Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 190: Uzumaki Kushina

 Double-edged sword, it really hurts others and yourself!

Without a perfect mastery of the new characteristics of wind chakra, one must not practice haphazardly while holding a double-edged sword while off-roading.

What's more, all the thoughts of cross-country at this time are just guesses. If you practice indiscriminately, it will be small if you make a little mistake. If it affects the path of ninja in the future, it will be a loss of rice and loss of wife. The soldiers were defeated!

 So, before trying to start practicing, I feel that I need to do at least three studies!

 The first study is how Black Hoe Lei Ya quickly opened the human body secrets in his body when he used Lei Dao Ya to use the terrifying thunder escape.

Only by understanding the secrets of the human body in this regard, can off-roaders use the new characteristics of wind chakra to consolidate the foundation of the human body's secrets.

 The second research is that off-roading requires mastering the new characteristics of wind attribute chakra, at least turning the double-edged sword into a single-edged sword!

 Hurting others and hurting yourself is of course absolutely impossible.

However, if it can hurt people without causing harm, then it is an acceptable aspect for off-roading.

Especially when he felt that the palm of his hand that had used the Gale Flow Palm Blade was numb, and countless hidden diseases were filling that palm, Cross Country was even more determined to quickly start this second research, striving to master the wind attribute perfectly as soon as possible. The new characteristics of chakra, or the new characteristics of maintaining wind attribute chakra without hurting others but not yourself.

As for the third research, needless to say, it must be to study the new characteristics of wind attribute chakra, whether it can activate cells like the thunder attribute chakra mastered by Kakashi and the fourth Raikage.

After all, if the third research is not mastered, even if the first cross-country research is completed, it will still be far away to use the new characteristics of wind chakra to consolidate the foundation of human body secrets!

Then, it was still in the party with Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi and others. Although Cross Country used the secret technique of the fast wind flow to dominate the crowd, he still did not take away Uchiha Shisui's seat, which was regarded as giving it to Uchiha. The water stop is somewhat thin. Moreover, when cross-country shows off their strength and elegance, the atmosphere at the party is naturally very good.

  It’s just that, with research in mind, I put much less thought on partying.

 Fortunately, off-roading usually attends parties and is like a transparent person, so the performance of off-roading at this time did not cause any abnormalities to others. Especially because of the cross-country and Shisui Uchiha's presence at the party. People who are familiar with the cross-country, such as Akai, Shiranui Genma, Yuhi Kurenai, etc., all feel that the cross-country is very honorable.

Therefore, when Cross Country secretly thought that since there is no way to practice during the one-month vacation, then he should conduct the three studies mentioned above, the happy time of the party was spent little by little. Cross Country was at this party, It can be said that I relaxed my mood again and gained some valuable gains.

However, at the end of the party, when Akai, Yuhi Kurenai, Uchiha Shisui and others bid farewell to the cross-country happily, the figures of Kakashi and Lin appeared next to the cross-country, but it made the cross-country The research plan will be slightly delayed for a few days.

“Going off-road, are you ready to go home?”

Just after saying goodbye to Yuhi Hong and others, Kakashi and Lin appeared next to the cross-country, and Lin greeted the cross-country enthusiastically.

In the heart of Cross Country, Lin had given him a good impression early on, so when Lin's voice had just finished questioning, Cross Country smiled and nodded, chatted a few more words with Lin, and instead Kakashi, who had collaborated several times on cross-country, remained silent, wondering what he was thinking.

 Later, during the conversation with Lin, the more he understood Lin's character, the more he felt about a girl like Lin. No wonder Uchiha Obito was so in love with her.

 Let’s not talk about how good Lin’s personality is. Let’s just say that when getting along with Lin, even if she is mentally young and far beyond her peers, she feels very comfortable going off-road.

Just this feeling of spring breeze when talking, Lin is destined to be a popular girl.

Kakashi can always ignore Lin's emotions, even if he secretly complains in his heart, Kakashi is really a piece of wood.

  However, Kakashi is such a person who goes his own way. He watched Cross Country chatting happily with Lin. He still looked at Cross Country and Lin with his dead fish eyes, but had no intention of talking to Cross Country at all. However, when Lin said goodbye to Cross Country and the two of them were preparing to go home, they remained silent, staring at Kakashi of Cross Country with dead fish eyes, and finally said a few words, and then hurriedly disappeared in front of Cross Country.

“After you come back, it’s good to practice hard.”

“But off-road, don’t forget the etiquette of being a disciple. It’s been a long time since you visited Minato-sensei.”

 “I hope you won’t always let me, a senior, remind you of how to behave!”


As soon as he finished speaking, Kakashi snorted coldly at the cross-country, and then hurriedly disappeared in front of the cross-country with Lin.

 As for off-roading.

 Listening to Kakashi's cold snort, there was no feeling at all.

At most, when I went off-road, I felt that Kakashi's boring self-esteem was causing trouble again. Seeing myself surpassing him, I felt a little uncomfortable.

 On the contrary, it was what Kakashi reminded him that suddenly made him feel a chill in his heart.

 Because after returning to Konoha Village, Cross Country really never visited the Fourth Hokage!

If Off-road is an ordinary member of the Nara clan, then it would be nothing if he did not visit the Fourth Hokage. However, the Fourth Hokage is the mentor of Cross Country, and he has taught him so many secrets, including the Uzumaki clan's secret techniques. If Cross Country does not visit him during the New Year, it would be really unreasonable. Got it!

Therefore, almost as soon as he received Kakashi's reminder, Cross Country was ready to put down the research project in his hands in the next few days, and quickly visit the Fourth Hokage while he and the Fourth Hokage had time. Hokage, I would like to pay a visit to the Fourth Hokage's wife, his so-called master wife Kushina Uzumaki.

  Immediately before going home, Off-road bought gifts at the market and prepared to visit the Fourth Hokage tomorrow.

At noon the next day, wearing a black kimono and carrying many gifts in his hands, he arrived at the Fourth Hokage's home under Shikaku's prompting.

Just after knocking on the door, even Shijie was surprised that the person who came to open the door was not his wife, who had never been masked before!

 The person who came to open the door turned out to be the cross-country mentor!

 The Fourth Hokage!

“Hey, it’s off-roading! Didn’t you practice hard at Adai’s place today? Come in quickly!”

 In the world of ninjas, it is inevitable that there are some feudal concepts in which men are superior to women.

Because of this, Cross Country was a little surprised to see that the Fourth Hokage himself came to open the door.

After all, if it were placed at Shikaku's house, the person who came to open the door would definitely be Shikaku's wife Nara Yoshino!

However, recalling the description of Uzumaki Kushina's character in the original plot, Cross Country is somewhat relieved why the status of the Fourth Hokage in the Fourth Hokage's family is somewhat low. Obviously, in the Fourth Hokage's home, the Fourth Hokage must be the so-called strict henkeeper, so when Cross Country saw his mentor, the Fourth Hokage, entertaining him warmly, a faint smile appeared on his face, and he put down the gift. After taking off his clogs, he began to look around the Fourth Hokage's somewhat cozy room.

However, even if Off-Road has some estimates of Uzumaki Kushina's character, he still underestimates Uzumaki Kushina's fiery personality!

Almost as soon as Cross Country stepped into the Fourth Hokage's home, and Cross Country's unmasked master's wife had just heard from the Fourth Hokage that Cross Country was coming to visit, Cross Country suddenly heard Uzumaki Kushina's presence. There was a scream in the room!

 The next second, an iron fist suddenly appeared in front of the cross-country!

“Oh? Is it your genius disciple, the Nara family’s off-roader?”

“Minato, let me test the level of your new disciple!”

 “Look at the punch!”

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