Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 703: Disaster in Nara (Part 1)

 The secret arts of the Nara clan are just secret arts, not the limit of blood inheritance.

Like the Yamazaka and Akimichi clans who have been friends with the Nara clan for generations and have been protecting the Hokage for generations, most people can successfully use the Nara clan's secret arts as long as they master the training methods. Different people have completely different effects when using the Nara clan's secret techniques.

Like the Third Hokage, the secret technique of the Nara clan he mastered is quite good to be honest.

Don’t forget, in addition to the title of “Ninja Hero”, the Third Hokage’s other title is “Doctor Ninja”. In Konoha Village, in addition to some family secrets and secrets that can only be used according to the blood inheritance limit, the third generation Hokage can basically be said to be proficient in all ninjutsu, so he has the title of "Doctor Ninja".

 So, it didn’t take long to master the Nara clan’s secret technique. To be honest, the Nara clan’s secret technique of the Third Hokage was placed in the Nara clan. The only one who could compare with him was Shikaku. But it is a pity that the Third Hokage is facing the only person in the Nara clan who can crush Shikaku with the Nara clan's secret technique, and that is the shadow mage of the ninja world.

 With the help of the Nara clan, he made his debut, and slowly combined with the practice of the Yin Escape Brand, he transformed the Nara clan's secret techniques into his own secret techniques of shadow escape.

The title of Cross Country Shadow Mage was not earned for nothing.

It is also because of this that the Third Hokage used the secret technique of the Nara clan in front of off-road, which was just as ridiculous as using a machete in front of Guan Gong.

The Third Hokage used the secret technique of the Nara clan and developed the Shadow Hand using an off-road APP. As soon as it invaded, there was a "bang". Off-road turned and used the shadow hand condensed by the secret technique of shadow escape, and surprisingly defeated the shadow hand condensed by the third generation of Hokage in an instant. Moreover, when the Shadow Hand condensed by the Third Hokage was completely shattered, the Shadow Hand condensed by Cross Country had already arrived in front of the Third Hokage, and was about to imprison the Third Hokage there.


  Just when the hand of the off-road Kage was about to imprison the Third Hokage, there were suddenly several "whoosh", "whoosh" and "whoosh" sounds.

What kind of trick is that?

 There is no doubt that it is the shuriken!

The Third Hokage's use of hidden weapons is also very different. At least compared to off-roading, the Third Hokage can crush off-roading in terms of hidden weapons. Moreover, the shuriken projected by the Third Hokage at this time is not as simple as an ordinary shuriken, but a shadow shuriken developed using an APP for off-road use!

 It is hard to imagine that all the secret techniques created by off-road apps are in the hands of the Third Hokage. Therefore, when the Third Hokage threw the shadow shuriken, it was also coupled with a ninjutsu, that is, the shadow clone technique of multiple shurikens. He first used the shadow shuriken to withstand the cross-country shadow hand. , he was about to use the shadow shuriken to immobilize the shadow of the cross country. Instead, when he was imprisoning the cross country, he stared at the shadow shuriken cast by the Third Hokage, coupled with the cooperation of multiple shuriken shadow clone techniques, suddenly The thoughts of cross-country are drifting into the distance!

"When I used the APP to develop secret techniques such as Shadow Hand and Shadow Shuriken, I did hand over the principles of casting these secret techniques to the family. After all, whether it was for Uncle Shikaku or to obtain it in the family, More training resources, the Nara clan and I are inseparable, so I mastered some secret techniques and handed them over to the Nara clan. At that time, I felt that I had the APP in hand, the new secret technique of Shadow Release. I don’t lack for R&D.”

“However, when I gave these secret techniques to the family, I seemed to remember Uncle Shikaku’s instructions.”

"Among the Nara clan, except for some high-level people or elites who have the right to master the secret techniques I developed, ordinary Nara clan members seem to be practicing the original Nara clan secret techniques? Then, even the Third Hokage He can master the secret arts of the Nara clan. Where did the secret arts of the Nara clan come from? "

 “Could it be.”

 “Did the Third Hokage use the Nara Mark to control some of the top brass of the Nara clan?”


 “Are you threatening them?”

Huttered to himself, the heart in Cross Country's chest "thumped" a little, as if it had stopped beating temporarily.

 That’s right.

Unless they were coerced by the Nara Mark, how could the current Nara clan betray their family?

 It is true that the relationship between Cross Country and the powerful people in Konoha Village is not very good. For example, the Third Hokage, Shimura Danzo, and even Jiraiya, one of the Sannin, may all be Cross Country's enemies. There are so many enemies in Konoha Village, and the Nara clan is the family that has protected Naruto for generations. If the reputation of cross-country is not far-reaching, and the name of Shadow Mage makes the Nara clan look good, then even cross-country's uncle Shikakuno He is the leader of the Nara clan, but how can everyone in the Nara clan be convinced by a kid who goes off-road?

 Don’t forget, there are also elders in the Nara clan.

How could those old die-hards not report to Shikaku and demand severe punishment for Off-road when they saw the so-called rebellious behaviors of Off-road?

Especially now, when the alliance of the four tribes is working together to develop the Kingdom of Waves, to be honest, anyone with any sense knows that the small Nara clan in Konoha Village and the "rich" Nara clan in the Kingdom of Waves, Which one is more important. Therefore, because of these interests, no one can betray the current Nara clan. Only the elites of the Nara clan can betray the Nara clan unless their lives are threatened.

in this case

Didn’t the Third Hokage use the Nara Mark to control, or rather coerce, some of the elite Nara clan?

 If this is the case, the purpose of the Third Hokage coming here is probably to hold him back!

The real danger is the Nara clan?

Such an idea just appeared in my mind, and I was staring closely at the secret technique of the Nara clan used by the Third Hokage, which is the shadow shuriken developed by the APP for off-road use, when suddenly there was a "boom".

That is the spiritual energy emanating from the off-road Yin Escape brand, and it is also spiritual energy with a terrifying aura.

As soon as the spiritual energy followed the direction of the cross-country and enveloped the Third Hokage, the shadow shurikens shot out by the Third Hokage were all turned into nothingness in mid-air. As for the Third Hokage, in the center of the cross-country's strong spiritual energy, he was even more oppressed.

 However, feeling the pressure coming from off-road, the Third Hokage did not look at all panicked.

Instead, while staring at the cross-country, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Soon after the Third Hokage could completely resist the pressure that came with the spiritual energy, the third Hokage stared at the cross-country and said lightly:

“Off-road, you seem to finally know something.”

 “That’s right.”

"When you returned to the village and expressed your intention to take Naruto away, the idea of ​​getting rid of you and the Nara clan came to my mind!"

 “Now, it happens to be a perfect opportunity for execution, isn’t it?”

“So when you return to the village, the Nara clan.”

 “I’m afraid it no longer exists!”

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