Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 24: Four generations come in person

 The next day, early morning.

 Yesterday when I followed Shikaku, Ding Zao, and Haiyi back, it was already evening, so after parting ways with Shikaku and others, I returned home early, preparing to be lazy and have a good rest.

 Speaking of yesterday’s day’s experience, off-roading felt very fulfilling.

  First he proved his talent within the family, and then he announced to various families in Konoha Village, especially the wealthy Uchiha and Hyuga clans, that he was the first of the new generation in Konoha Village. With the joy of defeating the long-worshiped Weasel God in his heart, Cross Country has improved his own strength through many actual combats.

What's more, the development of the new secret technique Shadow Hand, as well as the leap in chakra volume, have already made cross-country strength comparable to genin, and can even defeat most genin in Konoha Village?

 So, under the exhaustion of both mind and body, Lu Jiudu did not let Xiqiao return to the clan and hand over the two newly developed secret techniques. After dragging my tired body back home from the cross-country trip, it was only after the development of the new secret technique Shadow Hand that I added the new secret technique to be developed to the research and development function list, so I took an early rest.

As for what off-roading adds to the list of R&D features, that’s a bit interesting.

 Calling up the list of research and development functions again, Cross Country suddenly discovered the new secret technique Shadow Hand, and the probability of success in developing the shadow imitation technique was 100%.

With a curious attitude, Cross Country combined the new secret technique of Shadow Hand with the shadow imitation technique that he had mastered for a long time. Secretly looking forward to the magical effect of the research and development function, he fell asleep under the attack of exhaustion.

Who would have thought that when I woke up the next day, I pulled up the R&D function list and found that the R&D progress had not even been completed by 1%.

It is very likely that it will take some time for the new secret technique of the heart to be successfully developed. Cross Country took out the secret technique scroll obtained from Uchiha Fugaku and prepared to complete the training of shuriken technique in the next stage and improve the shadow hand. After using the sword to make up for the shortcomings in physical skills, practice physical skills carefully.

 But when he was about to open the scroll, he never expected that his genius name would be successfully fermented in Konoha Village in just one night!

Before he could open the scroll, there were knocks on the door outside.

Get your instruments in order, open the door and take a look, okay!

Dozens of people were actually lined up outside the door of the cross-country race. They were all guys who came to challenge the cross-country race because of their reputation as geniuses!

 “Nara Cross Country! Shiranui Genmie, please give me some advice!”

 “Nara Cross Country! Hatake Tara, please give me some advice!”

 “Nara Cross Country! Uchiha Water, please enlighten me!”

 “Nara cross-country! Hinata has done it many times, please give me some advice!”


With his head covered in black lines, he stared at dozens of people in front of him, his cross-country eyes full of helplessness.

At this time, he finally understood that the title of genius was not as easy to bear as he imagined!

 What is genius?

 In the ninja world where the strong are respected, genius is the goal that most people are ready to challenge!

In the familiar original plot of Cross Country, isn't it the trouble that Akai pesters Kakashi and always threatens to defeat the genius?

 After what happened yesterday, cross-country has just become famous. There are countless speculators in various families, ready to use the name of cross-country to rise to the top and prove that they are the new generation genius of Konoha Village!

Of course!

If it were Uchiha Itachi, these people would have no chance to challenge.

Just kidding, who is Itachi Uchiha?

Let’s not say that he is from the wealthy Uchiha clan, let’s just say that he is the eldest son of the leader of the Uchiha clan. This status alone is enough for most of the new generations of Konohagakure families to consider whether they have the qualifications to go there. Challenge Uchiha Itachi.

 However, just when the new generations of each family are full of helplessness and have no way to challenge the Weasel God to prove themselves, who wants to cross-country and appear in the sky!

 Perhaps the Nara clan members are easier to bully.

Perhaps it’s because of cross-country success that many people feel that cross-country is not worthy of its reputation.

 So, at the doorstep of cross-country, many people came to challenge it early in the morning.

 On the other hand, he is not a good-tempered guy when he is going off-road!


 Aren’t you here to challenge?

Then I will beat you back one by one!


 Speaking, the challengers outside the door thought that Cross Country was timid, so they had to use a provocative method, first insulting Cross Country, and forcing Cross Country to fight with them.

It's a pity that these challengers don't know the temper of off-road, so before they insulted them, off-road put up a "please" gesture and sneered:

 “So, come on together!”

 “Stop wasting time!”


As soon as Off-Road finished speaking, he didn't even give the group of challengers time to react. Off-Road exploded with chakra under his feet and punched Uchiha Mizui in the face!

The Uchiha clan had long been unhappy, so Cross Country finally seized an opportunity to vent their anger.

The power of Off-Road may not be that great, but when a punch hit Uchiha Mizu's face, Off-Road's chakra cleverly exploded, and it actually knocked Uchiha Mizu away three meters away!

 When the other challengers saw this, especially Uchiha Sui's embarrassment, they couldn't help but feel shocked.

Immediately afterwards, the challengers outside the door looked at each other one after another, and swarmed up, preparing to use the sea of ​​​​human tactics to flood the cross-country.

But what these challengers never expected was that just when they took the first step, they were unable to take the second step!

 Looking down, I found that my shadow had long been connected with the shadow of the off-roader. All the challengers looked downcast. Obviously, the gap between them and Cross Country was too big. They didn't even notice how Cross Country formed seals and used Shadow Sewing Technique, and the entire army was annihilated there.

 When the first group of challengers were dealt with, cross-country was not taken seriously yet, and they were excited to go for morning exercises.

Who wants to have breakfast before going off-road, and challengers keep coming, making the off-roading really annoying.

At the end of the day, regardless of going to the toilet, practicing, or eating, the new generations of each family are like flies, coming to challenge one by one.

 After one batch is solved, another batch comes.

Let alone practicing hard, there is almost no time to restore chakra when traveling cross-country. Often, when chakra is restored, many people come to sneak attack.

 “This is not the way to go!”

“So many people come to challenge me every day, how can I cope with it? And I have to deal with those annoying guys every day, so I don’t even have time to practice!”

"No! We can't go on like this. Let's go hide at Uncle Lujiu's house first!"

After dealing with the challengers for a day, cross-country really felt more painful than training, so I had to go to Shikaku's house to hide first.

Who would have thought that on the way to Shikaku's home, he encountered three or four groups of challengers on the cross-country road. Even his cross-country skills felt like he was a genius. It was like a curse.

 Fortunately, after dealing with the three or four groups of challengers, Cross Country finally arrived at Shikaku's home.

Feeling the cleanliness of Lujiu's home, Cross Country was so excited that he was about to shed tears. Unfortunately, he didn't give Cross Country much time to be excited. A piece of news from Lu Jiu made Cross Country freeze. There!

“Master off-road, are you here?”

"Shikaku-sama has been waiting for you for a long time. I heard that the Fourth Hokage came personally for you!"

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