Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 179: life-sustaining medicine


 It’s over!

Not only Loquat Juuzou, Tongcao Yebaiman, Wuli Jinpachi, Black Hoe Thunder Fang, Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost, but also five members of the Seven Mist Ninjas, were all defeated miserably by Matt Dai, who had fully activated his Eight Gate Armor. In the hands, the fierce battle in front of the cross-country ended. Moreover, when the battle ended, the burning youth in Matt Dai also ended!

Almost at the moment when the eight-door armor was fully activated, and the life and death of all five members of the Seven Mist Ninjas were unknown, Cross-Country roared in the direction of Matt Dai.

 Because it was at that moment that Cross Country clearly noticed that the fiery red aura surrounding Matt Dai's body dissipated little by little.

 That is proof that the Eight Gate Dunjia has been used!

This is also proof that Matt Dai has finished using the Eight Doors Dunjia and is about to die!

 So, there is no time to pay attention to whether the members of the Seven Mist Ninjas, such as Loquat Juzo, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon, etc., are really dead. He even didn't have the time to collect the miraculous Ninja Sword from the Mist Ninja.

Just when Matt Dai's body fell heavily to the ground, like burnt charcoal, Cross Country, who had recovered a little strength, quickly helped Matt Dai up, wanting to see if Matt Dai could be rescued. possible.

As for Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu, they are still indulging in the divine power that Matt Dai showed before.

Is that really Matt Dai?

Is that really the "waste" captain of our "incompetent" team?

It was the "waste" captain who turned the tide and defeated the seven members of the Mist Ninja and saved us?

 It was the captain who silently shouldered all the responsibilities and tried his best to protect us who saved us?

When Cross Country rushed to Matt Dai's side to see if there was any possibility of rescuing Matt Dai, countless thoughts emerged in the minds of Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu. of confusion.

Especially Akai, he has practiced the Eight Gate Dunjia under the supervision of Matt Dai!

Recalling the previous scenes where Matt Dai showed his power, how could Akai not know that it was his father, who saved his own life by opening the Eight Doors Dunjia at the cost of his own life?

 So, after cross-country, Akai was the second person to rush towards Meterdai.

Soon, Shiranui Genma and Ebisu also reacted, and rushed to Matt Dai's side, and hurriedly asked the cross-country: "cross-country, Captain Adai, what secret technique did Captain Adai use just now? Is he okay?"


“Just to save us, Captain Adai used the forbidden technique at the cost of his own life!”

 “Tell me if something is wrong!”

Undoubtedly, the full eight-door Dunjia with Matt Dai gives the most profound off-road experience.

So, when Shiranui Genma asked in a panic tone, Cross Country couldn't control his emotions and roared at Shiranui Genma!

As for Shiranui Genma and Ebisu, they couldn't help but remain silent when they saw Cross Country venting their anger.

 Is it for off-roading?

 No, off-road is here to rescue them!

 The person who has contributed the most is Cross Country, and the people who have contributed the least are Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu!

 Thinking about how he behaved like a "waste" in front of the seven mist ninjas.

 He also thought that he came to chase Kurumi Kushimaru in order to get rid of the reputation of "trash".

 While reminiscing, Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu couldn't help but feel a little funny!

That is undoubtedly a mocking smile!

  Laughing at my own childish ideas, not only did I almost die while off-roading, but I also made Matt Dai really die there!

However, it is not entirely true to say that the people who regret the most at this time are Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu. Because the one who regrets far more than Akai and others is the cross-country who had the ability to prevent the tragedy of Matt Dai, the cross-country who is familiar with the plot of the original work and knows how Matt Dai died in the original plot!

 In the original plot, how did Matt Dai die?

Didn’t he die by opening the Eight Doors Dunjia when faced with the seven Mist Ninjas?

At that time, when Matt Dai had just opened the Eight Gate Dunjia, the off-road had not yet reacted.

At this time, Matt Dai finished opening the Eight Gate Dunjia, and was only half a breath away from jumping over the gate of hell. Cross Country was the regretful one. Looking back, there was an extremely important connection between Matt Dai's death in front of him and some of the things he had concealed!

 “Is it ridiculous? Or is it just God’s will?”

"I have been paying attention to Minato-sensei, Kakashi, Lin, and Uchiha Obito. The only thing I have forgotten is the death of Matt Daisei!"

“It is clearly stated in the original plot that Matt Dai’s death was due to the full use of the Eight Gate Dungeon. It was because Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu were intercepted and killed by the seven Mist Ninjas.”

"And I clearly know that the object of our confrontation is the Mist Ninja. Why do I only pay attention to the Eight Gate Dunjia and not the cause of Matt Dai's death?"

 “If. If I could pay more attention to Matt Dai”

“What if. If I had told Uncle Shikaku earlier that the Kiri Ninja mastered a special clone technique through Madara.”

 “Then the tragedy of Matt Day can be avoided?”

“And I didn’t put myself in a life-and-death situation, and there was no need for Mattei to use his own life to save us?”

"But what's the use of talking about this now? Can I save Mateda if I regret it here? Can I let Mateda open all eight doors without dying?"

  "Are you kidding me? I'm not the cheating Uzumaki Naruto. I can help Mattei relieve the trauma of the eight gates as soon as possible!"

 “I don’t have the secret medicine in my hand!”

 “Wait? Secret medicine?”

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility to extend his life, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Cross Country took out a blue pill from his ninja bag and stuffed it directly into Matt Dai's mouth.

 And that secret medicine was the secret medicine that Lu Jiu gave to Cross Country to heal his injuries!

 Legend has it that Kakashi, who was seriously injured and died, became familiar with the transplanted Sharingan, the secret medicine that kept him alive!

However, even if Cross Country knows that the blue pill Shikaku gave him is very precious, it can even extend the life of a seriously injured ninja. However, the injury caused by the Eight Door Dunjia being fully opened is not an ordinary injury, so even if Cross Country has the blue pill, he can't say that he can 100% save Matt Dai.

When he thought of the blue pill, it was very likely that it would only be able to save Matt's life for a very short period of time. Cross Country hurriedly picked up Matt's head and headed towards Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu San. The man said: "Akai, Genma, Ebisu, I may have a way to save Captain Adai, hurry up and follow me and take Captain Adai back to the camp!"

“With Uncle Shikaku and the medical ninjas in the camp, Captain Adai still has a slight chance of survival!”

 “Stop dawdling, follow me quickly!”

 “Got it, off-road!”

I heard from Cross Country that there was a possibility of rescuing Matt Dai. Even Akai, who had been silent before and his eyes were full of sadness, nodded heavily. His eyes were filled with hope again, and he took up the steps. Tedai's cross-country team headed towards the Konoha camp.

At this time, what Cross Country hopes is that the blue pill is more effective and can prolong Matt's life for a while. After all, the place where Cross Country and the others clashed with the Seven Mist Ninjas was quite some distance away from Konoha's camp. If the life extension time was short, it was still possible that Matt Dai's life would be lost on the way back. .

Therefore, even though the chakra in his body was overdrawn early, Cross Country relied on his tenacious will to keep Akai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu far away while carrying Matt Dai on his back. to the back.

 However, when Cross Country and others took the dying Matt Dai and quickly returned to the Konoha camp to heal his injuries, because they were concerned about Matt Dai's injury, they forgot a very important thing!

That is to send one of Kai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu to find out if all the seven members of the Mist Ninja are really dead!

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