Naruto: Sakura Blizzard

Chapter 59 Ability is in chaos [Part 2] [Third]

Kakashi and the others have shown their abilities, and now only Uchiha Itachi is left.

"I don't know how to describe it. This is what I found out when I was on a mission last time. During the battle, I can see what the enemy will do in the next second!"

Uchiha Itachi frowned. The first time he discovered this ability was during the last mission. Uchiha Itachi, who had just discovered that he could see the enemy's next attack in the next second, was almost injured because of his surprise, but he was used to it. Later, I found that this ability is really useful. I can predict what the opponent will do in the next second. When fighting, I can take the lead in making a response plan, such as avoiding the opponent's upcoming attack, or launching directly on the path of the target's dodging. attack.

"Predict future?!"

Xiao Sakura is really shocked now. The ability to predict the future is completely a bug. What you want to do in the next second in battle, the opponent can completely know, whether it is attacking or dodging, the opponent Being able to take the lead in responding means that your battle rhythm is completely controlled by others.

"It should be!" Uchiha Itachi nodded, then looked at Sakura and said, "As long as I want to, I can see what everyone wants to do next second, except you, I can't see yours. future."

"You better stop thinking about me, I'm the special one!" Of course Sakura knew what was going on, and predicting the future belonged to the ability of time, but she had a time gem on her body that could control time. Not to mention that Uchiha Itachi can only see the world in a second now, even if he can see the world in a thousand years, it is useless.

"Is that so?!" Uchiha Itachi thought for a while, and also understood that their ability originally came from Sakura, and it was normal for them to not work.

Except for Kakashi and the others who are a little older, among Sakura and the others, only Hinata's ability has appeared, and the others have not changed, but according to Neji , his Baiyan pupil strength has become much stronger, and his observation power has become stronger than before. Hinata also noticed the change in Baiyan, but she just thought it was a normal situation, so she didn't tell anyone.

Shouldn't this be the rhythm of Baiyan's evolution? Sakura secretly guessed in the bottom of her heart that she knew about the evolution of White Eyes - Tenseigan, but according to the theatrical description of the previous life, Tenseisen requires pure White Eyes and the blood of the Otsutsuki family or after the fusion of a large number of White Eyes. can be produced.

"By the way, about this ability, everyone must remember to keep it a secret, once it is known to others, it will lead to death!"

Xiao Sakura had to remind everyone that it's okay for them to discuss here now. Anyway, the surrounding space was cut off by her, so she couldn't get out the voice or anything. The Anbu who was in charge of stalking in the dark didn't know what they were discussing. What, but she can't keep everyone here forever. Once the news about the ability spreads, it will definitely attract a large wave of coveted people, not to mention anything else, that crazy old man in Danzo Will definitely attack them.

Kakashi and others also nodded solemnly. They all knew what their ability to have powerful power without consuming Chakra represented. That is the power that the whole world will long for, if it is known by others. , then waiting for them in the future will only be endless pursuit.

But Uchiha Itachi was extremely complicated at this time. Thinking of what Danzo recently found out about himself, and the man with the one-eyed mask, if what they said was true, then the ninja world would have to say it again. Trapped in war.

"Big Brother Itachi, what's wrong with you?!"

Seeing that Uchiha Itachi was obviously in a state of distraction, and her eyes were full of worry, Sakura was a little puzzled. What could make Uchiha Itachi show such an anxious mood at this time? !

"Ah, nothing, just thinking of the recent missions!"

The smile on Uchiha Itachi's face was reluctant, but he didn't tell anyone those thoughts.

"oh, I see……"

Sakura pondered, the Uchiha genocide happened when Sasuke was seven years old in the original work, and this year Sasuke is five years old, which means that in more than a year, it will be time for Uchiha to be exterminated in the original work. , And the current Uchiha Itachi should have been in contact with Danzo, and Uchiha Obito, whose alias is Uchiha Madara, should have also been in contact with Uchiha Itachi, or else just rely on Danzo, Uchi Bo Wee didn't show such an expression yet.

It's just that Sakura's doubts deepened. The current Uchiha clan is different from the original. The Uchiha clan in the original book did not make any changes, but under the exclusion and oppression of Konoha, almost most All the clansmen had the idea of ​​rebellion, which allowed Danzo to find an excuse to destroy the Uchiha clan.

However, after the current Uchiha clan took the initiative to make changes, the relationship with Konoha has eased a lot. Whether it is Konoha civilians or major families, the impression of the Uchiha clan has been greatly improved, especially The commoners in Konoha Village are especially welcome to the high-value Uchiha family. Young and beautiful Uchihas like Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi have a large number of backups in Konoha Village. group.

And the people of the Uchiha clan also enjoy this feeling of being sought after. Even the group of Uchiha clansmen who had the idea of ​​rebellion in the past, there are many people who have abandoned the dark and the bright, and gave up the idea of ​​rebellion. So far, Uchiha has In the clan, the only ones who are still not giving up are the elders who are old and unable to eat the past. Those old stubborn people still refuse to give up their previous ideas, and even regard the Uchiha clan who has made changes as a betrayal of Uchi. Waves of glory to people.

Thinking of the elders of the Uchiha clan, Xiao Sakura's heart rang abruptly. If she guessed correctly, Danzo's excuse would probably come from these elders of the Uchiha clan.

Sakura didn't tell others about these speculations. After all, it's useless to say this by herself. It's better to wait until Danzo makes a move, and go straight and completely break his tricks.

However, Sakura did not take some precautions, such as Uchiha Shisui.

"Brother Zhishui, come here!"

After calling Uchiha Shisui over, Sakura secretly carved two runes on Uchiha Shisui's hands and wrists. The runes disappeared in a flash, and no one noticed, including Uchiha Shisui himself. clear.

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