In Rain Hidden Village, on the top floor of the tower, Naruto sipped hot tea while reading the scroll he had just acquired.

"Thunder Chakra mode, B-level ninjutsu, the same level as the shadow clone, but not because it is weak, because although it is not difficult to master, for the vast majority of ninjas, the actual combat effect is mediocre, yes, for the vast majority of ninjas..."

Naruto paused, put down the teacup: "In other words, both are for the very few ninjas who have a 'huge chakra'."

Xiao Nan stepped forward and refilled Naruto's cup of tea, with a slightly playful tone: "For example, a ninja like you, who drives dozens of psychic beasts and a big ninja village around in the middle of the night without panting, right?" Naruto

raised his eyes and said, "Sister Xiaonan, I know you're joking, but you at least smile... Having said that, I've never seen Sister Xiaonan smile.

Xiao Nan thought carefully, "Yes, how do I remember, I laughed so many times?"

Naruto scratched his head, "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention... So, can you laugh at me

?" Xiao Nan hesitated, "Is it an order as the 'chief'?"

"Ahem..."Naruto coughed twice and said, "Sort of."

"Since it's an order, well.

Xiao Nan placed the teapot on the table.

Naruto sipped his tea, staring intently at Konan.

"Whew. I saw that Xiao Nan took a deep breath, raised his hands, patted his face, and then grabbed the corners of his mouth on both sides and pulled out a smile.

"Poof...!" Naruto couldn't help it, and a sip of tea squirted: "What's that, do you smile manually?I'm sorry Sister Xiaonan, it's so funny!" "

Let me laugh deliberately, I really can't laugh..." Xiao Nan put down his hand and looked at Naruto's hearty laughter, and a shallow smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

After the episode, Xiao Nan put away the finished tea set, and said, "It's almost time to rest, didn't you sleep last night?"

Naruto said, "I'm not sleepy."

Xiao Nan looked at the scroll on the table: "Then are you going to strike while the iron is hot and practice this ninjutsu?"

Naruto said, "It's easy to master it, it's just a matter of one night, but before that, I still have to complete a foreshadowing work."

Little Nanna's eyes were curious: "Oh, what kind of foreshadowing..."

Naruto looked at the rain curtain outside the tower with a deep gaze: "I want to master

the 'Purple Electricity' first!" Xiao Nan frowned slightly, thinking about the memory, but he didn't have the slightest impression of the 'Purple Electricity': "Purple Electricity, how come I have never heard of this kind of thunder escape?"

Naruto supported his chin with the back of his hand and said in a low voice: "Sister Xiaonan, I have shown you the memories of the future, but many details are not included in those memories.

"In the Fourth Shinobi War, we worked together to seal Kaguya, and Kakashi Kakashi Hachiki also lost his Sharingan in that battle.

Xiao Nan pondered: "Kakashi Hagi is famous in the ninja world for Rachel who cooperates with the Sharingan, and losing the Sharingan is probably a devastating blow to the strength..."

Naruto smiled: "Yes, but after that, he became the sixth generation Hokage of Konoha, which was not obtained by seniority, but by real strength."

"In the years after the end of the war, he found another way to extend the nature of Lei Dun, and the killing weapon of 'purple lightning' came into being. "

The power of purple lightning is beyond imagination, even if it doesn't have a high-speed sprint like 'Rachel', it can exert a power far beyond Rachel, so there is no longer a need to write a wheel eye to cooperate with it, Kakashi's strength even surpasses that of the past..."

Xiao Nan asked: "What conditions?" Naruto

said: "First, although I have the thunder attribute, I am not good at using the thunder escape, this point is good to say, it can be overcome by practice, the real thing is the second point, I do not have the 'yin escape' change of chakra, [Note: Yin escape is not equal to yin and yang escape, there is an essential difference between the two]

" Xiao Nan said: "Then now, is there it?".

Naruto raised his left hand and covered his right eye: "Yes, the power of the Uchiha is the ultimate of Yin Escape, the Writing Wheel Eye that stops water, in addition to the pupil power of other gods, it also gives me the only 'Yin Escape' that I lacked before, and now that the conditions are ripe, it's time to master the Thunder Escape that I am not good at, and improve it to the level of 'Purple Electricity' in one breath!"

Xiao Nan said: "But you said that it took several years for Kakashi Hagi to develop Purple Electricity~."

Naruto smiled: "Development is development ~ Learning is learning ~ My father also spent several years developing the Spiral Pill, but it only took me a week to really master it... Besides, in terms of cultivation, I still have a unique 'advantage', that's right... That's the shadow clone technique!

" Xiao Nan's expression was slightly helpless: "So, is it another sleepless night tonight?"

Naruto got up and said, "Yes, but Xiao Nan, don't accompany me in the rain, lest you fall ill with a fever again."

There was a flickering strangeness in the depths of Xiao Nan's eyes, she gently flicked the flowing sea, and returned to her usual coldness.

She deliberately emphasized: "The reason why I have a fever is not because of the rain, but because I use too many paper clones, increase the consumption of chakra and the degree of rain, so I have a fever..."

No, when dawn comes, I'm used to it, and it's almost enough to sleep for an hour every day. "

Alright then..."

Naruto smiled helplessly, and the fire cloud suit screeched as he leaped down from the tower.

Xiao Nan looked at Naruto's figure falling in the rain, and thought to himself: "Naruto, you are the bridge that guards the future of the ninja world and hope, I didn't protect the two of them in the past, so this time, whatever I say, I must also become the pillar that supports your bridge!"

Naruto's hands sealed.


the pouring rain, nearly a thousand shadow clones appeared in the white smoke.

"Although after the war, I also practiced the changes outside of the wind escape, but for the thunder escape, I am still unexpectedly not very good at it, so use this trick, let's master the thunder escape first...!"


body, after forming a series of seals, held his left wrist with his right hand.


fierce thunder and lightning wrapped around Naruto's

left hand and hissed like a

thousand birds!Naruto's shadow clones followed suit!


!!!For a while, the hiss of the 'thousand' birds intertwined with the night

!Naruto vished and said, "Tell Simina [Okay everyone]~ First of all, the 'Chidori' will be so skilled that you don't need to seal it!!"

Shadow clones, respond enthusiastically

~!"One can swish

wow yo~~~~!!" "Dry daddy wow yo

~~~!!" "Please call me Uzumaki Kakashi~~~!!" "Please call me Uzumaki Sasuke~~~!!"

Coincidentally, tonight, it's another sleepless night...

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