The ears are also waiting for Itachi's answer.

He constantly portrayed the character of the Itachi in his mind and collected information about the Itachi.

And the weasel is constantly overthrowing his own character, which makes him a little helpless.


"Don't you still call yourself Madara Uchiha?

Hearing Obito's words, Itachi responded lightly, and the scene from last night came to mind.

The action of cutting the branches with the soil is slightly paused.

"Betrayed me, stupid people......"

The scene quieted down again, and the atmosphere that was quite harmonious just now was vividly destroyed through words to expose each other's wounds and stab each other.

The two actors acted against each other, and through close contact, they collected each other's intelligence.

"I'll leave it to you......"

Obito stopped cutting the wood in his hand and threw the straight branch to Itachi.

Then lie on the ground with your hands behind your head.

Staring blankly at the sky.

It's as if the defense has been broken by a ferret.


The branch landed beside the ferret.

Itachi didn't take the branch, but his eyes turned blood-red.

A kaleidoscope appears in the eye sockets.

Black flames appear on Obito's body.

As soon as I made a shot, it was Amaterasu!


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