Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 601: resonance?

 “Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost?”

 “What’s there to say to the dead guy?”

“It’s rumored that the Shadow Mage is ruthless, so why does he turn into a grumpy guy in front of me?”

 “I have nothing to say to you, so.”


The Kisame Kisaki in the original Naruto novel acted as a warlike guy in front of the Itachi God. In fact, many people don't understand the character of Inigaki Kisame. He gives people the impression that he is completely opposite to Kaguya Raku. He is a terrifying existence that is rough on the outside but delicate on the inside. However, Kisame Inigangaki likes to use a bellicose appearance to hide his true thoughts.

 It's like wearing a mask of hypocrisy.

Mikigaki Kisame had been wearing a mask as early as when he was under the command of the Fugu Demon in Watermelon Mountain. At this time, when he was off-road and in front of Shisui, Mikigaki Kisame was also disguising himself with a false mask.

So, when Kisame Kisame attacked with a large sword, Samehada, Suzuki narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn't help but think of another guy he hated, Kabuto Yakushi.

Inkisaki Kisame and Yakushi Kabuto can be said to be people with twisted personalities created during the war.

It's just that for the time being, Kabuto Yakushi is still the one who needs to "cooperate" in cross-country, because his real BOSS is Orochimaru.

 On the contrary, Kisame Kisaki is the one who must be eliminated when going off-road.

Who makes his boss be Madara who is hiding behind the scenes in the Mist Ninja Village?

 That’s right.

When Off-Road sees the large sword Samehada in the hands of Kisame Inigansaki, Off-Road can basically know the development of the story.

Especially combined with some of the information provided by Shisui, Cross Country learned the inside story of why the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost died.

That was what happened when Cross Country was living in seclusion in Sand Ninja Village, and it was also what happened before the tragic death of the pufferfish ghost in Watermelon Mountain. According to Shisui's story, at that time, Iniki Kaki Kisame took several ninjas from the Mist Ninja Village to the Land of Fire to perform a secret mission. However, they were very unlucky. It turned out to be Morino, his teammate who had been taken by him before. Ibiki grew up and was surrounded by Konoha ninjas.

That battle was one that even Morino Ihiki could not forget.

 Because the moment the fierce battle started, the one Kisame Kisame started to deal with was not the ninjas from Konoha, but the companions from the Kiri ninja side. The reason was that he was afraid that his companions would leak information!

In the end, Kisame Kisaki escaped, and Morino Ihiki continued to chase him for a long time, but failed to catch up with Kisame Kisame.

When the information about Kisame Ingakaki appeared again, it was clear that the owner of the sword had changed hands.

According to Shisui's guess, Kisame Mikigaki took the ninjas from the Mist Ninja Village to the Land of Fire to perform a secret mission, and it was probably just a cover. What really happened was that Inikaki Kisame accepted a secret mission, which was to kill the Watermelon Mountain Fugu Oni ​​who leaked information about Kiri Ninja Village. In other words, the ninjas from the Mist Ninja Village he brought, as well as Morino Ihiki and other Konoha Village ninjas, were actually tricked by Inikisaki Kisame.

Since then, the name of Kisame Kisaki has been added to the Uchiha clan's key observation list.

Inkisaki Kisame also came into the sight of many ninjas in the ninja world because of his record of killing the watermelon mountain fugu ghost.

As for what kind of information the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost leaked, Zhisui didn’t know, and Cross Country had no way of knowing.

  followed by.

Seeing Kisame attacking with his big sword, Samehada, he was in spiritual communication and said directly to Shisui: "Shisui, we all know about Samehada's abilities. After all, that guy from Watermelon Mountain, the Fuguki, was It was the Samehada that made us suffer. You still need the support of chakra when fighting, so I am afraid that you will be slightly at a disadvantage when fighting against Inikisaki. On the other hand, the meridians in my body have already been at a disadvantage. It’s been destroyed, that guy Kisame Kisaki.”

 “Leave it to me!”

 “Be careful when going off-road!”

 “Don’t worry, it’ll be no problem!”

Knowing that what Cross Country said made sense, Shisui didn't say much, and immediately stood aside silently, watching the fight between Cross Country and Mikigaki Kisame.

Furthermore, just like what the cross-country said, the Great Sword Shark can restrain most ninjas in the ninja world, but there is no way to restrain the cross-country.

The reason is precisely that the cross-country meridians have been abolished, and the strength relied on does not require chakra support at all.

 Is it a blessing in disguise?

 Not quite!

If possible, off-road would like to restore the use of chakra, and don't want to become a useless person.

Immediately, when Kisame Kisame chopped off the large sword and chopped it directly on the cross-country arm, even though he practiced Yang Escape Secret Technique, his body was very strong and there was no scratch on his arm. However, the ugly big sword Samehada suddenly stuck out its tongue and wrapped it tightly around Yuki's arm, which still made Inikigaki Kisame very happy.

 He thought that the Shadow Mage would be defeated in one round!

Who would have thought that just when a ferocious smile appeared on Kisame's face, there was a sudden "bang"!

Ignore the chakra-devouring characteristics of the Sharaku muscle, or in other words, there is no chakra in the off-road body that can be swallowed. His left hand was slightly clenched, already capable of resisting the cold air in his body. Suddenly, a "collapse punch" landed on the blade of Samehada, not only did Samehada fly away, it also took the dried persimmon with it. Kisame's figure flew out upside down.

 It was like resisting the cross-country "Beng Fist". When Kisame Mikigaki slowly got up from the ground, he shook his head vigorously, but he couldn't regain his consciousness instantly.

 On the contrary, it’s off-road!

  When he punched Samehada and Kisame in the air, he didn't even go after them!

Because, almost at the moment when Off-Road had knocked out both Samehada and Kisame, and felt the few special energy fluctuations left in the Samehada on his arm, Off-Road actually discovered the Futai Mataru sealed in the Yin Eun Seal. The power, coupled with the power of the Devil Sea God Poseidon, resonates a little with the remaining power of the Great Sword Shark!


 “It means that Erwei Matauri, the sea **** of the devil sea, plus the giant sword Samehada, from a certain point of view”

  “Do you have one thing in common?”

He thought to himself secretly, and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

There is no doubt that the previous Great Sword Shark was nothing more than a more useful weapon when used off-road. It's a pity that Cross Country has lost the use of chakra, and there is no way to use chakra to feed Samehada and win the favor of Samehada like Kirabi in the original Naruto novel, so Cross Country has never overtaken it from beginning to end. The idea of ​​​​taking the big knife.

 But now, the situation has become different.

Knowing that the power of Futai Mata, the power of the Devil Sea God, could resonate with the remaining power of Samehada, even if it was just a little bit, Samehada became a cross-country prey.

It is also because of this that Kisame Kisaki is an existence that must be solved when going off-road!

 So, when the indifferent gaze of Xue Chuang slowly shifted back to Iniki Kakisame.


 The famous shadow mage is clearly focused on fighting!

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