Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 354: Four generations of shock

 Being in the home of the Fourth Hokage, if Kagura's inner eye was not opened, off-roading would naturally not be able to sense the majestic aura of the tailed beast.

But in the previous confrontation with Uchiha Obito controlled by Madara, Cross Country used the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan, Kagura Heart Eye, for the first time. At this time, although Madara lost control of Uchiha Obito, another "mask man" Uchiha Obito retreated immediately, but while keeping Kagura's Heart Eyes open, Cross Country's eyes narrowed slightly, and he instantly sensed the oppression with Kagura's Heart Eyes, making all ninjas tremble. breath.

 In an instant, he learned that the tailed beast appeared in Konoha Village, and he was able to basically determine who the "masked man" who could use ice escape was.

However, even if the identity of the "masked man" had been guessed in the cross-country's mind, when she really knew that the "masked man" was her, she was still stunned and could not recover for a long time.

  Then, he took a deep breath, shook his head to get rid of distracting thoughts, and walked to Kushina Uzumaki's room.

And Uzumaki Kushina, who was holding Uzumaki Naruto, saw Cross Country coming, and a faint bitter smile appeared on her face: "Cross Country, do you understand?"

"Oh, I see."

Nodding, Cross Country said: "Kushina-sama, I'm afraid I can't protect you here. A tailed beast is coming to attack the village, and the power in the village is not very sufficient. I'm afraid I need to go to support Minato-sensei and the others. . Also, there are hidden dangers in Kakashi. Maybe I need to take Kakashi away with me. Kushina-san, is it really okay to leave you here alone? Can you confirm the barrier at home? To avoid some unexpected situations?”

 “It’s no problem, don’t worry!”

Hearing what Cross Country said, Uzumaki Kushina nodded directly and replied: "Cross Country, I'm really troubling you. In fact, these are all Minato's fault. If Minato..."

 “There is no need to say any more, Kushina-sama.”

Without giving Uzumaki Kushina a chance to finish her words, the corner of Yuexiu's mouth raised a faint smile and said: "Minato-sensei's affairs are my affairs. When did we need to be so open-minded? What's more, Kushina Nara, my family is the Nara clan that protects the Hokage from time to time. As a member of the Nara clan, how can I watch the Hokage’s wife in trouble?”

"And now I go to fight the tailed beast not only to protect the Hokage, but also to protect the Hokage's wife."

“Protect my family, protect my people, protect my relatives and friends, these are what I should do, aren’t they?”

As he said that, he looked at Kakashi outside the room, left a word and disappeared in front of Uzumaki Kushina.

 “Kushina-sama, I’m leaving!”

 “Be safe, off-road!”

Seeing the cross-country figure disappear in place with a "swish", leaving only herself and the newly born Uzumaki Naruto in the room, Uzumaki Kushina's eyes were full of nostalgia, but that nostalgia soon It became firm.

Immediately, he started to form seals without any hesitation, first suppressing the nine-tailed demon fox in his body, and then consolidating the barrier in the Fourth Hokage's home.

At this moment, on the cross-country road, after Kakashi left, Uzumaki Kushina was confident that she could use the barrier she personally arranged to withstand the attack of the tailed beast. Unless someone who knows the space-time ninjutsu can leave the coordinates in the Fourth Hokage's room, or the Nine-Tails in the body escapes, otherwise with the blessing of Uzumaki Kushina's barrier, the Fourth Hokage's home It's the safest place.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

  With Kakashi, he disappeared into the home of the Fourth Hokage and entered the most dangerous battlefield.

Therefore, in addition to silently praying for Cross Country, Kakashi and others in his heart, Uzumaki Kushina's motherly eyes have been falling on Uzumaki Naruto, and she murmured in her heart:

"Naruto, you must become an upright ninja in the future."

“A ninja like your father, like your senior brother off-road!”

 On the other side, in Konoha Village.

 Looking back in time, it was when Cross Country had not defeated Uchiha Obito controlled by Madara.

At that time, the Fourth Mizukage suddenly appeared, and together with the "masked man", he fought with the Fourth Hokage and the Third Hokage.

 At the beginning of this shadow-level battle, neither the Fourth Mizukage, the "Mask Man", nor the Third Hokage, nor the Fourth Hokage had a complete advantage.

 As for the only remaining advantage, it may be that the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage have the home court advantage.

In the Konoha Village, even if most Konoha ninjas go to prepare for the war between the Country of Fire and the Country of Thunder, so what?

The Anbu who protect the Hokage cannot go to join the battle, and the ninjas in Konoha Village cannot just sit idly by, right?

Moreover, under the Fourth Mizukage, the "Mask Man", ninjas below the Kage level may be able to make very little contribution. Ninjas below the elite Jonin level must appear under the Fourth Mizukage. , was killed instantly at the hands of the "Mask Man". But don't forget that the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage are right in front of the Fourth Mizukage and the "Mask Man". Even a chuunin-level Konoha ninja can delay the Fourth Mizukage and the "Mask Man" in just a short time. In a few seconds, the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage working together were able to suppress the enemy in front of them.

 But just when the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage had just suppressed the enemy in front of them, there were suddenly several "bang", "bang" and "bang" sounds!

All the moisture in the air condensed into ice walls, blocking the way of the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage, making it impossible for the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage to easily destroy those ice walls if they cooperated. I’m afraid of falling into the trap of the “masked man”.

 And when the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage were worried, what did the "masked man" who built the ice wall do?

At that moment, the "masked man" suddenly dodged and came to the side of the Fourth Mizukage. He frowned and said, "It seems to have failed?"

 “That’s right, it failed.”

The Fourth Mizukage's eyes flashed with a sinister light, and he said very coldly: "Since it has failed, there is no need for us to continue to waste time with them. After all, this is the Leaf Village, not the Mist Ninja Village. So, as long as Maybe we can quickly get rid of the Third Hokage and the annoying Fourth Hokage. I think you couldn't help but use that trick a long time ago, right?"

"Then you don't have to worry now, just use that trick!"


  Listening to the Fourth Mizukage's words, the "masked man"'s face hidden under the mask showed a faint sneer.

Immediately afterwards, just as the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage were preparing for the next round of attacks, there was another "boom"!

The fiery red chakra actually began to spread in the direction of the "masked man", and soon spread to the third and fourth generations of Hokage.

Suddenly seeing the fiery red chakra, the young Fourth Hokage didn't know what it was, but the Third Hokage with the title of "Doctor Ninja" saw it and shouted directly to the Fourth Hokage next to him: "Minato, Be careful! That should be the Jinchūriki of the Mist Ninja Village, avoid the chakra that is full of ominous aura, otherwise you will be injured!"


With a reply, the special kunai in the hand of the Fourth Hokage flew away, and soon he used the flying thunder **** technique.

 However, in order to avoid the fiery red chakra, the Fourth Hokage did not feel anything wrong when he used the Flying Thunder God Technique. However, when the Fourth Hokage finished using the Flying Thunder God Technique, and saw that the fiery red chakra covering the "masked man" became more and more intense, he put on the clothes of the tailed beast, and three tails were raised behind his back, the four The Hokage's pupils shrank instantly!

 Obviously, he also guessed the identity of the "masked man" just like he was off-road!

“That kind of chakra aura seems to be the chakra of Sanwei Izo!”

 “Is it really you?”


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