Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 723: The Path of Hungry Ghosts (Part 2)

 Hyugata Hizashi is dead.

That's something that Cross Country can be sure of, because when Hinata Hizashi died, it looked like there were no bones left.

Moreover, others don’t understand what happened when Hyuga Hizashi disappeared, but they do understand that he used the further improved Hungry Ghost Path ability to devour Hyuga Hizashi alive. It was the bloodiest and most violent among the Hungry Ghost Path abilities. The terrifying power.

That is.

 Swallow all the power of a ninja!

 Transform the flesh and blood of the ninja into pure body energy!

 Transform the spirit, will, and soul of the ninja into pure spiritual energy!

From this point of view, the hungry ghost realm is indeed just like its name, it is a hungry ghost who has returned from hell. As long as something is targeted by a hungry ghost, the hungry ghost will devour it all!

Even the body and soul it targets will be digested in the stomach of the hungry ghost.

However, feeling the Hinata Hizashi who had been devoured by the Hungry Ghost Path ability before, feeling the flesh and blood of Hyuuga Hizashi, the physical energy transformed from the body, the spiritual will transformed into the spiritual energy from the soul, what is rare in Cross Country is that he did not devour it, but instead It is to expel all this physical energy and mental energy from the body.

 Obviously, this is the principle of off-roading.

He can use the ability of Yin Escape Brand to devour the spiritual energy of others. He can also use the ability of Hungry Ghost Path to transform other people's chakra into spiritual energy and physical energy to provide himself with new strength. However, Cross Country is a human being, not a hungry ghost. He does not want to see other ninjas' flesh and blood, physical energy transformed from their bodies, souls, and spiritual energy transformed into spiritual will appear in his body.

 So, facing this ability of the Hungry Ghost Path, Cross Country took a deep breath and decided that it should never be used unless it was absolutely necessary.

 But before our eyes, Hinata and Hizashi died, and the Third Hokage faction really lost the ability to resist.

Especially when Cross Country understood the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path, it instantly severely damaged the elites of the three clans of Yamazaka, Nara, and Akimichi. The remaining "fierce" Kakashi, who still had fighting power, was already unable to defeat Cross Country. There's a storm.

Because of this, "Meng" looked at Hinata Hizashi's disappearing figure, remained silent for a long time, and then sighed deeply. When sighing, "Meng" looked at the dark eyes of Cross Country with pleading eyes, and suddenly begged Cross Country: "Qiao Cross Road, a lot of people have died today, please trouble you."

 “Can you please let these living people go?”

"you mean"

Listening to "Meng"'s words, Cross Country selectively forgot about the fact that he had just completely devoured Hinata Hizashi's flesh and soul. He turned to look at "Meng" and raised his eyebrows and asked: "You mean, let me let these traitors go? "

 “Traitors? They are not traitors!”

As soon as Cross Country finished speaking, Kakashi next to "Meng" said in a cold voice: "Although I don't want to say anything more, this matter must be done. From the perspective of the village, Cross Country, you are the ones who Real traitors, so don’t insult these soldiers who fight for the village, they are for the safety of the village, so..."

 “That’s why you betrayed your own family!”

 “That’s nice to say!”

Just when Kakashi had just said this, Shisui walked up to Cross Country and coldly questioned Kakashi: "Kakashi, since you said these people who betrayed the family and defended the village are heroes. . Then what about those of us who protect our families, hope to survive, and serve the village wholeheartedly? "

 “Is he a traitor?”

 “For the benefit of the village? No, just for the benefit of a few people!”

"What's wrong with our Uchiha clan? The Third Hokage is going to purge our Uchiha clan? The Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka clans are the families that have protected the Hokage for generations. It's no secret in the village. But what do you say, Kakashi? , you describe the Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka clans as families that are going to rebel. Do you want to use your words to deny the past achievements of these three families? "


As he spoke, Zhishui's blood-red pupils were fixed on "Meng".

  Obviously because of his hatred of the Third Hokage, Shisui even hated the Third Hokage's child, his former companion, who was "fierce".

While staring at "Meng", Shisui clenched his fists tightly and continued: "Also, the winner has the right to punish the loser. You are my former companions, and If you are not from our Four Clans Alliance, you can leave now. If you are willing to work for Hokage in the future, then you will be my enemies. Even now, we are just former companions, so I will let you go. , is my final limit.”

“Like the traitors from the Yamazaka, Nara, and Akimichi tribes”

“I’m sorry, even if I am willing to let you take me away, I, the Uchiha clan, still need an explanation!”

 After Shisui finished speaking, Meng and Kakashi were speechless.

 To put it bluntly, this is how losers are treated.

 The loser has no right to speak.

 But, do we really want to give up the elites of Nara, Akimichi, and the three mountain tribes in vain?

If he can't even protect the people who support him, then what dignity will the Hokage have in the Leaf Village in the future?

For the sake of the Third Hokage, "Meng" is really ready to go all out, and is ready to continue begging for cross-country, hoping that cross-country can let go of the elites of the three tribes of Nara, Akimichi, and Yamazaka.

But just when "Meng" was about to speak, the black shadow under his feet suddenly shrouded all the elites of the Nara, Akimichi, and Yamazaka tribes just like it had previously shrouded Hyuga Hizashi.

 Still the ability of the Hungry Ghost Realm!

 Off-Road just mentioned that the Hungry Ghost Path ability cannot be used except as a last resort.

This cross-country trip uses the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path again. There is no doubt that it is to prepare for those who betrayed the family, betrayed themselves, betrayed Shikaku, Dingzao, and Haiyi. No matter how many reasons they have, between loyalty and life, since these guys chose their own lives, they should know what the price of betrayal is.

 So, the Hungry Ghost Realm is the best destination for these traitors!

Therefore, Cross Country used the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path to turn the bodies and souls of these traitors into pure physical energy and spiritual energy. Soon he controlled this strong physical energy and spiritual energy, and invested arrive.

 Lujiu, Dingzuo, Haiyi!

Inside the bodies of Nara, Akimichi, and the heads of the three clans in the mountains!

 “Traitors should be dealt with by the patriarch, so.”

“Uncle Lujiu, Uncle Dingzuo, Uncle Haiyi, please accept my gift!”

 “This is a gift from the realm of hungry ghosts!”

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