Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 106: name of shadow


 “Could it be that kid just now? Oops!”

At this moment, the faint smile on Xue Yu’s face magnified infinitely in Loquat Juuzang’s pupils!

Furthermore, just one sentence from Off-Road made Loquat Juzo's psychology completely collapse, and there was no room for recovery at all!

 There is no doubt that Loquat Juzo’s psychological warfare is very good. If Kakashi and Uchiha Shisui cooperated, the Blade Team would really be destroyed in the hands of Loquat Juzo.

  Unfortunately, the person cooperating with Shunshen Shisui at this time is not Kakashi, who has a psychological flaw, but Cross Country!

Off-roading with the surname Nara!

 Obviously, the Nara clan cannot compare with those truly outstanding families, such as the Uzumaki clan, the Uchiha clan, and the Hyuga clan, in terms of body, chakra, and blood inheritance limits. But as a member of the Nara clan, apart from being able to master the secret arts of the Nara clan, the only advantage is wisdom!

Having super high intelligence, coupled with a mature mind from cross-country travel, it becomes a very terrifying combat quality!

It’s called calmness!

 You can stay calm no matter what time you go off-road.

Even in the event of an outburst, Cross Country never lost his composure and was always silently thinking about how to defeat Loquat Juuzang!

As mentioned before, when Cross Country named the Shadow Realm Advent, he only understood part of the mystery of this S-level secret technique. Cross Country knew the many shortcomings of the Shadow Realm Advent early on.

So having already known the shortcomings of the arrival of the Shadow Realm, Cross Country was slightly at a disadvantage even in the psychological warfare of Loquat Juzo. However, how could cross-country psychology completely collapse due to a disadvantage in psychological warfare, losing the calmness that combines wisdom and maturity, and completely falling into the plan of Loquat Juzo?

 Based on various reasons, we can only draw one conclusion!

That is, in addition to mastering the Nara clan's secret technique of shadow control, Cross Country is also at the level of an actor in terms of acting skills!

Using the shadow communication technique, he and Shunshen Shisui planned a strategy to confuse Loquat Juzo in silence.

Off-road and instant water-stopping are in Loquat Juuzang's plan. Another conspiracy is set up, waiting for Loquat Juuzang to step in step by step. That is the best and most perfect strategy to deal with Loquat Juuzang!

Then, Loquat Juuzang looked at the smile on Cross Country's face, and his pupils shrank slightly, showing a slight nervousness. However, Loquat Juuzang, who became famous during the "Blood Mist" period, is also a ruthless character, so when he was preparing to resist Shunshen Shisui's attack, Loquat Juuzang dropped the decapitating sword in his hand despite being seriously injured.

But what Loquat Shizang never expected was that his ruthlessness would turn into a cross-country sigh.

Especially when Loquat Juuzang's decapitating sword was about to fall on Cross Country, the gentle voice of Cross Country came, which made the calm and cruel Loquat Juuzang even more shocked. !

“I’ve thought for a long time that you’re ready to fight us to the death.”

“Loquat Juuzang, do you think I have no backup plan?”

 “Shadow Clone Technique!”


The broken blade fell, and a black shadow suddenly appeared. It was the shadow clone technique that Cross Country had used long ago!

 Shadow clone is a physical clone, and its defensive effect is simply more effective than shadow clone!

Besides, the decapitating sword has a broken blade and is not a large sword with a rubber muscle, so Juuzang certainly cannot use the characteristics of the large sword in his hand to destroy the cross-country shadow clone like the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost did!

 Immediately afterwards, I just heard a "bang" sound!

When the shadow clone appeared, Loquat Juzo's decapitating sword was blocked there.

Just the next second, Shunshen Shisui's figure suddenly appeared, making Loquat Juuzang sneer slightly!

 “Little devil, even your secret skills can’t restrain me!”

"Based on that kid just now, do you think he can hurt me?"

 Speaking, Loquat Juzo locked Shunshen Shisui's attack route and tried to avoid it.

However, when Loquat Juzo was about to move his body, the feeling of being imprisoned suddenly appeared, which once again made Loquat Juzo slightly stunned!

"How can it be?"

 “Little devil, your secret technique obviously cannot imprison me!”

“Loquat Juzo, is that really like that?”

Hearing the exclamation of Loquat Juuzang from behind, Cross Country smiled and explained:

"Loquat Juuzang, just like you said before, my secret technique does have many flaws. Moreover, your guess is not wrong at all. When I use this secret technique, my body will definitely be unable to move. If I use force, If you terminate this secret technique, you will inevitably suffer the backlash of the secret technique."

 “But don’t forget, I am from the Nara clan!”

“Since he is a member of the Nara clan, how can he master the same secret technique of the Nara clan?”

“What’s more, just because there’s no way to take back the secret technique I’m using now, it doesn’t mean that I can’t change the form of the secret technique!”

 “So, Loquat Juzo, I should announce it now!”

 “Nara clan, shadow imitation technique.”


As the sound of the off-road came, Loquat Shizang, with his body restrained, glanced at his feet with his peripheral vision in panic, and sure enough, he found that he was connected to the shadow of the off-road!

And that is undoubtedly the method used by Cross Country to overcome the shortcomings of Shadow World Advent, which is to take back the Shadow World Advent. Since we have to face the backlash of the secret technique, why not change the form of Shadow World Advent?

 The arrival of the shadow world was originally born out of the shadow imitation technique.

So in the case that Off-Road has not been able to deeply understand the advent of the shadow world, the only way off-road can change the form of the advent of the shadow world is to change the form of the advent of the shadow world into an ordinary shadow imitation technique!

 Psychological warfare defeated Loquat Juuzang's army. Loquat Juuzang definitely didn't have that much time to observe the situation around him, let alone the situation under his feet. And Cross Country happened to take advantage of Loquat Juuzang's many panics, and quietly changed the method of using Shadow World Advent, into the current shadow imitation technique, and easily imprisoned Loquat Juuzang's body. .

 The following situation also needs no further explanation.

Shunshen Shisui's figure suddenly appeared, skillfully using the Kodachi in his hand, and stabbed into the heart of Loquat Juzo with one stroke.

However, what made them cross-country and Uchiha Shisui couldn't help but look up at Loquat Juuzou was that after suffering such a horrific trauma in the back of his heart, Loquat Juuzou did not die immediately. Instead, when the breath of life gradually passed away, Loquat Juuzou Juuzang struggled to squeeze out a smile, glanced at Uchiha Shisui with disdain, and asked Cross Country:

 “Kid, the failure of our Mist Ninja’s plan is all your fault.”

“Then before I die, can I hear your name?”

“Ying, you are the only one who qualifies me for my codename to be Ying!”

 Loquat Juuzang is undoubtedly a qualified opponent. After all, with just a blood mist secret technique, he put the sharp blade team where Cross Country was in a difficult situation.

 But unfortunately, off-roaders never respect their enemies.

 So, after replying to Loquat Juuzang with a cold voice, Cross Country suddenly grabbed a kunai and instantly scratched Loquat Juuzang's throat!

 “Also, Loquat Juuzang, many villains die because they talk too much.”

 “I don’t want to die in your hands just because I talk too much!”

 “So. Rest in peace!”

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