Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 164: critical moment


“Even the little guys from other villages know our name. It seems we are really famous!”

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, not only the controller of the two-sword squid used the power of liberating the two-sword squid to take back the broken arm of Kuritsuru Kushimaru, but also the long knife and needle, allowing the severely injured and dying Kururisuke Kushimaru to regain his strength. Restored fighting strength.

At the same moment, almost when Kuritari Kushimaru had just regained his fighting strength, all the seven members of the Mist Ninja appeared in the cross-country, including Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu. In front of him, not only did Cross Country show a slightly bitter expression, but also Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu all showed a look of despair!

Those are the seven Mist Ninjas!

 They are the famous and powerful members of the Seven Mist Ninjas!

 Previously, Cross Country had fought alone with Kurimaru Kushimaru and the user of the double-sword Kushiro, but it was a bit difficult to protect Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu.

Now, all the seven members of the Mist Ninja have appeared. Although the strength of the cross-country has made a further leap, facing seven enemies who are like Kurihara Kushimaru and the users of the double-sword Kushiro, even the cross-country is not even 10%. They are sure to escape from the pursuit of the seven mist ninjas, not to mention their strength and vision are not as good as those of Kai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu who are off-road?

Moreover, when it was very difficult for Off-Road to tell the names of the seven figures in front of him, the seven Mist Ninjas appeared, and the confident users of the double-knife flounder looked at Off-Road with a chuckle. He is proud of the name of the Seven Mist Ninjas, and on the other hand, he is reminding his companions of the Seven Mist Ninjas to pay attention to this Konoha ANBU who can call their names!

Beware of this little Konoha ANBU who may be young but has amazing strength!

On the contrary, it was the leader of the seven mist ninjas. Hearing the words of the user of the double-sword ninja, his cold eyes immediately fell on the off-road person.

Especially when he saw the familiar attire of Cross Country and felt the aura that disgusted him, the leader of the seven Mist Ninjas had a cold smile on his face and said with a smile: " It turns out to be you, I remember you! The shadow of the Blade Team, right? At first, you, the brat, made my clone suffer, and I never thought of finding you!"

 “I’m so lucky today!”

“Not only can I complete all the tasks assigned by Mizukage-sama, but I can also follow Mizukage-sama’s instructions and get rid of you, the troublesome brat!”

 “God is really loving me!”

"What? Madara, who is hiding behind the Mist Ninja Village, has started to pay attention to me silently?"

Who is the leader of the seven mist ninjas?

Isn’t it the same Loquat Juzo who has competed with cross-country?

However, from the words that came from the mouth of Loquat Juuzang, Cross Country first confirmed one thing, that is, the Loquat Juuzang he killed in the previous confrontation was indeed just a clone of Loquat Juuzang. As for another thing that Cross Country knows, that makes Cross Country feel even more chilling when facing the seven mist ninjas!

 Who is Mr. Ban?

Who hasn’t heard of Madara Uchiha?

Off-road has always been operating as an ANBU of Konoha, using the code name "Shadow" when performing tasks, in order to avoid becoming famous and gain the attention of other ninja villages, or the boss behind Madara!

Who would have thought that cross-country is already low-key enough, but many of his actions are still in Banye's sight.

 So, when Loquat Juuzang's indifferent voice came slowly, the difficult look in Xuan Yu's eyes disappeared and turned into a look of determination!

“These guys in the Seven Mist Ninjas are not only powerful, but also proficient in assassination!”

"Now that I have been targeted by Master Madara, even if I did not come to rescue Kai, Genma, and Ebisu, I think that under Master Madara's plan, the seven members of the Mist Ninja are still Go to Konoha Village to kill this "disaster"! After all, Tsunade Hime's brother Naoki, one of the three ninjas, was assassinated by the Kiri Ninja and died tragically in Konoha Village!"

"So, facing the Seven Mist Ninjas at this time, in addition to finding a way to escape with Akai, Genma, and Ebisu, I must find a way to kill one or even several of the Seven Mist Ninjas. Members, reduce the possibility of being targeted by Madara and assassinated by members of the Seven Mist Ninjas!"


Humbling silently, Cross Country stared at the seven figures standing proudly in front of him, and couldn't help but raise another wry smile on his face.

“However, it is so difficult to kill even one of them when surrounded by seven Mist Ninjas.”

 “What’s more, let alone killing many of their members?”

 At this point, the idea of ​​going off-road is really not wrong at all.

After all, what is facing the cross-country is not a single member of the Seven Mist Ninjas, but a gathering of the Seven Mist Ninjas!

 Let’s not talk about the user of the beheading sword, Juuzou Juzo, the user of the sword, Suikoyama Fuguuki, and the user of the long sword, Kushimaru Kushimaru. For example, the users of the double-knife flounder, the user of the blunt knife, the user of the explosive knife, and the user of the thunder knife are not so easy to deal with!

 The users of the double-knife flounder are not named in the original plot.

Therefore, relying on the experience of the previous round of confrontation, Cross Country can only conclude that the user of the double-knife flounder is almost the same in strength as the other two double-knife flounder users in the original plot.

 Who are the other two double-knife flounder users?

 One is the bodyguard of Terumi Mizukage in the original plot, named Chojuro!

 The other one is Ghost Lantern Full Moon who has fought against Cross Country, but in the original plot he was at his peak!

Possessing the same strength as the Mizukage Guard Chojuro and the Oniden Mangetsu at his peak, the user of the double-swordsman cannot be underestimated!

As for the users of the blunt knife, the user of the explosive knife, and the user of the thunder fang, the strength shown in the original plot is something that cannot be ignored!

The user of the blunt knife pocket cutter, the wild bait man, the terrifying existence known as the strongest mist ninja among the seven generations!

Just such a name makes off-road vehicles look dignified!

As for the user of the Blast Sword Splash, Muashi Jinpachi, he is known as the "Heartless Team 2" together with Kushimaru Kushiumaru. They are the best among the seven Kiri ninjas. During the battle, he and Kushiumaru Kushikatsu were the best. Like a pill, it highlights the ruthless character. It is a cruel existence that can kill even its own companions at will on the battlefield!

There is also the user of Thunder Fang, the black **** Thunder Fang who appeared in the original plot.

  In the original plot, Black Hoe Raiga likes to hold funerals for people, and his attainments in thunder ninjutsu can match Kakashi at his peak. Is that possible that he is an easy guy to deal with?

Therefore, when his eyes were narrowed on the seven figures in front of him, Cross Country was racking his brains. He first thought about the escape plan, and then analyzed the possibility of smoothly escaping and then killing one or two members of the Seven Mist Ninjas. How much **** is there.

But what made Cross Country never expect was that Loquat Juuzang, Xiguashan Fugugui, Li Xingchuanwan, and even the user of the double-knife Flounder and Flounder all had a high level of knowledge about Cross Country after fighting against them. evaluate. If this evaluation is placed in the ninja world, it will create a reputation for off-roading.

But in the case of a battle, this evaluation made Loquat Juzo, Xiguashan Puffer Ghost, Li Xingwan, and the double-knife user have the idea that they must solve the off-road first!

Almost at the moment when he was silently thinking about his plan to escape and kill the seven members of the Mist Ninja in the cross-country, Juzo Juzo and the Watermelon Mountain Fugu Ghost looked at each other, and then the two figures followed Kurisu Kushimaru. , the user of the double-knife flounder disappeared at the same time, heading towards the cross-country direction to attack and kill, forcing the cross-country into a desperate situation in the first round of confrontation!

Especially when four members of the Seven Mist Ninjas attack at the same time, and they fight off-road with Kushimaru Kushimaru and the user of the double-sword Kushiro one after another, it is really possible to lose their lives here. However, it was precisely at this critical moment, when Cross Country's life was about to be handed over here, that bitter smile hidden on the face under the mask suddenly disappeared, and then turned into a faint smile. And a confident smile!

 “What I need is the opportunity for you to come and attack me!”

“There are seven mist ninjas out there, do you think you are the only one who holds the trump card?”

“Now let me show you the killer move that I, Nara Cross Country, have hidden for a long time!”

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