Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 801: curse?

 “Well, things are weird.”

“But what is the country of echoes for?”

Listening to Cross Country's instructions, Shisui nodded silently, but he was very curious, why did he have to return to the country of waves to conduct research?

Faced with the problem of stopping water, off-roading is a mysterious smile.

A few days later, after traveling cross-country, Zhisui successfully returned to the Kingdom of Waves with the captives from the Rain Ninja Village. Zhisui suddenly saw the figure of Orochimaru in the Kingdom of Waves.

Seeing Orochimaru waiting silently there, Shisui suddenly realized why he wanted to return to the country of waves.

 It turns out that the real purpose of the cross-country trip is to let Orochimaru study the body mysteries of these ninjas from the Rain Ninja Village!

 That’s right.

In the ninja world, apart from Orochimaru, I really don’t know who in the cross-country can understand the true secrets of these rain ninja village ninjas. Therefore, he deliberately and secretly contacted Orochimaru and told Orochimaru the secrets about the bodies of the ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village. When he knew that the ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village were not only able to share their minds without the help of others, but also had almost unlimited physical energy, Orochimaru naturally put down all the experiments in his hands and hurried to the Wave. within the country.

 In the Kingdom of Waves, Cross Country built a laboratory for Orochimaru early in order to wait for Orochimaru to join.

However, just after entering the laboratory and handing over the captives from the Rain Ninja Village to Orochimaru, Orochimaru suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly and discovered something very interesting.

“Haha, off-road, haven’t you noticed that these ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village are very weak now?”

 “Weakness is inevitable.”

He has been using mental energy to cast Kagura's Heart Eye to sense the situation of these ninjas in Rain Ninja Village. Listening to Orochimaru's words, Cross Country frowned and said: "These ninjas in Rain Ninja Village have always been under my confinement. Even when we need to eat, Shisui is always guarding us. Orochimaru, you must understand how fast Shisui and I are on our way. Even you will be weak if you can keep up with us. Yes, so what you said seems to make no sense at all!”

“It’s not meaningless, cross-country, you haven’t conducted many troublesome experiments, and you don’t know that weakness also depends on the situation.”

After listening to the words of the cross country, Orochimaru still maintained a smile, and immediately licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue, and said: "The weakness of these ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village seems to come from the spiritual aspect. From their eyes, I saw desire , presumably if they want to maintain the power of spiritual sharing you mentioned, as well as the power of nearly unlimited physical energy, they must have something special as a support, and when you captured them, they lost this support. , the strength of these ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village will gradually weaken, and the desire in their eyes is actually to restore their original strength. "

With that said, Orochimaru suddenly stepped forward and let go of the two ninjas from the Rain Ninja Village.

The two ninjas from the Rain Ninja Village broke away from their restraints and naturally rushed directly towards the cross country. The faint ferocious look in their eyes made the cross country believe that what Orochimaru just said was probably true.

However, how can two Jōnin-level ninjas from the Rain Ninja Village be cross-country rivals?

Faced with the attacks from the two Rain Ninja Village ninjas, Cross Country just took a step back to avoid their attacks. Immediately, two more punches fell on the two Rain Ninja Village ninjas. These two Rain Ninja Village ninjas He curled up like a shrimp and collapsed on the ground.

But even though there was intense pain in the abdomen, the ferocious eyes of the two Rain Ninja Village ninjas remained unchanged.

Even when using Kagura's inner eye to perceive in off-road, he could find that some kind of strange emotions were growing and expanding in the heads of the two Rain Ninja Village ninjas!

 Next second!

As if they didn't know the pain, the two Rain Ninja Village ninjas suddenly stood up and rushed off-road again.


 The result can never be changed.

Only when Cross Country fought against the two Rain Ninja Village ninjas, he knocked down the two Rain Ninja Village ninjas countless times, but the two Rain Ninja Village ninjas seemed to have infinite vitality and could always bite them. The sight of Ya rushing up made Cross Country's pupils shrink slightly.

Moreover, when Cross Country and two ninjas from the Rain Ninja Village who seemed to have unlimited energy "played" there for two hours, something suddenly happened!

As if they knew that they couldn't get what they wanted on the off-road, the two Yu Ninja Village ninjas who gritted their teeth and endured the pain on their bodies looked at each other in surprise.



The two ninjas from Rain Ninja Village collided with each other!

Until one Rain Ninja Village ninja beat another Rain Ninja Village ninja to death with his fist, causing the dead Rain Ninja Village ninja's blood to flow all over the ground, since the living Rain Ninja Village ninja A hint of enjoyment slowly appeared in his eyes.

It happened to be the look of enjoyment in the eyes of the Rain Ninja Village ninja that made Orochimaru go to use the Hidden Shadow Snake Hand to directly subdue the still alive Rain Ninja Village ninja.

"did you see it?"


Nodding, Cross Country said: "I seem to understand, Orochimaru, the secret techniques used by these Rain Ninja Village ninjas must be supported by blood. Without the support of blood, they will become weaker and weaker. Spiritual sharing The ability and the ability of nearly unlimited physical energy will be like a burden, destroying them. "

"So, when these guys from the Rain Ninja Village are satisfied, they are the best ninjas. As long as they have enough numbers, there is no problem for them to go and wipe out the ninja world. But if they lose the support of blood, these Rain Ninjas will The ninjas in the village will gradually become crazy. But Orochimaru, have you heard of such a secret technique?"

"I seem"

 “I’ve never heard of such a secret technique before!”

 In the original work of Naruto, I have never learned about such a secret technique. It is just that Cross-country knows everything. You cannot just look at the original work of Naruto, so now I ask Orochimaru to see if Orochimaru knows what secret technique it is.

 As soon as Cross Country finished speaking, Orochimaru, who had been smiling, gradually became serious.

Especially when Orochimaru's snake eyes shone with inexplicable brilliance, he slowly used the sharp nails on his fingers to open the chest of the ninja from the Rain Ninja Village in front of him.

When Orochimaru firmly grasped the heart of the Rain Ninja Village ninja, Orochimaru murmured:

“According to what I understand from some scrolls, off-roading is not a secret skill, but a curse.”



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