Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 227: Defective products (medium)

“Nara Cross Country, I didn’t expect that we would meet again so soon.”

“I have to say that your choice is very correct, after all, Minato.”

 “I can never give you what you want!”

  Shimura Danzo is a person who likes quietness, so in the empty room, as soon as Cross Country stepped into it, he saw Shimura Danzo for the first time, and Orochimaru who was right next to Shimura Danzo.

However, listening to Orochimaru's hoarse, magnetic voice, Cross Country just nodded and went behind Shimura Danzo.

And one thing is undoubted, that is, when Cross Country went behind Shimura Danzo, he was surprised that the relationship between Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo was so good.

 Not long after Cross Country and Danzo Shimura completed the deal, Orochimaru became an insider.

However, if you really want to compare with figures of the level of Shimura Danzo and Orochimaru, you can see the status of cross-country in Konoha Village. There is really no way to compare with the two.

 That’s right.

In the exchange between Cross Country and Shimura Danzo, the two said they had a cooperative relationship, but in fact it was more like Shimura Danzo was using certain interests to hire Cross Country.

  No matter where they are, the relationship between employees and employers is one in heaven and one on earth.

What's more, apart from the issue of age, his cross-country strength is only that of an elite jounin-level ninja.

For example, there are not many ninjas at the elite Jonin level in other places. Is it possible that there are not many in Konoha Village where there are so many elites?

Therefore, Danzo Shimura is willing to cooperate with cross-country, focusing more on the potential of cross-country. After all, in addition to cross-country, even the Sannin, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade Hime who were famous in the ninja world were far inferior to those of that age when they were cross-country. Off-road now.

At this moment, cross-country is making use of its own potential. Cooperating with Danzo Shimura is more like seeking skin from a tiger.

However, just as Cross Country thought, in order to solve the problem in front of him, I am afraid that he must use the hands of Danzo Shimura to complete it. Orochimaru is saying without reading that at this time, Cross Country "abandoned" the Fourth Hokage and chose Shimura Danzo, was it very right?

 Obviously, after Orochimaru "abandoned" the Third Hokage and chose Shimura Danzo, he also gained a lot of benefits.

Then, standing silently under Shimura Danzo's instructions, what we have to wait for cross-country is probably Shimura Danzo's test.

Shimura Danzo is a smart man who can play politics and make shady deals. If not a tycoon, at least he cannot be a fool.

When Shimura Danzo is not recognized as a trustworthy person, if Shimura Danzo can give benefits to Cross Country without any reason, then Shimura Danzo will not be a conspirator, but a philanthropist. On the contrary, it was cross-country. He naturally believed that with his own ability, he would definitely be able to obtain certain benefits from Shimura Danzo.

However, just when Shimura Danzo thought that Shimura Danzo invited Orochimaru here to talk about other things and had nothing to do with Shimura Danzo's test on him, who would have thought that Shimura Danzo looked at Cross Country and stood silently behind him? , a faint smile actually appeared on his face!

“Orochimaru, you must be aware of off-road capabilities.”

“Then how about letting the cross-country complete the experiment you mentioned?”

"no problem."

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue, and replied with interest: "If it's off-road, there must be a way to squeeze out the potential of those experimental products."

“To be honest, I was able to produce this batch of experimental products thanks to off-roading.”

 Speaking, Orochimaru's snake eyes suddenly locked on Cross Country's body, and then asked with a chuckle: "Cross Country, do you still remember the arm that the Fourth Mizukage asked you to give to me?"

 “Well, remember!”

 The off-road situation was unclear, so he just nodded lightly.

On the contrary, Shimura Danzo, after hearing that Orochimaru's experiment was actually related to off-roading, glanced at off-roading meaningfully and said, "Okay, don't waste time."

“Cross Country, the first task I give you is to select qualified products for our experiment.”

 “As for those unqualified defective products, what needs to be done?”

 “It’s up to you!”

 After saying that, Danzo Shimura turned around and led the way, while Orochimaru walked side by side with Danzo Shimura in front.

After listening to Shimura Danzo's words, if Cross Country doesn't understand that the first test has already begun, then Cross Country really doesn't need to "cooperate" with Shimura Danzo.

Because if Cross Country does not understand the profound meaning of Shimura Danzo, then there may be only one result of his "cooperation" with Shimura Danzo, and that is to die with no bones left!

Immediately afterwards, he followed Shimura Danzo and Orochimaru silently. As for Shimura Danzo's cross-country test, he was basically confident that he had passed it.

 But, silently following Danzo Shimura and Orochimaru, Cross Country still couldn't help but feel a little curious!

On the one hand, Cross Country is curious about what the experiment conducted by Shimura Danzo and Orochimaru was.

On the other hand, Cross Country is curious about the secrets contained in the arm handed to Orochimaru by the Fourth Mizukage.


"The experimental location where Danzo and Orochimaru collaborated is actually inside Konoha. They are not afraid of the Third Hokage. Are Minato-sensei and the others finding out?"

“Or is it that Danzo and Orochimaru were already confident when conducting experiments?”

 “Hmm? Isn’t this the direction to the Death Forest?”

“It seems that the first laboratory Danzo and Orochimaru are going to take me to is hidden in the Forest of Death!”

 Speaking of the Forest of Death, most Naruto fans must be familiar with it.

Because during the Chunin Examination period of the original plot, when Naruto Uzumaki, Uchiha Erzhu and others conducted the second exam, the location was in the Forest of Death inside Konoha Village.

Furthermore, if we really talk about the danger of the Death Forest, it cannot be underestimated.

The result of ordinary ninja, the result of entering the death forest is only one, that is, the beasts who lived in the death forest.

 Only ninjas with strength around the chuunin level can come out alive after entering the forest of death.


 In the original plot, when Uzumaki Naruto and others were taking the Chunin Examination, Konoha had already eliminated the beasts in the Death Forest.

Otherwise, let alone the Chunin Examination in the Forest of Death, whether Naruto Uzumaki and other ninjas taking the Chunin Examination can successfully escape from the mouths of those beasts is a very serious problem!

Then, while observing Shimura Danzo and Orochimaru on the road, they suddenly discovered that Shimura Danzo and Orochimaru had a good cooperation model.


 Because on the way to the Death Forest, Danzo Shimura and Orochimaru each held the seal of the laboratory and regarded this laboratory as shared property rather than private property.

After a long time, more than twenty seals were unlocked, and finally the mystery inside the Death Forest Laboratory was revealed to the off-road.

However, the moment I actually entered the laboratory, I even thought about it, and there must be some kind of evil human experiment being carried out in this laboratory. However, when Cross Country actually saw the human organs in the laboratory's nutrient tank, such as the heart, lungs, eyes, brains and other experimental subjects, Cross Country still couldn't help but frown.

 Obviously, even if Cross Country has some ideas about human experiments, he is still a rookie.

 This is the first time I have seen so many experimental products, and it is normal to have some strange reactions.

On the contrary, Shimura Danzo and Orochimaru were completely used to it, and their expressions did not even change when walking on the road. Then, inside the laboratory, Shimura Danzo and Orochimaru drove cross-country for another ten minutes. When they finally arrived outside a room made of fine steel, Orochimaru turned around through the glass of the room. He looked towards the off-road and said:

“Off-road, have you seen those children inside?”

 “Those children are the experimental subjects, below”

 “It’s up to you!”

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