Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 629: Yahiko's invitation

Kimimaro left.

Under the expectant gazes of the Kaguya clan and his parents, Kimimaro slowly kept up with the cross-country journey, and soon he successfully left the territory of the Mist Ninja Village.

Lin who was dressed as the Mizukage was dead. To be honest, no one in the Mist Ninja Village could stop the cross-country movement.

However, before bidding farewell to the leader of the Kaguya clan, Cross Country still told the leader of the Kaguya clan not to cause trouble in the Mist Ninja Village. Because in that case, the Kaguya clan is likely to disappear from the ninja world forever. After all, Lin, who pretends to be the Mizukage, is just a puppet in control of the Mist Ninja Village.

The people who really control the Mist Ninja Village still haven’t killed anyone off-road.

That person is Mr. Ban.

The leader of the Kaguya clan is far less stupid than in the original book of Naruto. Especially the reputation of the cross-country can make the leader of the Kaguya clan regain his sanity. In addition, the relationship between Kaguya and cross-country is there, so the Kaguya clan He still maintains a low profile in the Mist Ninja Village, and even things related to the "Revolutionary Army" need to be hidden deep in his heart.

 Let’s talk about off-roading.

Smoothly taking Kimimaro out of the Kiri Ninja Village, Cross Country and Kimimaro hurried forward, and in only three days, they arrived at the hermitage of Shiro and Minazuki Murasaki.

  When he first met Shiro there, he clearly saw the corner of Kimimaro's mouth twitching fiercely.

 Obviously, Shiro's appearance was too confusing. When Kimimaro first saw her, he thought the Shiro in front of him was a senior sister, not a senior brother.

However, Shiro in the original Naruto novel has a very good character. In addition, Kimimaro has been imprisoned in a cell for a long time and rarely communicates with others, especially his peers. Kimimaro, who is older than Shiro, is actually He quickly identified with Senior Brother Bai. At the same time, Kimimaro was also very curious about who his other senior brother was. ,

Later in the cross-country explanation, when Kimimaro and Haku found out that their senior brother was the son of the Fourth Kazekage of Suna Ninja Village and the jinchūriki of Ichibi Shukaku, Kimimaro and Haku both sighed and secretly thought As a ninja of Konoha Village, Cross Country is actually able to take on the disciples of Suna Ninja Village and Mist Ninja Village. He is indeed very capable.

  However, when Shiro and Kimimaro sighed silently, Cross Country felt a little melancholy.

Because he suddenly received a letter from the Fourth Hokage, he knew that the Fourth Hokage had some urgent matters that he needed to deal with, so he couldn't go off-road for the time being to go to Suna Ninja Village to pick up Gaara and let Kimimaro and Shiro I can have good contact with my senior brother.

 In addition to taking the white mother and daughter, plus Kimimaro, we have to rush cross-country.

 And his destination is the Kingdom of Rain!

 The "blackened" Nagato was the place where the "Akatsuki" organization was founded!

 Similarly, it is also Madara’s other base, the Country of Rain!

Nearly a month later, after bidding farewell to Terumi Mei and other "revolutionary army" cross-country, I found that I and others had just stepped into the territory of the Land of Rain, and there was a look of helplessness on their faces.

Like Shiro, Kimimaro, plus a Minazuki Purple, they can be said to be a burden when traveling cross-country. Even with Shiro in his arms, Kimimaro was walking quickly, and there was a Minazuki Murasaki about to throw there. Because of this, the speed of the cross-country and others was extremely slow, and it felt like they were carrying Jun with them when they were doing cross-country. It was a wrong decision for Maro, Shiro and others to come.

 Sure enough!

  When Cross Country entered the territory of the Land of Rain and contacted the Fourth Hokage, looking at Cross Country "taking care of his family", the corner of the Fourth Hokage's mouth twitched fiercely.

"Xiu Xing, are you here to help me, or are you preparing to settle down in the Country of Rain?"

 “Two children and a woman.”

“Off-road, I am only Naruto’s son, you are really awesome!”

Listening to the familiar voice of the Fourth Hokage and looking at his "wretched" expression like that of Jiraiya, Cross Country sighed deeply and said, "Mr. Minato, have you been practicing at Mt. Miaomu for too long? . Why do I feel that your tone is becoming more and more like Jiraiya-sama? Could it be that you are developing on the path of Jiraiya-sama?"

"How can it be!"

Showing a sunny smile again, the Fourth Hokage smiled and said: "Off-road, no joke, we still have important things to deal with. So, aren't you going to introduce these people you brought to me? "

 “Well, let me introduce it to you!”

Nodding, Cross Country smiled and said: "This is Bai, my second disciple. This is Bai's mother. Her name is Shuiwu Yue Zi, and she is a member of the Shui Wuyue clan. As for this little guy, It’s my third disciple, Kimimaro of the Kaguya clan. They are all very talented children, so I am ready to train them well.”

"Speaking of which, Teacher Minato, they are still your disciples!"

Suddenly, it was discovered that Xue Chuang called the Fourth Hokage "Minato-sensei". Both Shiro and Kimimaro were staring at the Fourth Hokage with curious eyes, which made the Fourth Hokage's face turn red.


 You should have been more serious just now, how could you embarrass yourself in front of your disciples?

 Feeling that he had given a bad first impression to Kimimaro, the Fourth Hokage hurriedly went to restore his image.

Not to mention, the Fourth Hokage's approachability is almost like a hidden attribute. It didn't take long for him to become familiar with Shiro, Kimimaro, and even Minazuki Murasaki, and even the Fourth Hokage was a little envious of the off-roading he did. After all, he always has a stern image in front of Shiro and Kimimaro, which makes their relationship not so close!

Then, because the Country of Rain is the birthplace of the "Akatsuki" organization and the "Dusk" organization, it was left to the Fourth Hokage to arrange for Shiro, Kimimaro, and Minazuki Murasaki to rest and cross-country. When it was time to get down to business, Cross Country did not take Shiro, Kimimaro and others with him, but followed the Fourth Hokage to the secret base of "Twilight".

In that secret base, needless to say, Yahiko, the founder of the "Twilight" organization, was naturally waiting there early.

Suddenly seeing Cross Country coming with the Fourth Hokage, a faint smile appeared on Yahiko's lips. Immediately afterwards, without giving the Fourth Hokage time to speak, Yahiko came forward, patted Yuki's shoulder hard, and said: "Shadow Master, I didn't expect that the guy who came to help us was actually a ninja. The famous shadow mage!"

“Last time I couldn’t invite you to join “Twilight”, this time your master and my junior brother Minato have joined “Twilight”, Shadow Mage”

 “Should you give Uncle Master a little face?”

  "Come, join us "Dusk" and become the third combat force of our "Dusk"!"

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