Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 682: laying net

Even though the Third Tsuchikage used to be an enemy and what he said now is unpleasant, Cross Country must admit that what the Third Tsuchikage said was not wrong at all.

  No matter how powerful the Shadow Mage is, it cannot change the fact that the Country of Waves is a small country.

Like Rain Ninja Village, what if there is a demigod and a half-zodiac?

Even during World War II, the Sannin could be eliminated. Demigod Hanzo had to show mercy in front of the Sannin, because the Rain Ninja Village was no longer able to resist the invasion of Konoha Village. Instead of solving the inside of Konoha Village, It would be better to give Konoha Village some thin noodles and let the original Sannin go.

I estimate that without the training of Demigod Hanzo, the legendary Sannin would have disappeared from the ninja world.

But the arrival of the Third Tsuchikage still made Cross Country feel a little weird, so after listening to the Third Tsuchikage's words, Cross Country was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Tsuchikage, you must be here for nothing. Since you’re here, please tell me your reasons for coming. We in the country of Waves still have some fighting strength.”

“If you want to compete with us for interests, then I can only say sorry. At the same time, I want to ask you, was your last defeat still not tragic enough?”

“Of course, if you come to bring us benefits, then I think we can have a good talk.”

 Speaking, Cross Country faced Kimimaro next to him and said lightly:

 “Kimimaro, go make tea for the Tsuchikage.”

 “Yes, Master!”

As soon as Xue Yue finished speaking, Kimimaro nodded, and immediately prepared to boil water and make tea with Shiro.

On the contrary, the third Tsuchikage, after listening to the words of the cross country, shook his head and said: "There is no need for tea. I came here this time because I really have important things to talk to your shadow mage. Since these two brats are Your disciple, then I don’t need to be shy, I’ll talk to you directly. Shadow Mage, do you know why I needed the Country of Waves in the first place?”

 “For the waterway?”

Off-road asked rhetorically.

“That’s right, it’s for the waterways of the Country of Waves.”

The third Tsuchikage smiled coldly and said: "Many people think that the geographical location of the Land of Water is the best, and the waterway industry is also very developed, but in my eyes, the Land of Waves that borders the inland The country is the best country to develop waterways. No, for the Country of Waves, the entire country should be regarded as a port. As long as the Country of Waves can be properly constructed, the Country of Waves is likely to become an intelligence center. With the country as the center, we began to spread the net to the entire ninja world."

"As for the things used to make the net, it must be a private transaction!"

 Private transactions?

  Meaning, was Cardo originally engaged in the smuggling industry?

The pupils in his eyes narrowed slightly. What the Third Tsuchikage said clearly gave Cross Country a good idea.

Just like what the Third Tsuchikage said, the Land of Waves is just a small country. If it were to be developed as an ordinary country, even with the full support of the four families of Uchiha, Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi, it would not be able to fully support it. The economy of the Country of Waves is very difficult. But private transactions become different. As long as a private transaction can be completed, the profit gained is a hundred times or a thousand times the value of the goods!

With so many private transactions, it is possible not only to support the common people of the Kingdom of Waves, but also to make all the common people of the Kingdom of Waves rich.

So, staring at the Third Tsuchikage in front of him with sharp eyes, Cross Country finally knew what the Third Tsuchikage's purpose was.

 There is no doubt that the Third Tsuchikage is here to trade with Cross Country. If you want to conduct private transactions, you must have channels. When the Third Tsuchikage controlled Cardo at the beginning, he must have controlled the channels for Cardo's private transactions. Therefore, as long as the current transaction can be completed with the Third Tsuchikage, the development of the country of Nabo will truly be on the right track. .

 However, could the Third Tsuchikage put aside his hatred and come to trade with Cross Country, maybe he was unprepared?

 As far as letting go of hatred, the three generations of Tsuchikages all put down their dignity.

In this way, in the transaction between the Third Tsuchikage and Cross Country, the Third Tsuchikage must have the initiative and advantage, while Cross Country faces a disadvantage. However, when the Third Tsuchikage came up with harsh conditions one by one, Cross Country smiled and nodded, and agreed to all the Third Tsuchikage's proposals. The Third Tsuchikage didn't even have a chance to bargain, and he felt very uncomfortable. .

 Soon, the preliminary trading strategy was decided.

 As for the cross-country country of Waves, to put it bluntly, they are mercenaries who conduct private transactions. They are responsible for coming forward and extracting profits from goods. The guy who really makes money, needless to say, is still the Iwa Ninja Village of the Third Tsuchikage. However, no matter when Cross Country told Yahiko, Uchiha Fugaku, Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Kaiichi, or Akimichi Choza about the contents of the transaction, these politically minded guys felt that Cross Country did nothing wrong at all.

 Because, the current losses do not mean the future losses.

At the moment, off-roading seems to be laying a net for Iwa Ninja Village, as if it is serving Iwa Ninja Village.

 But when the time comes, won’t the network of Iwa Ninja Village become the network of the Country of Waves?

 This kind of time is fought for based on strength, including cross-country, and the members of the "Dusk" organization are in the Kingdom of Waves. Everyone believes that as long as the net is laid, the net belongs to the Kingdom of Waves. Therefore, no one questioned the deal between Cross Country and the Third Tsuchikage, and the Third Tsuchikage was a very direct person. Almost the day after the transaction was completed, he led the ninjas from Iwa Ninja Village to meet with Cross Country.

So far.

The ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village entered the scope of the Country of Waves and began to build the network of the Country of Waves.

As for cross-country, in the country of Waves, while laying the net in Iwa Ninja Village, I talked with Yahiko about the future development.

"It's an accident that there is no help from the Kingdom of Water. It's an unexpected gain that the Kingdom of Earth can actually help us gain benefits. Yahiko, God is helping us, so don't stick to Konan and Nagato's matters. After all, a guy I had a bond with died in my hands some time ago. "

 “If you continue to slump.”

 “Then I have to quit “Twilight” and become independent!”

Even though he knew that Cross Country was a joke, Yahiko still shook his head firmly and said: "Cross Country, "Twilight" can be without anyone, but it cannot be without people. No matter what, I will cheer up quickly, Nagato and Konan will I'll leave it to you to deal with it first, after all, I don't have the ability to restrain them."

 He nodded silently, agreeing with Yahiko's words.

After Gaara and others left, the home of Cross Country became much deserted, but there were still two little guys to take care of. After finishing the conversation with Yahiko, Cross Country returned home.

Unexpectedly, when I just returned home, I found that the house had become lively again, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of Xue Xiang's mouth.

 Especially when you find that the long-lost person in front of you is recovering well.

Off-road couldn't help but stepped forward and greeted with a smile:

"long time no see"


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