Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 127: Gale flow!

 There is no doubt that the difficulty of the new training for cross-country preparation is S level at least!


Let’s not talk about cross-country preparations. The secret technique of "Wind Blade" is integrated with Konoha Goken fluid technique and the secretly passed soft fist of the Hyuga clan to create a new school, suitable for its own Taijutsu school. For example, the "Wind Blade" secret technique that must be mastered in cross-country preparations is S-level in difficulty, so the new physical arts school that must be created in cross-country preparations is at least SS-level in difficulty!

 Fortunately, at this time, Cross Country's spiritual energy has undergone a "qualitative" change in half a step, and the wind attribute chakra has completed the second stage of extreme change in nature, giving him a certain advantage in mastering the secret technique of "Wind Blade".

 Otherwise, if cross-country wants to create a new martial arts genre out of thin air, the difficulty may have to be raised to another level.

However, Cross Country also knows that the foundation of practice is very important, so before completing the practice of the "Wind Blade" secret technique and the practice of Konoha Goken style, the innovation of a new school of physical skills is just an idea.

When can cross-country master the secret technique of "Wind Blade" perfectly, the physical techniques of Konoha Gouken style, and after analyzing more mysteries about soft fist, and then create a new physical technique school of SS level difficulty, will we be ready for cross-country A new practice to complete. As for now, in addition to perfectly mastering the Konoha Goken-style practice as soon as possible under the weight-bearing BUFF of the APP, perfectly mastering the secret technique of "Wind Blade" is the first stage of the new practice in the cross-country plan!


 The spiritual energy has undergone a "qualitative" change in half a step, and the second phase of the extreme change in the nature of the wind attribute chakra has been completed. The secret technique of cross-country "wind blade" has been mastered to a superficial extent.

 So, with the "Wind Blade" secret technique already under control, Xiujiang washed the blood stains on the Anbu's clothes, stretched out his palm, and directly used the "Wind Blade" secret technique.

 Then, using the sense of wind comparable to that of the Fourth Hokage to sense the situation on the palm of his hand, Cross Country used the "Ling Xi Finger" again and secretly analyzed:

"It turns out that everyone has different perceptions after completing the change in the nature of chakra!"

"Minato-sensei's understanding of the wind attribute chakra should be the speed of "wind"! Therefore, after Minato-sensei completed the second stage of breakthrough in the extreme change of wind-attribute chakra properties, the secret technique he understood was the secret of "acceleration" Technique, instantaneous wind. As for the perception of wind, it should be gained by relying on the huge spiritual energy of Teacher Minato when he was practicing the subtle magic of the Uzumaki clan and completing the second stage of breakthrough in the extreme change of wind attribute chakra properties. "

"As for my understanding of "wind" after I broke through in the second stage of the extreme change of wind chakra properties, it should be sharp and penetrated!"

"So, the key point of the "Wind Blade" secret technique that I am planning to practice now is sharpness and penetration!"

“Now that I have a training direction, it may only take me a short time to master the secret technique of “Wind Blade”, and I will be able to truly master it!”

After silently analyzing it in my mind, Cross Country took a deep breath and began to seek breakthroughs in the two aspects of "sharpness" and "penetration". I hope to take advantage of the opportunity that my own strength has just broken through a new bottleneck to truly "wind". The secret technique of "Blade" has been cultivated to the level of entering the palace!

 Are the results of Cross Country’s previous secret analysis really correct?

 That’s right!

 There is nothing wrong at all!

At this moment, even if the Fourth Hokage is beside Cross Country, if he gives guidance to Cross Country on how to master the secret technique of "Wind Blade", he must first tell the results of Cross Country's previous analysis, so as to speed up Cross Country's mastery of "Wind Blade" secret technique. The speed of the technique.

What's more, unless one person has a different understanding of "wind", the secret technique of "wind" cannot be taught to each other.

 The "wind" understood by the Fourth Hokage is speed, and the "wind" understood by cross-country is sharpness and penetration.

 But those secret techniques developed by the Fourth Hokage, aren't they also mastered in cross-country?

And after completing the second stage of breakthrough in which the nature of wind-type chakra changes to the extreme, isn't the degree of cross-country mastery of those secret techniques comparable to that of the Fourth Hokage?

 So, if Cross Country completes the practice of the "Wind Blade" secret technique, he can also teach it to the Fourth Hokage or others. However, if others fail to master the second stage of extreme changes in the properties of wind chakra like Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage, that person will definitely not be able to master the true essence of the "Wind Blade" secret technique.

 This is off-roading, the secret technique developed by the Fourth Hokage, and the real prerequisite for perfect mastery!

Then, after realizing his own "wind" perception, Cross Country used the words "sharp" and "penetrating" as a breakthrough point, and quickly began to practice the secret technique of "wind blade". Not to mention, in just five or six hours, the cross-country practice beside the creek really mastered the secret technique of "Wind Blade" to the point of entering the palace!

Furthermore, when he had practiced the "Wind Blade" secret art to the point of entering the palace, he was shocked to discover that the "Wind Blade" secret art was also a secret art of the "Wind" school!

It's like the Fourth Hokage completed the second stage of extreme changes in the nature of wind chakra, and instantly understood the secret technique of "acceleration", the wind teleportation!

The cross-country "Wind Blade" secret skill came into the room, and the "Wind" secret skill he understood was not one, but three!

 The first "Wind Blade" secret technique, the cross-country name is "Palm Blade"!

As the name suggests, the characteristic of the Palm Blade Secret Technique is that when completing the second stage of extreme changes in the nature of wind-attribute chakra, two wind-attribute chakras with extremely changed properties are attached to the palm to complete the "wind blade" of the change in chakra form. Secret technique!

It seems that the "Lingxi Yi Finger" that I used before cross-country is just a small application of the palm blade!

Furthermore, the characteristics of the palm blade are not only the ability to cast the "Wind Blade" secret technique with your fingers!

When Off-Road successfully completed the palm blade training and used the palm blade on both hands, Off-Road actually discovered that the effect of using the palm blade was vaguely like the chakra scalpel mastered by a medical ninja!

Not only is it combined with the sharp characteristics of "wind", it makes the off-road palm blade completely comparable to an ordinary kunai!

It also combines the penetrating characteristics of "wind". When using the palm blade to attack, even if it only touches the surface of the enemy's body, using the special effects of the palm blade, the cross-country palm blade can damage the enemy's internal organs instantly. Cut open the enemy's muscles and veins!

 What kind of terrifying effect is this?

 What kind of terrifying secret technique is this?

Hyuuga clan's soft fist is threatening enough. In a sense, isn't it because the soft fist can ignore the enemy's superficial defense and hurt others' meridians and internal organs?

Now with the help of the palm blade, Off-road can combine the chakra scalpel mastered by the medical ninja, as well as some characteristics of the Hyuga clan's soft fist!

 So, just one of the palm blades in the secret technique of "Wind Blade" greatly improves the off-road melee capabilities!

What's more, in addition to the palm blade, Cross Country has also learned a secret technique that is more powerful than the palm blade, called "Sword Blade" and "Air Blade"?

 The new secret technique "Sword Blade" is the secret technique of "Wind Blade" used by Cross Country when fighting Loquat Juzo and the Pufferfish Ghost in Xigua Mountain!

When using the palm blade, as long as there is a medium in the hands of the off-road, such as kunai, shuriken, or even sticks, branches and other media, the off-road can amplify the effect of the palm blade on the medium in the hand, directly Increase the range of action of the palm blade and form a palm blade like a "sword"!

 As the saying goes, an inch is longer and an inch is stronger!

 Combined with the terrifying effect of the palm blade, the medium in your hand can be used to instantly form a sword blade!

Needless to say, everyone can have a guess as to how powerful the use of the new secret sword is!

The most powerful "wind blade" secret technique is undoubtedly the air blade, which has a longer attack range than the palm blade or sword blade, and is more secretive when taking action!

 The use of a sword blade always requires a medium, right?

 But when the air blade is used off-road, it can cut out the "wind blade" out of thin air with bare hands!

It's a pity that off-road has just mastered the "Wind Blade" secret skill to the level of entering the palace. Using the palm blade, the sword blade is useless. But if you use an air blade, the off-road air blade can only cut down within a range of three meters, which invisibly limits the terrifying power of the air blade.

However, Cross Country firmly believes that as he deepens his mastery of the secret technique of "Wind Blade", the Air Blade will one day become the number one killer weapon in the ninja world!

After completing the mastery of the three new secret techniques contained in the "Wind Blade" secret technique, and fully understanding the effects of using palm blades, sword blades, and air blades, it was already too late for the cross-country trip, and I was preparing to return to the "Incompetent" team camp. While resting, a joyful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he thought to himself:

“With the mastery of palm blades, sword blades, and air blades, my disadvantage in melee combat will disappear, and I will be one step closer to my goal of becoming an all-round ninja!”

“Then I, Nara Crossroad, personally developed the secret technique so that it can shine in the ninja world in the future.”

“Let’s call these new secret techniques of palm blade, sword blade, and air blade collectively the secret techniques of “Flash Flow”!”

"Okay! The secret art school created by me, Nara Cross Country, will be the secret art of Hayate style from now on!"

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