Saitokai, the quasi-shadow master, the leader of Kushinin village, led Kushinin village to struggle in this era of Konoha overwhelming the world, a man seeking a way out...

No one would have thought that such a man would be slapped in the face by the enemy's defense at the door of his village!

"How dare you resist?!"

"Outsider, you are looking for death!"

Suddenly, there were countless Kushinohori who couldn't help but shouted in anger, and even impulsive people had already drew out their shurikens.

Chen Feng smiled constantly, a grass-nin village, he really didn't care.

However, the Kusanomen did not rush out, instead they were stopped by Saito Kai's hand.

"Sorry, your sir, I was the one who spoke badly just now. It seems that your strength should also be at the shadow level..." Saito Hai took a deep breath and bowed: "I was disrespectful to you before. I apologize to you. "


"grown ups!"

As soon as this sentence was said, it immediately caused countless Kushinin people to exclaim.

It's just a shadow-level master. Although there are no shadow-level masters in the village of Ninja, there are still some quasi-shadow masters.

Besides, there is only one person on the opposite side, oh, adding a little girl doll, our side is a Shinobu village!

If you use a sea of ​​people, you can kill him!

Why should I apologize to him?

Chen Feng's eyes showed a surprised look. For the first time, he took a closer look at Saitokai's expression. He couldn't see a trace of calculation or hatred. Obviously he didn't take this shame in his heart, and even sincerely apologized. .

Because the opponent is a shadow level, and the strongest in his own village is only the quasi shadow level, if the shadow level master ignores all kinds of sneak attacks on the face, then the loss of Grass Ninja Village will be great.

And even though I brought so many ninjas, how much sacrifice would it take if I wanted to use the crowd to pile up a shadow class?

Weighing the pros and cons, he chose to apologize!

Regardless of his face, he is sensible, and his interests are the top priority in everything.

"It's no wonder that the Kushinin village will still stand tall in the future, but there are countless small Ninja villages that have long disappeared..."

Xiaocao's strength is meager, but it's just a wall grass, but for Xiaonin Village, survival is what they hope most.(Read more @

"We didn't have any festivals, and the loss was our Kushinin Village. It's in my face, please go back." Saitohai got up after bowing and said: "We are discussing the conditions of alliance with Konoha. If it succeeds. , Then our Kushinin Village is Konoha’s ally, and I hope you will not lead out a major enemy because of your breath."

After the apology, there are threats.

Konoha is unparalleled in the limelight. The previous scenes of the siege of the four major powers have been resolved by Konoha. This has made countless people, even the shadow class, dare not be too rampant with Konoha.

To be honest, if the opposite is just an ordinary shadow class, just follow Saitokai’s words to find a step down, maybe even because of Saitokai’s appearance, he may join Kushinin Village and enjoy countless things. treatment.

But now he is facing Chen Feng!

"Sorry, I promised that little girl that I would let her take revenge." Chen Feng smiled lightly: "People, the most important thing is to keep the word, I said to help her revenge, how can I give up for some minor reasons? What?"

"Because of such a girl?" Saito Hai frowned. A person like him who is completely profit-oriented simply can't figure out Chen Feng's thinking.

"If you join us in the village of Grass Ninja, I can give her to you. Anyway, it's just a tool. It doesn't matter what you do to her, why care about a small promise?"

Chen Feng shook his head faintly: "It's useless to say more, you won't understand it anyway."

Saitoumi nodded: "I really don't understand, but I know what I can do."

As he said, there was a murderous flash in his eyes, from a respectful compliment to a murderous look, and he pointed at Chen Feng and shouted: "Kill him!"

From the murderous to the respectful, and then from the respectful to the murderous.

He was like a chameleon, his face changed, but it was the most practical behavior.

"If you don't agree to do it, it's not bad." Chen Feng smiled lightly, and slammed his feet on the ground.

"Water Style!"

Suddenly, countless water droplets were produced out of thin air, gathered by Chen Feng's side, and began to spin frantically.

"Hard vortex water blade!"

The rotation speed is getting faster and faster, and finally it directly condenses into a spiral burst spear, which is held by Chen Feng with one hand, and stabs forward suddenly.

The cruel and ruthless violent violent, almost want to eat people.

The tyrannical water waves flooded into disasters.

The water gun was roaring, and everything in front of it was screaming fiercely.

Although this time Chen Feng did not use the Jōnin technique to cooperate, he used the S-level ninjutsu from the Second Generation teacher-the hard vortex water blade!

But in an instant, the army of Cao Ren was smashed. The quality of their ninjas was not as good as that of other big countries, and the number was even worse. Other big countries could not stop Chen Feng's attack. What would they do to stop it?

However, it is not that there are no survivors. Saito Hai survived, although it was because Chen Feng deliberately saved his life.

"Xiang Lin, come down, your enemy is here." Chen Feng chuckled, turning his finger, and a Water Style·Water Whip firmly bound Saito Sea, unmoving.

Xiang Lin watched from a distance, gritted his teeth, and slammed into the air. In the air, he was caught by another whip that Chen Feng threw and sent to his side.

"You can do it as much as you want, don't worry about me." Chen Feng smiled softly, not to mention that Saitohai has been tied up, even if he is not tied up, don't think that Xiang Lin will be in danger in front of Chen Feng.

"En!" Xiang Lin's still immature eyes showed a trace of murderous intent, and the enemy who killed the mother's vengeance was right in front of him. When will he not report it at this time?

Saitoumi's eyes flicked, and Ling Ran unexpectedly said: "Huh, I am the leader of the Kushinin Village, and I will never give in to a little girl."

"And that outsider, you will usher in the revenge of our grass-ninth village! You are dead!"

Chen Feng blinked. What is it that supports Saitohai's righteousness and righteousness?

His eyes swept slightly, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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