Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 758: Evolutionary history

 Is absorption?

 Or should we say devour?

 No, neither is correct.

When Cross Country further took a closer look at Ban Ye’s situation, Cross Country was surprised to find that the relationship between Ban Ye and the remains of the Outer Dao Golem was actually assimilation, or symbiosis, rather than devouring or absorbing.

So, why was Madara finally able to assimilate with the remains of the heretic demon?

 As Mr. Ban said, the reason is because of off-roading.

The cross-country road that repeatedly ruined Ban Ye’s plans and gave Ban Ye countless opportunities.

Compared with Madara in the original Naruto novel, Madara in front of the cross-country undoubtedly knows more, because in many confrontations with the cross-country, although Madara did not suffer completely, there were just some twists and turns in the plan, but Gradually, Master Madara still pays attention to Cross Country as a junior opponent, and even treats Cross Country as the first generation Hokage, and deals with him with all his strength.

And during many confrontations with Cross Country, Madara relied on Bai Zetsu's intelligence network all over the ninja world, and surprisingly discovered many secrets in Cross Country. With these secrets, Madara became more powerful than in the original Naruto novel. Strong.

 Let’s not talk about anything else, just talk about three secrets, which is enough to make Madara different from him in the original Naruto novel.

 The first secret is Orochimaru's reincarnation technique.

In the original book of Naruto, Orochimaru's reincarnation technique was still not successfully researched, so Madara died early, and his replacement in the ninja world was the "blackened" Uchiha Obito. Therefore, Madara in the original Naruto novel naturally did not have the opportunity to come into contact with Orochimaru's reincarnation technique. On the contrary, now, in the ninja world where Cross Country is located, Uchiha Obito and Lin are worried about the "blackened" Uchiha. They go to deal with Cross Country, and Madara delays his own death.

Because of this, Madara learned part of the secret of reincarnation from Orochimaru. For example, the Yin Escape brand is condensed in the bodies of artificial shadow-level experts. Madara studied Orochimaru's reincarnation technique. Even if Madara wanted to be resurrected imperfectly, he could use Orochimaru's reincarnation technique. But in that case, Madara has an obvious weakness, and his cross-country escape skills can perfectly restrain Madara.

 So, not wanting to be resurrected with weaknesses, Madara is waiting silently, silently looking for opportunities. Finally, Madara saw his own hope of resurrection when he obtained the second secret from Cross Country, which was exposed from the Third Hokage and Danzo Shimura when Cross Country clashed with him. Black technology, cloning technology.

Whether it is the ability to clone a clone carrying the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, or the ability to clone a tailed beast or an existence like the Poseidon of the Devil Sea using the remains of an outsider's golem, it all shows that Madara's cloning technology has reached such a level as pure fire. degree of clarity. In this way, Madara's resurrection is already achievable. He only needs to condense the Yin Escape brand like Orochimaru and reincarnate into a cloned body. Madara will be able to make up for the reincarnation as much as possible. Weakness, perfect resurrection in the ninja world.

 It’s a pity that Master Ban is a person who pursues perfection, so he still did not choose to be resurrected like this in the end.

 The third secret you know about off-roading is undoubtedly the mystery of natural energy. Although Madara has long known that some of the first generation Hokage's secret techniques originated from the Immortal Family's Shimogun Forest in the world of Naruto, there is no way to go to Shigun Forest. Madara can only rely on the power of White Zetsu to move forward. Just go search.

It’s a pity that the lands of the Immortal Family are all surrounded by barriers, just like the Ryuji Cave that is traveled cross-country. Without Orochimaru to lead the way, it may be impossible to discover it with Kagura’s inner eye perception in a lifetime. It was still the cross-country trip that gave Master Ban a chance to know the existence of Longdi Cave. Now he went to Shigu Forest in person to discover the secrets of Shigu Forest. It can be said that as long as Madara can be resurrected, the power he possesses is to be able to directly crush himself who was resurrected in the original Hokage. Even the first Hokage at his peak did not need to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, but he could have a god-level power. The power of the strong.


  There is still a but.

That but is, Mr. Ban has delayed for too long.

In the original Naruto novel, Madara is unable to resist the invasion of time. In the world where Cross Country is located, although Madara delayed his death as much as possible, compared to the original Naruto novel, Madara's delay was still too long. . Therefore, the power of the heretic golem is obviously no longer able to maintain Madara's life. Especially when Nagato has mastered the reincarnation eye, he has needed the heretic golem to fight many times, and Madara's life is about to disappear. It's coming to an end.

 But just when Madara was about to die, relying on the remains of the heretic demon that he had taken away was no longer able to support his life.

 Suddenly one day, a sudden change occurred!

  The remains of the heretic demon statue slowly merged with Madara, becoming the current symbiotic state!

It was also because of the fusion with the remains of the heretic demon that Banye turned into an appearance that looked different from humans and ghosts. Saying that Madara is not like a human being or a ghost is not like a ghost does not mean that the body of Madara has skin that looks like the Ten Tails. It also does not mean that the body of Madara contains the Ten Tails, which is the heretic demon. Like the breath.

It is said that Lord Ban is not like a human being and a ghost is not like a ghost, because after Lord Ban coexists with the heretic demon, his life mainly depends on the power of the heretic demon. To put it more intuitively, if the heretic demon regains its consciousness, it only needs an idea, that is, it can directly kill Madara. On the contrary, Madara will never be able to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki. After being fused with the remains of the heretic demon, Madara is simply like

Like the pet of a heretic golem!

As the BOSS in the original Naruto novel, how could Madara watch this happen?

Therefore, his eyes fell on Cross Country, knowing that the Yin Escape brand of Cross Country contained the power of the Six Paths. Master Ban did not want anything else, he just wanted to use the power of the Six Paths in the Yin Escape Brand of Cross Country to allow himself and The remains of the Heretic Golem are just separated.

However, after using up the six-path power in the Cross-country Yin Escape Brand, Cross-country is still fatal, so Cross-country's life has nothing to do with Master Banner's plan. Anyway, in Master Banner's eyes, Cross-country is already a dead person.

 Let’s talk about off-roading.

 After knowing what kind of situation Ban Ye faced, off-roading was not completely fruitless. At least, after knowing that Master Ban is working with the remains of the heretic demon, Cross Country has a very evil way to deal with Master Ban in front of him. Immediately afterwards, just when that evil and crooked method appeared in the mind of the cross country, facing Master Ban who had been suppressing him in front of him, the corner of the mouth of the cross country raised a faint smile and directed at the master in front of him. He said calmly:

 “Uchiha Madara, I am very happy after knowing your evolutionary history.”

"because of you"

“I am about to become a BOSS who dies because he talks too much!”

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