Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 678: Six Paths of Reincarnation (Part 2)

 Is it the samsara eye?

 There is no doubt that it must be the samsara eye!

When Cross Country used Kagura's inner eye to target the commander of the Akatsuki ninja force, another "mask man", it was just an extension of Kagura's inner eye. Cross Country was able to detect those purple eyes. , as if it can absorb everything in the world, even the spiritual energy that builds Kagura's mind when going off-road.

 Let me ask, apart from the reincarnation eye, what kind of eyes can have such an effect in the ninja world?

Because of this, when Cross Country stared at the "mask man"'s reincarnation eyes with Kagura's heart eyes, a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth!

“It seems that the cloning technology has indeed fallen into Master Ban’s hands.”

"Compared with Nagato's Rinnegan, this pair of Rinnegan is somewhat lacking in power. That is to say, Nagato's Rinnegan is Madara's previous Rinnegan. As for this pair of Rinnegan, it is just a copy. "

"When I was fighting with Nagato, I found out that Nagato only had one reincarnation eye. I felt strange. It turned out that Nagato's other reincarnation eye was removed by Madara in order to be able to copy a more powerful one. There are so many replicas of the Samsara Eye. I just don’t know if these replicas of the Samsara Eye have the real effect!”

"Just look at it and you'll find out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the cross-country made a "swish" sound and directly used the "Moon Step".

When he exploded his body energy and cast "Moon Step", he went off-road as if he ignored the distance and quickly arrived in front of the "masked man". Because the face of the "masked man" is shrouded in a black robe, Cross Country cannot clearly see what the "masked man" looks like. Cross Country only knows that the "masked man" in front of him is probably Madara's puppet. In other words, it is one of the clones controlled by Madara. Therefore, facing the "mask man", Cross Country does not mean any disdain.

Step forward and use the secret technique of Shadow Escape!

 Hand of Shadow!

With the output of the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, the shadow under the cross-country's feet suddenly turned into an arm, directly wrapping around the body of the "masked man".

While his body was being restrained, the "masked man" looked at the cross-country with indifferent eyes and said lightly: "It's the secret technique of your Nara clan again. To be honest, Nara cross-country, you can use the secret technique of the Nara clan You have cultivated the Yin Escape Secret Technique and gradually improved your Yin Escape Secret Technique. It has been used to improve the secret technique of your Nara clan. Even the ancestors of your Nara clan may not have the level of cultivation you have now. It's a pity that you are alone. If it is a secret technique of escape, there is still a way to break it."

“For you, I have studied the secret art of escape for a long time.”

“Now that you know who I am, you should know my collection.”

 “How many are there?”

Almost as soon as the "masked man" finished speaking, there was another "whoosh" sound!

The shadow at the feet of the "masked man" actually changed into the shape of the hand of shadow as the spiritual energy in his body was output.

If it’s not the cross-country Shadow Escape secret technique, Shadow Hand, what is it?


  Could it be that the Samsara Eye still has the ability to copy?

Starting in astonishment at the "masked man" in front of him, Cross Country took a deep breath, just to avoid the shadow hand used by the "masked man". However, the Shadow Hand used by the "Mask Man" is very flexible, especially when the Shadow Hand is used to restrain the "Mask Man" off-road, the Shadow Hand of the "Mask Man" can easily restrain the Cross-country.

It’s just that Cross Country is a master of the secret art of Yin Escape, and even the secret art of Shadow Escape was created by him.

 So, the shadow hand of the "masked man" wrapped around the cross-country body, only imprisoning the cross-country for a short second. Immediately, using the "Beiming" ability of the Yin Escape brand, Cross Country absorbed the spiritual energy in the shadow hand used by the "Mask Man", and then slapped it on the ground with one hand, using the second secret technique of Shadow Escape. That’s all!

 That is the arrival of the Shadow Realm!

 The S-level secret technique in Shadow Escape!

 “The Shadow Realm is coming!”


 Obviously, the "masked man" with the Samsara Eye can also use the secret technique of shadow escape, which greatly stimulates off-roading. Originally, the secret technique of Shadow Escape can only be used by cross-country. Now there is an extra person who can copy the secret technique of Shadow Escape. How can he not be a little angry in his heart?

The Shadow Realm Advent used now, cross-country is not to tell the "masked man", he can use the stronger shadow escape flow secret technique to restrain the "masked man". Cross Country just wants to tell the "masked man" in front of him that the secret technique of Shadow Escape was created by him, Nara Cross Country. Even if you want to copy it, you cannot copy the true power of the Secret Technique of Shadow Escape.

 Let’s just say that the Shadow Realm is coming, you can make a copy and show it to me!

 Don’t say that.

When Cross Country used Shadow Realm to compete with the "Mask Man", the purple light in the "Mask Man's" reincarnation eyes flashed away, and he actually slapped it on the ground with one hand and cast a Shadow Realm Descending!

 The shadows overlap with each other, and the competition is about whose spiritual energy is stronger.

  Cross-country combined with the ability of his own Yin Escape brand, on the one hand, there is a lot of spiritual energy stored in it, which can be consumed by competing with the "mask man". On the other hand, Cross Country can also use the "Beiming" ability of the Yin Escape Brand to absorb the spiritual energy in the body of the "Mask Man". Under this kind of consumption, the "mask man" was quickly defeated, and finally a faint smile appeared on the corner of the cross country's mouth.

However, not long after I was happy, I became a little worried again when I went off-road.

 Because, when Off-Road used Shadow Realm to gain a little advantage, suddenly the "masked man" in front of Off-Road actually used the shadow clone technique!

When using Kagura's inner eye for perception, Off-Road really felt that the "masked man" was using the shadow clone technique.

However, when the "masked man"'s shadow clone technique was used, six "masked men" surrounded the cross country.

Every "mask man"'s eyes showed a purple light. The purple lights were connected together to form a formation, directly imprisoning the cross-country inside!

 There is no doubt that that is the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation!


 It is the power of the samsara eye!

Feeling the pressure of the Samsara Eye, Cross Country only felt that the spiritual energy in his Yin Escape Brand was being severely suppressed. Moreover, when the purple light of the six samsara eyes intertwined into a formation and completely enveloped the cross country, the words spoken lightly by the "masked man" suddenly made the pupils of the cross country shrink slightly!

 “This is the new rule and the new order.”

“Shadow Mage, feel it.”

 “The horror of the new six realms of reincarnation!”

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