Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 788: Pain (Part 1)



A tailed beast cannon, following the off-road control of the four-tailed Monkey King clone, quickly invaded the front of the Hokage Rock.

 That is the refuge of Konoha Village, and it has protected the villagers of Konoha Village countless times.

In Konoha Village, the shelter at Hokage Rock is undoubtedly very important. Cross Country, who was once a ninja in Konoha Village, happened to know this, so he immediately controlled the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone to destroy it. It was the refuge of the Hokage Rock. He wanted to make it impossible for everyone in the Leaf Village to escape!

  followed by.

When smoke filled the Leaf Village and the entire Hokage Rock collapsed due to the terrifying power of the Tailed Beast Cannon, the Third Hokage, who had always had the last laugh in every fierce battle, suddenly froze as he looked at the shattered Hokage Rock. There, even Mito Kadeni and Koharu who were sleeping next to the Third Hokage were no exception.


 Because the Hokage Rock symbolizes not only a shelter, but also the spiritual pillar of Konoha Village.

In the original book of Naruto, even though Nagato controlled the Six Paths Payne to invade and completely destroyed Konoha Village, the Hokage Rock in Konoha Village was still not damaged at all. Now, the Hokage Rock, which represents the spiritual pillar of Konoha Village, was suddenly shattered by the Tailed Beast Cannon of the four-tailed Monkey King clone.

On the other hand, looking back at the Third Hokage, Koharu and Mito Kadeni, after a brief period of sluggishness, they were greeted by endless anger!

 “Damn it, I’m going to kill him!”

 The first person to roar was none other than Koharu Koharu, the only female ninja in the elder group.


  It is somewhat unrealistic to say she is a female ninja, because the current Koharu is already an old woman!

  However, the elderly, women, and children in the ninja world are existences that cannot be ignored. It is very likely that these elderly, children, and women who seem to have no fighting ability are terrifying existences with their hands stained with blood. Koharu Koharu's strength in the group of elders is pretty good. In Konoha Village at this time, Koharu Koharu is an important combat force. Otherwise, how could the Third Hokage take Koharu Koharu and Mono Mito to deal with him? What about the villain played by Cross Country?


The strength of the film -level strong is once, and Xiaochun, who is now declining, must not be the enemy of off -road.

What's more, when Cross Country was hidden in the clone body of the Four-Tailed Sun Wukong, he still had his original strength. There was no need for his strength to retreat due to fusion with the Four-Tailed Sun Wukong?

Therefore, just when Koharu Koharu exploded the chakra in his body, exerted his extraordinary power due to anger, and quickly arrived in front of the four-tailed Monkey King clone controlled by cross-country, he silently stared at Koharu Koharu in front of him, and the cross-country was useless. Kagura's inner eye sensed it, and immediately it turned out that the clone controlling the four-tailed Sun Wukong suddenly used the shadow blink technique!

 “Shadow Escape!”

 “The Art of Shadow Instant!”



  The figure of the four-tailed Son Goku clone that was controlled off-road disappeared, disappearing under the perception of the Third Hokage, Mito Kadoen.

 When the clone of the four-tailed Sun Wukong disappeared, the Third Hokage and Mito Kadobu felt a little bad in their hearts. Moreover, the Third Hokage and Mito Katoyan can be sure that their feelings have never been as accurate as this time, because in the Third Hokage, Mito Katoyan felt the disappearance of the clone of the Four-Tailed Monkey King, and there was something vaguely bad. At that moment, suddenly the huge body of the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone directly pressed on the sleeping Xiaochun!



The huge body of the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone is pressed on the body of an old woman. What will be the result?

 The natural result was that the old woman Xiaochun was crushed to pieces in an instant when she went to bed!

There was not even a round of fighting time. Off-road controlled the body of the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone, combined with the shadow instant technique in the shadow escape style, and killed Xiaochun in an instant. When using the Shadow Flash Jutsu, Cross Country can be sure of the Third Hokage. Mito Kadeni cannot see through the use of the Shadow Flash Technique, because as a shadow mage in the ninja world, Cross Country can still have this confidence. .

 Sure enough!

Just as Yukoku thought, Mito Kadoyan and the Third Hokage stared at the place where Koharu died, and they were shocked to the extreme!

 When will tailed beasts be able to use the teleportation technique?

 When will tailed beasts be able to use their bodies as weapons?

After another brief period of pain, the Third Hokage, Mito Kadenen called the name of Koharu who was sleeping, and he was even more hostile to the clone of the four-tailed Monkey King in front of him. Not only did it destroy the spiritual pillar of Konoha Village, but even their companion Koharu died tragically on the battlefield in an instant. If possible, the Third Hokage and Mito Kadoen really wanted to kill the four in front of them directly. The clone of Sun Wukong.


 Tailed beasts are immortal existences!

So, the Third Hokage only used psychic skills, and instantly channeled the old ape and the ape demon, and immediately ordered the old ape and the ape demon to transform into the Vajra Wishful Rod.

Unexpectedly, just when the old ape demon was channeled by the Third Hokage, he suddenly discovered that the existence in front of him was actually the clone of the four-tailed Monkey King. He felt the oppressive aura coming from the clone of the four-tailed Monkey King, and that The tailed beast has a unique aura, and it can be said that the old ape demon has a deep relationship with the Third Hokage. Suddenly he lowered his head in guilt and murmured to the Third Hokage in front of him:

“Hiruzhan, I’m sorry, I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you in this battle.”

“Because Lord Sun Wukong is the king of our ape clan. As a member of the ape clan, unless you want to betray the ape clan, otherwise”

“Otherwise, wherever Master Sun Wukong’s blade points, that’s where we, the ape tribe, must trample!”

“The only thing I can do now is to stand by and watch while Lord Sun Wukong attacks Konoha Village!”

With that said, the old ape demon who was channeled by the Third Hokage sighed deeply. When he looked at the four-tailed clone of Sun Wukong controlled off-road, his eyes were full of guilt, fear, obedience and many other expressions.

When the Third Hokage heard what the old ape demon said, his eyes turned red with anger.

 That was a feeling that the Third Hokage had never felt before, a double blow of pain and betrayal!

Especially when staring at the old ape demon, that unique appearance of the ape tribe, recalling what the old ape demon said before, when the Third Hokage looked at the old ape demon, the figure of the four-tailed Monkey King clone was slowly moving. appeared behind the old ape demon. By some strange coincidence, vaguely behind the old ape demon, he caught a glimpse of the shadow of the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone. The Third Hokage, who was in so much pain, suddenly used the teleportation technique. With one teleportation technique, he arrived. In front of the old ape and the ape demon!

"Since you are helping me by standing by, then you and the Four-Tails are of the same race"

 “That’s the traitor!”



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