Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 441: Fighting Thunder Shadow (Part 2)

 “Plan? What do you mean?”

 “Wait a minute, that smell is...”

 “Is it Orochimaru?”

Suddenly, an indifferent voice came from the cross country, causing the thunder shadow to hesitate for a moment.

 And in the moment when Lei Ying hesitated!




Outside the Thunder Release Barrier, black shadows struck directly at the Kumo ninja ANBU who were cooperating in using the barrier. Even the Raikage's cronies, Toshiro, were shrouded in countless black shadows.

When the Raikage used his own perception to sense the auras of the black shadows that attacked Toshiro and the Kumo ninja ANBU, what did the Raikage discover in his astonishment?

 He suddenly discovered that the aura accompanying those black shadows was so familiar!

That breath…

 It turned out to be Orochimaru's aura!

 That’s right.

Off-road is full of confidence, and the reason why Raikage must lose is Orochimaru!

At the time when Raikage was still confident and thought he could defeat Cross Country with one punch, Orochimaru, who was supposed to be fighting Kirabi, suddenly appeared on the battlefield where Cross Country and Raikage were fighting. After hiding for so long, how could Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, let down Cross Country, and how could he let down Raikage?

 The figure hasn’t appeared yet, but countless pythons have already appeared!

 The signature latent shadow snake hand was used in the direction of Orochimaru.

Countless pythons attacked, first tightly restraining Toshiro, and then restraining the Kumo ninja Anbu one by one. When Orochimaru raised a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth and licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue, a series of "plop" and "plop" sounds were heard.

The nine Kumo ninja Anbu, plus the Raikage's confidant Toshiro, all died in the hands of Orochimaru!

Looking at cross-country, how can you let go of the Raikage in front of you when he hesitates?

Using the perception of the "Eye of the Wind", Cross Country seized the moment of Lei Ying's hesitation and mobilized the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, which was the use of the secret technique of Shadow Escape.

In an instant, arms after another shot out of the shadow under the cross-country foot!

Those arms are the hands of shadow!

The secret technique of Shadow Escape that Cross Country mastered in the early days is also the secret technique of Shadow Escape that helped Cross Country save many dangers!

Countless shadow hands followed the cross-country shadow and flew to Raikage's side. Eight shadow hands respectively grabbed Raikage's hands and feet. With eight shadow hands holding the Raikage's hands and feet, even if the Raikage's power is comparable to that of Tsunade Hime, off-roading can still block the Raikage's progress.

 Next second!


 The sharp spear with the palm blade shoots out!

Following the off-road arm, a ray of blue light rushed straight into Lei Ying's chest, and disappeared into Lei Ying's clothes.

Although Raikage's chest has not yet been stained with bright red blood, he is still confident that he can hurt Raikage when using the sharp spear. This is off-road's confidence in the secret technique of the wind flow, and it is also the case. Confidence in the palm of your hand when going off-road!

 But when going off-road, you can confidently wield a sharp gun and hurt the Raikage!


Orochimaru's prompt appeared, and when Cross Country's pupils narrowed slightly, he caught a glimpse of the iron fist coming from Raikage!


The body flew out upside down again, and what it hit off-road was not the lightning escape barrier, but the hard ground.

The sharp spear with a palm blade had no effect at all, and it didn't even damage the Raikage's fur. This was something Cross Country never expected.

What also made off -road never expected was that his shadow's hands could not limit the footsteps of Lei Ying, not even one second in just one second!

However, when Cross Country with a sluggish expression slowly climbed up from the ground, and his eyes were locked on Raikage again, Cross Country knew why his secret technique of Shadow Escape was ineffective, and even the sharp spear with his palm failed. It hurt the Raikage.

 Because when Raikage hesitated, he used the most powerful lightning escape secret technique in the ninja world!

 The armor of thunder escape covers the whole body!

Through the concentration of Thunder Release Chakra throughout the body, Lei Yin's defensive ability and offensive ability can be doubled in an instant. Therefore, using its own strong defense capabilities, the cross-country sharp spear only opened a small wound on Raikage's chest, but did not penetrate into Raikage's chest.

 With his powerful attack ability, Raikage severely injured Cross Country with one punch.

 Fortunately, Off-road has Orochimaru by his side to help, otherwise Off-road will really die in the hands of Raikage.

However, in the subsequent confrontation, it is actually no longer necessary to face the Raikage head-on in cross-country. With Orochimaru coming, the protagonists of the battle have changed from Cross Country and Raikage to Orochimaru and Raikage. With Orochimaru coming to help, Cross Country only needs to assist Orochimaru in killing the Raikage, then their strategy will be successful.

 As for Raikage's confusion, that is why Orochimaru came here.

 Then let’s talk about Cross Country and Orochimaru’s scheme!

  Could the real target of their calculations be just ordinary ninjas from the Kumo ninja?

 Of course not!

 One is a rising star Shadow Mage in the ninja world, and the other is one of the famous three ninjas!

  If the objects that Cross Country and Orochimaru are planning to plot are just ordinary Kumo ninjas, and if they are just for rescuing Ding Zao, wouldn't they be too short-sighted?

 So, the target that Off-road and Orochimaru are planning to plot is actually the Raikage!

Especially when Orochimaru holds the trump card and can use that trump card to replace himself and break into the Cloud Ninja camp. As early as when Cross Country secretly sneaked into the Cloud Ninja camp, Orochimaru quietly followed Cross Country. around. Next, as long as the opportunity is right, Orochimaru will suddenly appear and surround Orochimaru with him like he is now!

  followed by.

 A pair of snake eyes were locked tightly on the Raikage's body. Orochimaru had no intention of "reminiscing" with the Raikage. There was a cold light in the snake's eyes, and he made a secret gesture to go forward and kill the Raikage with him.

However, just when Cross Country clearly saw Orochimaru's gestures and silently used the shadow communication technique to facilitate the two people's communication, Raikage looked at Cross Country on the right, and then looked at Orochimaru in front of him, and he was actually pointing at the two of them. Applauded!

“Raiying, death is imminent, do you still want to praise me and Cross Country Lord’s strategy?”

 “You feel...”

“Isn’t it possible for me to cooperate with Off-Road Master to kill you?”


Listening to Orochimaru's murderous voice, Raikage sneered slightly and said: "You Orochimaru coming in person can bring me a little threat. But Orochimaru, you have to think that if you cooperate with the kid, you can kill If you want to kill me, you are really wrong. Moreover, you are wrong not only in thinking that you can kill me by cooperating with the kid, but that's just one aspect!"

 “Where you are wrong, there is another aspect!”

"I just thought that your substitute could defeat Bi! He could defeat the elite of our cloud ninjas!"

As soon as Lei Yin finished speaking, he heard a sudden "rumbling" sound outside!

That's the sound of footsteps!

 Countless footsteps!

Listening to the roar caused by the footsteps outside, Cross Country's face suddenly turned livid, and there was a hint of disbelief in his eyes even when he looked at Lei Ying. Obviously, Cross Country had never thought that Raikage also held a trump card in his hand, and that trump card was the ninja troops composed of countless elite cloud ninjas.

 So, when Raikage revealed his trump card, everyone in Cross Country couldn't help but feel the shadow of failure.

 However, when the cross-country eyes shifted from Raikage to Orochimaru, what he saw...

Orochimaru still has that confident smile on his face!

“Raiying, if your trump card is just these words, I’m afraid…”

 “You are going to lose miserably!”

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