Naruto: Sakura Blizzard

Chapter 1 Greetings from the narrow space of time

"Sakura, get up for breakfast..."

"Okay, mom..."

Hearing the sound from outside the bedroom, Haruno Sakura got up from the bed, rubbed her eyes, and then started dressing and washing.

It's been four years since I traveled to this world. From a ignorant baby when she was just born, to a little loli with pink hair and green eyes, Haruno Sakura already knew that she had traveled to which world.

Naruto, a very popular anime in the previous life, at that time, as an anime lover, I kept chasing it until the finale, and then I started chasing 'Naruto Ninja Next Generation - Bo Ren Chuan', but I was idle one day. When I was bored and rewatched the movies of the Marvel series on the Internet, it was dark without any warning, and when I woke up again, it had become a newborn baby.

At the very beginning, Haruno Sakura was both confused, forced and collapsed. Although her parents died early due to an accident in her previous life, she still has many friends. I am afraid that those friends will be very sad when she suddenly travels through this time. Bar.

However, under the careful care of her parents in this life, Haruno Sakura gradually let go of her heart. Since things have already happened, there is no point in regretting it. Instead of reminiscing about the past all day, it is better to start a new one life.

Not long after she was the same, when she was being held by her parents while shopping, she accidentally saw a scene that shocked her whole body. On the tall mountain wall, the sculptures of four heads were clearly visible.

It wasn't until then that she realized that she might have crossed into the world of Hokage, and then, after she knew the name of her life, she was even more certain.

Haruno Sakura, the heroine of the world of Naruto, a female ninja who inherited the name of Sannin. During the war, even the first Hokage Senju Hashimura praised her, and she was also a girl whom the male protagonist Naruto Uzumaki liked all his life, but later he married the person he first liked - Sasuke Uchiha.

Thinking back on the life of Haruno Sakura in the original novel, Sakura couldn't help but feel a little headache. In the early days, Kakashi Kakashi led the team. Unfortunately, he is not a good candidate to be a teacher at all. Most of the time They all set their sights on Sasuke Uchiha. He didn't even teach the orphans of his teacher. Fortunately, Kakashi has a very good character. For his companions, even if he tried his best, he would protect them. .

In the later stage, I finally worshipped a master, but as the fifth-generation Hokage, I was too busy to die, not to mention that Qianshou Tsunade was still a gambler and an alcoholic, and there was not much time to teach her, and most of the time I depended on it. Haruno Sakura learns knowledge from books by himself, and then Chiju Tsunade guides the key points.

Relying on his own unremitting efforts, he stumbled along the way, but without the inheritance of family secret techniques or bloodline plug-ins, he became the new Sannin by relying on the attributes of the scholar.

However, although the strength of Haruno Sakura in the later period is very good, and even the strongest among the female ninjas of the same period, but unfortunately, two of his classmates are the two leading protagonists. Compared with them, they can only It is said to be a sky and an underground.

As for her future, Sakura really doesn't know what to do. At present, she can only endure the school step by step, then graduate, and finally take Qianshou Tsunade as her teacher. With a body, he is very proficient in Chakra manipulation. You can work hard in this direction when you go to school. At least you have to lay the foundation first, and you can't waste too much time like the original book.

Just when Sakura was about to open the door and go out, the moment she held the door handle, she found that the whole world had changed, she was no longer in the bedroom, but came to a very strange space.

In the dark space, there are countless light spots of different colors floating. A large number of light spots form a nebula-like thing. There are countless light spots. Similarly, these nebulae are also countless, and the whole space is like a nebula. It is the same as the photos of outer space that I have seen in my previous life, and I am standing in the middle of countless nebula with both feet in the air.

"Where is this? Mind space?"

For some reason, the name suddenly popped into Sakura's mind. Just when Sakura wondered why she suddenly appeared here, six light groups suddenly appeared in front of her. After the light dissipated, she left behind. It is six crystals that are as dazzling and flawless as gems.

After the gem appeared, in front of his eyes, a page of letter paper appeared out of thin air.

"Hello dear traveler, we are very sorry for your accidental travel due to our staff's misoperation. After punishing the staff, in order to make up for your troubles, we have specially prepared six The Infinity Stones are used as compensation. The gems come from the Marvel Universe. I believe you have heard of them. At the end of the letter, I hope you can live a happy new life! ] [ps: The dangerous soul in the soul gem has been removed, you can use it with confidence]”


Seeing the letter dissipating in the air, Sakura couldn't help but raised her head and sighed. She didn't expect that she would be traversed because of an operation error, but fortunately, the time was still pretty good, and she knew that she would take the initiative to give it to herself. Compensation, and she directly brought six Infinity Stones to herself, but she always felt as if she had heard of the name Toshino Hatsuma somewhere.

Infinity Stones, from the Marvel universe, in the Marvel movie, the tyrant who collected six Infinity Stones wiped out half of the life in the universe with a snap of his fingers. They are almost the oldest things in the Marvel universe, and they are almost the same. The most powerful thing.

There are six Infinity Stones in total, which are purple power stones, which allow users to master and control all the power and energy they try to master. It supports other gems and enhances their effects. Using this gem, users can even copy all physical superpowers, and make their physical attack and defense capabilities invincible. The person who uses the gem can have almost the strongest energy in the universe, even the slightest release can release a shock wave of energy that knocks down a large number of enemies, and the maximum power can even cause an energy explosion that destroys a planet.

The green time gem, this gem allows the user to reach any point in time, whether it is the distant past or the distant future, using this power to watch or experience any era. If the user has a wealth of knowledge, more things can be done, even manipulating time and cause and effect. This makes it possible to use the gem as a weapon, throwing enemies and the world into an infinite time loop.

The blue space gem, using this gem, people can move themselves or all objects to any space at will in an instant. You can also distort or reorder the space arbitrarily according to your own will. Therefore, the abilities of space teleportation and space stillness are as simple as breathing in front of the Space Stone. At the same time, it also contains enormous energy.

An orange soul gem, this gem has the ability to steal, manipulate, or modify souls. Gems can not only control living souls, but even undead can be commanded by them. This gem is also very dangerous because it has some independent self-awareness and has a hungry soul. But ironically, this gem is essentially the entrance to a small universe of idyllic beauty.

The red reality gem, with this gem one can realize any dream. All scientific codes and laws of nature are meaningless before it, because it can modify them at will. The Reality Stone is not only a fantasy that can be created without distinction from reality, it can be completely turned into reality as long as the user wishes.

The yellow mind gem allows the user to enter the mind of other people, and also allows all dreams, thoughts and ideas to enter the user's brain. It enhances mental strength and increases psychic abilities. Even with other gems enhancing their powers, this gem can simultaneously enter the mind of everything that exists. Even a slight touch can change the mind of the user according to the user's wishes. At the same time, the Soul Stone itself also contains a huge amount of energy.

Recalling the information about the Infinity Stones in her mind, Sakura only felt that her future was bright. When she was excited, the six Infinity Stones connected to her heart suddenly radiated light, and the terrifying power spread from the stones.

"Huh, no, stop for me..."

In front of this power that can destroy the universe, Xiao Sakura, the master, feels that she is as small as an ant, but fortunately these six gems are now completely obeying her command. He regained his calm in an instant, and re-suspended in front of Sakura, quietly emitting a faint light.

A familiar envelope suddenly appeared and opened it in front of Sakura.

"I forgot to mention it just now, because these six Infinity Stones have very terrifying power, and your own power is too weak, so please be careful when using it, once the power used exceeds the load of your body, Then your body will collapse because it can't bear it. Although the soul gem can protect your soul from dying, I believe you don't want to feel the feeling of death. The stability of your own emotions, the infinite gems are connected to your soul, if the emotional fluctuations are too large, it is likely to cause the power of the gems to run wild, thereby destroying the whole world. I believe you will not want to see such a result. Finally, the matter is finished, wish you a happy life】"

"In the narrow time, you bunch of scumbags, this girl is going to work hard with you..."

In the space like the universe starry sky, there was a mad scream from Sakura.

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