Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 690: Immortal Transformation (Part 2)

Is that Chonggo’s ability?

 That’s right!

 The changes in Cross Country now are clearly the immortal transformation that many people find difficult to grasp in the original Naruto novel!

Furthermore, only by using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to control the natural energy in Suiyue's body and feeling the physical changes, can Cross Country understand why Chonggo cannot perfectly use the Immortal Transformation.

 The real reason is actually that Jugo failed to follow Orochimaru to practice the secret techniques of Yin Escape and Yang Escape!

If you want to complete the immortal mode, no, it should be said to be the cultivation of immortality, there are three points that are very important, including mastering the secret techniques of Yang Escape and Yin Escape.

 Why, in the original Naruto novel, Juugo was mentally out of control when he transformed into a sage, but when Juugo was highly concentrated, he was also able to master the sage transformation under self-control?

 The reason is that Zhongwu, who is highly concentrated, has the ability to control the backlash of natural energy. Only in places where natural energy is very strong and Zhongwu is unable to control the huge natural energy, can the accompanying influence of natural energy affect Zhongwu's sanity, causing Zhongwu to show signs of going crazy.

  Instead, it’s off-road

Among those who practice the secret art of Yin Escape, how many of them can transcend cross-country?

Use the spiritual energy in your own Yin Escape brand to suppress the natural energy that comes with negative effects in nature. Cross-country suppresses the negative effects of natural energy. Naturally, you can use Immortal Transformation in a very calm situation. Therefore, for example, when Jugo used the Sage Transformation in the original Naruto novel, there was a possibility of going crazy. On the contrary, when Cross Country used the Sage Transformation, there was no sign of going crazy at all, and he was the one who could perfectly master the Sage Transformation. part of the force.

So, why do you need to practice the secret technique of Yang Escape when practicing immortal transformation?


 It lies in the backlash of natural energy!

  It is said in the original book of Naruto that natural energy has backlash, but there is one kind of person who does not need to worry about the backlash of natural energy, and that is a person who is proficient in the secret technique of Yang Escape. Like Cross Country, when he was practicing the Yang Escape Secret Technique, his physical energy was several times that of ordinary people. When he used his mental energy to suppress the negative effects of natural energy, Cross Country was also able to use the Yang Escape Secret Technique he had cultivated. , suppressing the impact of natural energy on the body.

Therefore, when Gui Deng Shui Yue used the power of the curse seal to absorb natural energy, his body showed signs of collapse.

 So, many people in the original Naruto novel were unable to resist the power of the curse seal because their physical fitness was not good enough!

Like off-roading, people who practice the secret art of Yang Escape like Madara don't have to worry about the backlash. Madara in the original version of Naruto absorbed the converted natural energy in the body of the first Hokage and was able to use the sage mode. The current cross-country is just like Madara in the original Naruto novel. He only absorbs the natural energy in Suigetsu's body, and the immortal transformation is naturally and perfectly mastered.

This is the benefit of practicing Yang Escape Secret Technique and Yin Escape Secret Technique!

 Because, all the ninjutsu and secret techniques created by the Six Paths Sage are actually derived from the secret techniques of Yang escape and Yin escape secrets.


 There is a but!

 Although Off-road is now a perfect Immortal Transformation, and can even master the power of Immortal Transformation, but if you want to use the Immortal Transformation perfectly, you may only have one chance now.

 Because if off-roaders want to absorb the natural energy in nature, they need a medium.

 The previous medium was off-roading, and the ghost light and water moon in front of Orochimaru was gone.

 When using the curse seal to transform into a perfect immortal, natural energy actually entered Guideng Shuiyue's body and completed a special change. Only after completing that special change, with his own Yin Escape and Yang Escape attainments, was he able to swallow the special changed natural energy in Gui Deng Shui Yue's body and complete the use of the immortal form.

  If you want to directly absorb the natural energy in nature and complete the use of immortality.

Let’s not talk about whether we can observe the natural energy in nature when using Kagura’s Mind Eyes while off-roading.

 As for the violent and unabsorbable natural energy, whether off-roading can swallow it into the body and complete the use of it as an immortal is another matter.

However, one thing has to be said, that is, when he completed his immortal transformation during the cross-country trip, Orochimaru's eyes finally showed a greedy look.

 That is greed and even more jealousy!

  Why can’t I successfully master the immortal transformation after studying it for so long?

 Why did I waste so much time, but it was not as useful as the few seconds of cross-country time in front of me?

 Fortunately, Orochimaru still maintained his sanity, otherwise there would have been a terrifying guy like Cross Country among his enemies. However, as the natural energy in the body of the cross-country was consumed, the immortal state slowly disappeared. Orochimaru glanced at the cross-country deeply and said: "Xiao-cross, if I am not wrong, you are like this now. It shouldn’t be possible to maintain the state, right? Is it because I lack the method to absorb that special energy?”

“If you need a way to absorb that special energy”

“I can also transplant the curse mark on Shuiyue’s body into yours!”

 Is it another curse seal?

A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. There was no need to worry about Cross Country in front of Orochimaru. He said bluntly: "In the secret technique of Shadow Escape I created, no matter who I teach it to, even if it is handed over to Uncle Shikaku, I You have to teach one part and hide the other part. So, Orochimaru, if I transplant the curse seal you mentioned, will I be restrained by you in the future? I won’t use such stupid methods. Now that I understand the role of that special energy, my future self."

“Of course we need to study that special energy carefully!”

 Speaking, Cross Country saw that Orochimaru's expression gradually recovered, and he couldn't help but feel that Orochimaru was still someone who could become a collaborator, at least not like Madara, who must be Cross Country's enemy.

Therefore, when Cross Country bluntly rejected Orochimaru, they once again talked about natural energy, namely Cross Country. Orochimaru was hiding his explanation and using special energy to call natural energy. Cross Country and Orochimaru, who already had a cooperative relationship, Maru, it is clear that they are working together again and are ready to study natural energy together.

 What you need for off-roading is naturally the enhanced strength you get after becoming an immortal.

 What Orochimaru needs is something that Cross Country never expected, that is, Orochimaru wants to collect all the information about natural energy, slowly.

 Analyze the existence of natural energy!

“He is worthy of being the mad scientist in the original Naruto novel. He thinks about things differently from ordinary ninjas.”

“But the research on natural energy must be hidden from Mr. Ban.”

"It seems that I have to find a way to get Orochimaru to defect to the Akatsuki organization as soon as possible!"

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