Naruto: Sakura Blizzard

Chapter 63 Itachi's Kaleidoscope [First] [Third]

"Since Danzo-sama mentioned my grandfather, don't you have any guilt in your heart? As a companion, you actually gouged out his eyes after his death..."

When Danzo mentioned the Uchiha mirror, Zhishui became even more angry. He said that he could continue to protect Konoha after death. He was lying to the ghost. He had dug out his grandfather's writing wheel to be so righteous. It wasn't because he thought that Danzo was the elder of Konoha, and Zhishui had already used other gods to make him commit suicide.

"What do you know, the old man is all for the good of Konoha. Instead of letting the mirror's writing wheel go into the grave, it is better to put it on the old man's body, so that the old man can use it to continue to protect Konoha..."

The emotions in Danzo's eyes did not fluctuate. In his eyes, everything he did was for the good of Konoha, and only he was the one who was truly qualified to be Hokage, whether it was Sarutobi or the four who had died. Generation, are not a qualified Hokage.

"Then please forgive me for not being able to understand Danzang-sama's thinking!" Zhishui found that he and Danzang really couldn't make sense. A corpse can be desecrated. How can people believe that such a person wants to protect Konoha.

"It seems that you are determined to seek death. For the sake of being the grandson of Jingjing, I wanted you to re-install a pair of writing wheels and continue to use them for me. Now, it seems that it is not so troublesome!"

Danzang snorted coldly. His original plan was to wait until he grabbed Zhishui's kaleidoscope writing wheel. If Zhishui was still alive, then grab him, reinstall a pair of writing wheels for him, and then use another god. Control him and let Zhishui do things for him from now on, but Zhishui's current attitude makes him a little annoyed.

"Everyone get on it together, kill him directly, and take off the writing wheel is enough!"

With an order, a group of root ninjas who originally surrounded Shishui launched an attack, and dozens of ninjutsu were released at the same time to attack Shishui.

The explosion caused by the collision of ninjutsu caused countless smoke and dust where Shishui was located, and the fire was overflowing.


A low shout came out of the smoke, and then an emerald green light emerged from the smoke, a hurricane blew, and the smoke dissipated instantly. What appeared in front of many root ninjas was a green skeleton skeleton, huge. The skeleton of Shishui protected Shishui, and it also brought a lot of psychological pressure to these root ninjas and Danzo.


Shishui kept gasping for breath. Originally, Susanoo was a pupil technique that required two kaleidoscopes to gather together. Forcing one eye like Shisui to use Susanoo was just squeezing himself. The vitality of his life is exchanged for short-term strength at the cost of his own life.

"Is this the strongest pupil technique of the Kaleidoscope Sharinyan? Susanoo, but, it's not enough, it's a little bit worse..."

Zhishui muttered to himself, blame himself for being too naive, to meet Danzang at the root base, so many elites from the root, I am afraid it is very difficult to escape, but he is still ready to try , Even if you risk your life, you must not let all of your two kaleidoscopes fall into Danzo's hands.

Zhishui's left eye was wide open, the windmill-like pattern in his eye revolved at a high speed, and bloodshots kept appearing in his eyes, making people feel as if their eyes were about to burst in the next second.

"I have to hold on, I can't just give up on myself before things are done..."

With Zhishui's low roar, the chakra and kaleidoscope Shaker's pupil power instantly began to frantically output, and blood slid from the left eye socket and dripped onto the ground along Zhishui's chin.

The eyes hurt very much, as if a knife was constantly stirring in it. Coupled with the excessive pressure of the chakra, the meridians all over the body had a feeling of being torn, but Zhishui laughed.

"Susanoh, the second form, completed..."

On the original green skeleton, chakra spread rapidly, forming muscles and skin. When the water stopped, Susanoo, who had only a skeleton, had turned into a samurai wearing armor, but this samurai only had waist to the waist. The upper part has no legs.

"Is this the same power as Madara Uchiha? Kaleidoscope Shaker, you belong to me!"

Danzo looked at this huge Susanoo with a spiral sword, his face was full of greed. When he was young, he heard almost all the legends about Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara. When he was young, he longed for that kind of powerful power. Later, Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara fought in the Valley of the End. Not long after he came back, Senju Hasuma died of serious injuries, while he was in Senju. When Tobirama's subordinates were studying, he further learned some information about Madara Uchiha. He had coveted for countless years that power that could be on an equal footing with Chisuma Hashirama, and now, he was finally able to get it.

"Uchiha Ryu. Yan Yuejian..."

The skill originally performed with the sword was placed on Susanoo by Shisui, and on the huge spiral sword, countless flames were wrapped around it, and then the spiral sword spun wildly. The tornado formed by the flames smashed towards the surrounding root ninjas.

"Long-range attack, hold him back, with his current state, it won't last long!"

The group of root ninjas who saw that Shishui was in a bad situation immediately moved away from Shishui, and those who didn't have time to escape were torn to pieces by the hurricane of flames in an instant.

"Susanoh. Ninety-nine..."

Shishui's thoughts moved, Susanoo's breastplate opened, and countless green chakra arrows shot out from it. In just a short moment, Danzo's men had suffered heavy casualties.

Susanoo's enormous pressure on his body made Shishui a little unable to hold it. Seeing those ninjas hiding far away, Shishui showed a smile on his face, and he gestured to form a handprint of a shadow clone. A clone identical to Shisui appeared behind him, and then the clone quickly rushed in the direction of Uchiha's station, while Shisui's body was holding Susanoo to block the root ninja.

"Hurry up and kill him, don't let him use his clone to report to Uchiha!"

Danzo hurriedly urged, and at the same time, he also began to form a seal to prepare to summon psychic beasts to cooperate with the attack. If Shishui's shadow clone went to the Uchiha clan to report a letter, then they would be finished, and the Uchiha clan would definitely follow them. Desperately, if you want to stop all this, you must kill Zhishui, and the shadow clone will naturally disappear by then.

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