Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 341: jealous person


The magical skill in the manga One Piece is an elemental technique that can only be used by those with natural Devil Fruit abilities!

 To explain it in a simple way, elementalization is the skill of natural devil fruit users to incarnate elements. After incarnating into elements, they can transform their bodies into fire, frost, sand, or thunder, which can be used to defend against all physical attacks!

 At first, when I was watching some Naruto fan fiction, I knew that the protagonist in the fan fiction could use escape techniques to imitate the elements of people with natural Devil Fruit abilities.

 But in his own research, Cross Country knew that it was really difficult to master elementalization through escape techniques.

 If nothing else, how to turn the body into an element is a difficulty that cannot be understood in today's cross-country.

Who would have thought that after Yuri Lin "swallowed" Thunder Tooth, Cross Country would actually see elementalization in Yuri Lin?

At first, when "devouring" Thunder Fang, Yuri Lin's body only lit up with a dazzling white thunder light. However, as the thunder became more and more dazzling, Xue Yue personally felt that Lin Yuyu's body suddenly disappeared. Her body turned into thunder and lightning elements bit by bit, and was "submerged" in the dazzling thunder!

For a moment, everyone in the cross-country group was secretly amazed. Could it be that Yuri Lin is a natural devil fruit user?

 Could it be that she ate the Thunder Fruit in the One Piece world, so she could use the magical skill of elementalization?

 However, just when Off-Road was unrealistically speculating on the incredible sight in front of him, the elementalized Lin Jiaoyu Yuri suddenly attacked the location of Off-Road!

 Transformed into lightning, Yuri Lin's speed simply exceeded the imagination of cross-country!

 Regardless of whether the cross-country uses the Fourth Hokage's "acceleration" secret technique or the Fourth Hokage's Wind Blink, the speed of cross-country cannot be compared to the speed of Yuri Lin's use of elementalization.

 In the ninja world, there may be only one person who can match Yuri Lin's speed, and that person is the Fourth Hokage who masters the art of Flying Thunder God!

Even if the Raikage from the Cloud Ninja Village comes, he will probably lose his speed advantage in front of Yuri Lin who has transformed into thunder.

Therefore, when Lin Jiaoyu was attacked by Li, Cross Country had no way to avoid it. He could only silently use the Yin Escape Brand to cast the Shadow Armor. Soon, he could see the black shadow at the foot of Cross Country, suddenly covering his body. , forming a solid layer of protection. However, when Lin Yuyu's figure passed by the cross country, the sound of "click" and "click" sounded!

The shadow armor on Cross Country is like paper glass in front of Lin Jiaoyu Yuri!

 With a slight touch, it was shattered there!

 “It’s so scary!”

“After Lin Yuri transformed into an element, she not only had lightning-like speed, but also had terrifying attack capabilities!”

"Not to mention that after transforming into an element, all physical attacks will be ineffective against Lin Yuri. Let's just say that Yuri's terrifying attack ability is comparable to that of the sharp spear style. Yuri who transforms into an element can compete with all shadow-level experts. Fight!"

“I didn’t expect that Lei Daoya’s increase in strength to Yuri Lin was so much that it could make her directly become a shadow-level powerhouse!”

"Wait a minute, Yuri Lin seemed to have said before that it was her own body that restricted the use of her thunder escape skills?"

"Could it be that Lin Yuri has mastered the terrifying thunder escape skills early on, and can fight with real shadow-level experts, but he is limited by the shackles of his body, so he did not take the leap to become a shadow-level powerhouse directly. He must use thunder to Can we use sword teeth as a medium to use this power that is comparable to that of a true shadow-level powerhouse?"

  I thought to myself secretly that I felt that my judgment was very correct.

Furthermore, if we think according to the reasoning of cross-country, then the most important point in defeating Yuri Lin is to take away Yuri's Thunder Fang!

But don’t forget, Yuri Lin “swallowed” the Thunder Fang!

Under such circumstances, it is a problem for Cross Country to avoid Lin Jiaoyu Yuri's attack. How can we take away the Thunder Fang that Lin Jiaoyu Yuri "swallowed"?

The problem of defeating Yuri Lin seemed to have turned into an endless loop in an instant, and it felt like being unable to defeat Yuri Lin even in cross-country.

However, just when Lin Juyu used his terrifying thunder escape skills to teach off-road that there are people outside the world and there is a sky outside the sky, there was a sudden "poof"!

 Yuri Lin, who transformed into an element, actually only maintained his elemental transformation for a few seconds.

Immediately afterwards, just when Lin Yuri transformed into an element and just broke through the shadow armor used by Cross Country, Cross Country followed the sound of "pop" and saw Lin Yuri, whose face became increasingly pale, vomiting blood and looking sluggish. fell to the ground!

"what's the situation?"

Seeing Yuri Lin falling to the ground, he didn't even have the strength to stand up. He felt like he fell down before I even exerted my strength.

However, when he noticed that Yuri Lin's face was getting paler, and even his expression looked very depressed, Cross Country's first thought was that Yuri Lin had "swallowed" Thunder Tooth, and he could show his terrifying combat power comparable to that of a shadow-level powerhouse. , I'm afraid it has a negative effect, and that negative effect is not something Lin Yuli can bear now.

 So, after only maintaining the elementalization for a few seconds, Yuri Lin fell to the ground so weakly.

 So, cross-country does not even require counterattacks. As long as Lin Yuri is not killed when he is really strong, Lin Yuri can be "consumed to death" alive.


 Lin Jiaoyu Yuri may be acting, but I feel that I still need to be wary of the other party's acting skills.

Looking closely at the weak Lin Yuri, Cross Country first summoned his own shadow clone and returned to his own shadow. Then, he quietly used the Shadow Armor again, ready to deal with Lin Yuri's "acting skills" at any time. Cross Country slowly walked to Lin Yuri and said:

 “No energy left?”

 “Yes...I have no strength!”

A wry smile appeared on his face, and Yuri Lin, who looked sluggish, couldn't help but sigh, and said slowly: "I originally wanted to show the true secret of Thunder Release in front of your Nara Cross Country. Unfortunately, even with Thunder Saber Fangs As a medium, the power hidden in my body is still too violent. Therefore, before the secret of Thunder Release is fully revealed, my body will not be able to bear the burden and I will be in danger of becoming weak."

 Speaking, Yuri Lin looked at the very careful cross-country with disdain, and then sneered: "Nara cross-country, what are you afraid of?"

"I tell you, now is a good opportunity, or your only chance to kill me!"

“When I return to Mist Ninja Village, further explore how to use Thunder Fang, and fully demonstrate the secret of Thunder Escape without any negative effects, the first person I want to kill will definitely be you. Aren’t you afraid?”

Hearing Yuri Lin’s words, Cross Country nodded and replied directly:

 “Afraid! That’s why I want to kill you!”


 Obviously, the straightforwardness of the cross-country trip made Lin Yuri stunned for a moment.

Just when Yuri Yuri thought that Yuri Lin was really not afraid of death, and raised his hand to test it out to see if Yuri Lin was acting there, Yuri Lin actually looked into Yuri Yuri's eyes without fear. He said: "Nara Cross Country, I just saw your Wind Release. In fact, I know that we are the same person."

 “Jealous! Ha, it’s an interesting word, isn’t it?”

"As a person who is jealous of the sky, I have an innate advantage when it comes to practicing certain escape techniques. Just like me who practices thunder escape, and you who practice wind escape, your progress during practice is thousands of miles, and who knows what will happen next. As our strength improves, one day we will face the jealousy of God and die miserably on the path of cultivation."

“I originally thought that Thunder Fang was my chance to successfully resist Heavenly Envy. Now it seems that even if Thunder Fang has some effect, I’m afraid the effect is only a little bit.”

“So I’ve finished my questions, Nara Cross Country, how are you going to face your problems?”

"Your Fengdun will hurt others and yourself sooner or later. Have you thought about how to face Tianjian? Have you thought about..."

 “Are you dying under your own wind?”

Almost as soon as Yuri Lin finished speaking, Cross Country was stunned.

Especially when he was recalling Lin Jiaoyu Yuri's words and silently reciting the words "Heavenly Jealousy", Cross Country didn't notice a sneer rising from the corner of Lin Jiaoyu Yuri's mouth. Immediately after regaining some strength, he suddenly transformed. The lightning disappeared in front of him.

Then, after remaining stunned in place for a few minutes, Cross Country's eyes gradually focused on the direction where Lin Yuyu disappeared.

 Just knowing that Lin Yuli had escaped, Cross Country had no intention of pursuing him.

Instead, he looked at the direction where Lin Yuri disappeared, recalling some strange scenes in his mind. Cross Country murmured a few words on the spot, then took a deep breath and returned to Uzumaki Kushina's side. That’s it!

 “It turns out that jealous people really exist.”

"but me…"

 “Is it really like what Yuri Lin said, that he is a jealous person?”

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