Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 36: disappearing shadow

 “Shadow Mimicry!”



As a Jonin, Kakashi was able to expose his own weaknesses when fighting against a four-year-old off-roader. Who would believe it?

Perhaps even Nara Shikaku and the Fourth Hokage, who are completely optimistic about off-roading, sincerely believe that off-roading must be a joke!

 However, whether cross-country is a joke or not can be seen in the next confrontation!

 His eyes became more solemn. When Cross Country formed another seal and performed a spell, a complete plan suddenly appeared in his mind!

 A complete plan to target Kakashi!

The Shadow Imitation Technique was used directly. Even though Kakashi was slightly stunned because of the Muji technique he had used before. However, when the black shadow at the foot of the Cross Country quickly spread to Kakashi's feet, Kakashi was still It was a sneer, and he jumped to avoid the cross-country shadow imitation technique!

“So what if I can cast magic without a seal?”

“Nara Cross Country, even if you are a little different from other kid, it’s a pity that you are still a kid!”

  "You can't get the qualification to be taught by Minato-sensei by just relying on the kid's tricks!"

 On his lips, he was mocking the secret technique of off-road, but in fact, Kakashi already recognized the strength of off-road in his heart.

 Sometimes, you can draw real conclusions just by comparing others to yourself.

 Kakashi believed that when he was four years old, he was far from the strength he is today in cross-country, so what he said was more to distract him from cross-country, hoping to use alternative means to suppress his confidence in cross-country. In fact, when fighting cross-country, Kakashi also realized his own weaknesses, so he had to win as soon as possible.

However, is it possible for Cross Country to lose his mind just because of a few words from Kakashi?

 The answer is naturally no!

 Inheriting the excellent genes of the Nara clan, the off-roader who originally had the mind of an adult has become more mature, smarter, and also more terrifying.

Since the plan to deal with Kakashi has been formulated, it is impossible for Cross Country to make any mistakes when executing the plan.

Immediately afterwards, almost as Kakashi jumped into the air and avoided the shadow imitation technique cast by Off-Road, a confident look was reflected in Off-Road's eyes!

 “First step, successful!”

 “The next step is to carry out the second step of the plan!”

He thought to himself secretly, without any hesitation, he used his shadow clone to form a seal directly!

 “The art of multiple shadow clones!”




Two months of hard training have improved all aspects of cross-country riding.

In terms of chakra content, Cross Country is no longer the guy who uses the secret technique of the Nara clan a few times without overdrawing the chakra in his body.

So, when using the technique of multiple shadow clones, under Kakashi’s astonished gaze, Cross Country suddenly created more than ten shadow clones!

 “The art of shadow clone?”

 “It doesn’t seem to be an ordinary shadow clone technique, but”

 “It’s the art of multiple shadow clones!”

Just after the cross-country spell was completed, more than ten shadow clones appeared with smoke, and Kakashi was shocked again.

Just like when Cross Country just mastered the art of shadow clones, regardless of the art of shadow clones and the art of multiple shadow clones, there is only a little difference. But one is a B-level ninjutsu, and the other is an A-level ninjutsu. The difficulty of casting it is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine. No wonder Kakashi always looked like he was eating after performing the technique cross-country.

However, if the cross-country multiple shadow clone technique can only shock Kakashi.

Then the secret technique cast by Cross Country next was enough to make Kakashi panic!

In an instant, the off-road multi-shadow clone technique was cast, and combined with the Nara clan's secret technique, Kakashi already felt in danger. So at that moment, Kakashi used the ordinary shadow clone technique and instantly created two shadow clones, preparing to cooperate with the shadow clones to solve the problem of numerical disadvantage first.

But how could Kakashi imagine that the trump card for off-roading is not the art of multiple shadow clones!

The real trump card for off-roading is the new secret technique he just mastered last night!

 The art of shadow clone!

 “Kakashi, do you think I will look down on you?”

"A shadow clone technique is not enough to defeat you! So next, let you see my new secret technique!"

 “The art of shadow clone!”




The moment he used the Shadow Clone Technique, he felt the chakra in his body drain away rapidly, but the smile on his lips also became more intense!

Moreover, when the shadows under the feet of Off-Road, together with the shadows under the feet of Off-Road's shadow clone, all condensed into entities and surrounded Kakashi, Off-Road felt that the new secret technique of shadow clone was indeed a god. Skills. Because the effect of the shadow clone technique can not only be used on the off-road body!

 The effective range of the shadow clone technique surprisingly includes shadow clones traveling off-road!

More than ten shadow clones, combined with the shadow clone technique, will be more than twenty clones!

 No matter how powerful Kakashi is, if he wants to deal with the more than twenty clones in cross-country, it will take a lot of chakra and a lot of physical strength, right?

What's more, the clever move Kakashi used before turned into a faint move when the cross-country shadow clone was completed!

 Because in the original plot, Cross Country knows that the amount of chakra is an issue that affects Kakashi's strength.

At this moment, he had just obtained the Sharingan from Obito Uchiha. He did not have the physique of the Uchiha clan, and there was no method to limit the consumption of Sharingan in the original plot. Even if Kakashi did not use the Sharingan, Under such circumstances, the chakra consumption in the body is very terrifying.

 And that terrifying consumption is naturally the weakness that Cross Country discovered in Kakashi!

 So, first use the technique of multiple shadow clones to force Kakashi to also use shadow clones, further consuming Kakashi's power. When Kakashi becomes weak, the off-road shadow clone technique will make Kakashi's consumption more intense!

On the contrary, it is the cross-country itself. When Kakashi faces physical problems, he can quietly regain his strength!

Immediately afterwards, under the plan of Cross Country, the more than twenty clones started a chaotic battle with Kakashi and Kakashi's shadow clone. As Cross Country's clones disappeared one by one, Kakashi's shadow clone He also "died" in the battle group. Moreover, just when all the off-road clones disappeared, Kakashi looked as if he had been lifted out of the water, and even his steps were a little unsteady!

However, as a Jonin, Kakashi still believed that cross-country was also very expensive, so after getting rid of all the clones of cross-country, he was ready to decide the winner within one round!

Who would have thought that just when Kakashi was about to burst out his chakra and plan to solve the cross-country problem, Kakashi suddenly found that he could not move!

 Hurry and look suspiciously on the cross-country.

  Listening to the indifferent words coming slowly from the cross country, at that moment Kakashi finally understood why he lost!

“Kakashi, haven’t you noticed that my shadow has disappeared?”

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