Naruto: Sakura Blizzard

Chapter 321 Shuhe's Slimming Diary 【Part 2】

"Let's go after him, Gaara might be in danger if we go too late!"

Temari impatiently chased after Karin's direction, and Sasuke, Karin, and Kankuro followed quickly.

In the middle of a group of ninjas in Kusanagi Village, a huge box stands there. No one knows what material the box is made of, but these people in Kusanagi Village know that this place is called the Land of Bliss. The quality of the box is very strong, no matter what method they use, they can't open it, only when they input chakra, they can feel that the box of bliss will have some reactions.

In view of this, and the people of Kusanagi Village consulted some historical materials, they finally came to the conclusion that this box needs a lot of chakra offerings to truly exert its power.

Originally, Cao Ninja Village’s plan was to take advantage of the position in the Ghost Lamp City to secretly send the prisoners locked in the Ghost Lamp City into the Bliss Box, hoping to use this terrazzo to slowly start the Bliss Box, and then When the chakra reaches the critical point, make a wish to the box of bliss to achieve the goal of ruling the entire world.

However, not long ago, the people from Shayin Village came to Caoren Village, hoping to pull them together to attack Konoha, and a group of high-level officials in Caoren Village agreed after discussing it, but There is one condition, that is one tail chakra.

For this condition, the elders of Shayin Village agreed almost without thinking about it. Yiwei Jinzhuli is the son of Luo Sha, who is also a member of the Fengying family, and he has no relationship with their elders. It's just sacrificing Yiwei, and the tailed beast won't really die. At worst, it would be fine to catch it back when Yiwei Shuhe is reborn.

The senior officials of Cao Ninja Village did not tell Sand Hidden Village why they want a guarding crane. The Bliss Box is the secret of Cao Ninja Village, and no one can tell it.

And the moment Yao Shidou activated the illusion, the ninja of Kusanagi Village, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately snatched Gaara away, and then rushed towards the place where the box of bliss was placed without stopping.

Gaara, who was briefly controlled by the people of Kusanagi Village with illusions, lay on the ground, and the Chakra on her body was continuously absorbed by the Box of Elysium under the control of Kusanagi Village's senior management. Airo's body continued to flow out, and the aura emanating from the Bliss Box became stronger and stronger.

"Very good, the Tailed Beast Chakra is really strong enough, judging from this level, the box of bliss can be opened soon..."

A group of senior executives of Kusanagi Village with masks on their faces were all staring at the Box of Elysium, their tone very excited.

"Wuwei, when the box of bliss is opened, you will make a wish to let Cao Ninja Village rule the world, did you hear me?"

A high-level grass ninja village looked at a middle-aged man standing aside with an expressionless face.

"I know..." Wuwei, the lord of Ghost Lamp City, nodded, looking at the box of bliss with a hint of sadness in his eyes. He even threw his own son into it just to open the box for an unknown purpose. .

Thinking of this, although the expression on Wuwei's face didn't change at all, the hands under the sleeves were quietly clenched. He didn't want to make any wish to rule the world, he just wanted his son to come back.

"The people from Konoha's side are chasing after them, two of them are Konoha's little ghosts, and the other two are the children of the Fourth Kazekage of Sand Hidden Village, who are also the older brothers and sisters of this Izuo Jinchuriki..."

A grass ninja village ninja jumped out and knelt on one knee to report.

"The opening of the Bliss Box will take some time, send someone to kill them, don't let them get in the way..."

A group of grass ninja village executives gave orders without hesitation. Now is a critical moment, and they all chose to put all their eggs in one basket. If their plan is destroyed at this critical moment, all efforts will be in vain.


Kusanagi Murakami, who was kneeling on one knee, responded, and led a group of people towards the direction Sasuke and the others came from.

"Someone is coming this way..."

Xianglin suddenly raised her head and looked straight ahead, Kagura's heart and eyes were fully activated. "There are eight people in total, judging by their Chakra, they should all be Junin!"

"The three of you stay together, take care to protect yourself..."

Sasuke stopped, and put his right hand on the handle of the knife behind his back. The Sangouyu Sharingan opened instantly, staring straight ahead with a solemn expression.

"Can you handle it by yourself?" Temari asked, frowning.

"If you can't handle it, you have to deal with it. This is the task she entrusted to me. If you can't finish it, I guess I'm doomed..."

The corners of Sasuke's mouth twitched unnaturally, he dared not be dissatisfied with the task that Sakura sent, that person is a devil, he should be obedient as a mortal.

"Also, don't underestimate Uchiha's power too much. The reputation of Sharingan has never been blown out, but bit by bit..."

In addition to the pressure, Sasuke's heart is full of fighting spirit. Since he opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, he has never really used this power, and he has never experienced anything The life-and-death battle, today is regarded as a life-and-death experience.


Suddenly, Sasuke let out a low cry, the three-wheeled Gouyu in his eyes turned slightly, and the right hand drew the knife out of its sheath instantly, and slashed towards his right front.


Sparks flew, and the figure of a ninja from the Kusanagi village appeared in front of Sasuke's right. The kunai in his hand blocked Sasuke's dagger, and there was unconcealable astonishment in his eyes.

"Iron can conduct electricity, next time you fight, learn physics well..."

The corner of Sasuke's mouth was lifted slightly, and a few handprints were formed on his left hand. In the palm of his right hand, a ball of lightning suddenly erupted. The thunder and lightning began to spread along the short knife in his hand. In the blink of an eye, it had already spread to the ninja of Kusanagi Village.


The ninja of the grass ninja village let out a cry of pain, and the skin on many places on his body was burnt, but there was no danger to his life.

"Worthy of being a descendant of the Uchiha clan, Sharingan really deserves its reputation!" A man's voice came from the woods, and then seven ninjas wearing Kusanagi Village's forehead protection came out of the woods, and the person who spoke was A man at the front.

"It's not easy to have Sangouyu Sharingan at such a young age!"

The leading man applauded lightly and said, but then he looked at Xianglin with sharp eyes, and a murderous look flashed in his eyes.

"Xianglin, I didn't expect that you would dare to betray Cao Ninja Village. It seems that we were too tolerant of you before, which made you have thoughts that you shouldn't have!"

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