Whoosh whoosh.

A Cloud Shinobi Village dressed in black, shuttles through the night of Konoha.

The black night gave him a good concealment, but even that concealment couldn't stop his almost crazy smile.

"I have made a great contribution this time. The bloodline of Byakugan of the Konoha Hyuga clan, Master Ai will definitely reward me greatly after I return!" Cloud Shinobi's face was a bit hideous and excited, and it seemed that his steps were lighter. .

As a member of the senior level, he understands the current situation of Cloud Shinobi very well. Fourth Raikage is the strongest main combat faction. If it weren’t for Cloud Shinobi Village who really didn’t have the strength to fight Konoha, he would have rushed to fight Konoha long ago. It's dry.

In fact, the entire Cloud Shinobi Village is like this. Countless ninjas and civilians want to do it, but they all know that they have no chance of winning.

But if in this situation, as long as someone can drop Konoha's face once, they will be regarded as a hero by Cloud Shinobi Village!

A hero worshipped by thousands of people!

And because of hatred, the current Cloud Shinobi Village is frantically looking for everything that can improve its strength. The Hyuga clan’s blood inheritance limit Ninja are well-known. Bring it back, whether it is in substance or in fame, you will get the greatest. Return.

"Haha, now the Hyuga clan should have discovered that their eldest lady is missing, it's really useless. Hyuga, who is known for his perception ability, will lose their eldest lady? Well, this sentence can be found in Fourth Hokage for us to protest. Time to speak out."

Cloud Shinobi nodded and gave himself countless likes.

Although his thoughts were a little divergent, his achievements did make him proud.

That's Hyuga, the Hyuga who is regarded as the third strongest family of Konoha!

However, the stronger the enemy, the greater the reward, but the greater the danger.

"I've inquired. There is a person named Qing who also owns Byakugan in the Water Country. Obviously, the Hyuga clan's ability is no longer good. They are weakened. I heard that they are also at odds with Chen Feng. This time I will definitely not have it. It's a problem." Cloud Shinobi comforted himself secretly.

Cloud Shinobi is Cloud Shinobi. Naturally, they don’t know as much information as Konoha’s locals, and they don’t know as much as people who have experienced it. For example, he knows that Chen Feng once hit the door, but he doesn’t know why Chen Feng hit the door. .

Another example is the Blue of Kirinin Village in the Water Country. His Byakugan was not looted from Hyuga. Although the matter of his possession of Byakugan has been spread, Hiashi investigated the loss of some Byakugan of his own tribe. I didn't care about him.

However, he had a good chance. Konoha's diplomacy is now very dangerous, and there are enemies almost everywhere. In this case, even Minato will compromise.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

If he didn't know why Chen Feng went to Hyuga, perhaps he would have succeeded. From then on, he was promoted and raised, married Bai Fumei, and embarked on the pinnacle of life.

However, now he can only hear such a cold sentence in ecstasy.

"Who gave you the courage to snatch Hinata from Konoha?"


As soon as Cloud Shinobi's face condensed, he felt that someone was in his abdomen. He kicked a kick suddenly, right in the middle of the abdomen, and his body was kicked over by the kick involuntarily, and the hand holding Hinata was loosened subconsciously.

Puff through.

Chen Feng's face almost condenses into ice, and his dark eyes are like a bottomless abyss, flashing with cold black light, like a demon killed in hell.

He took his head, looked carefully for a while, and breathed a sigh of relief, but the momentum and murderousness exuding from his body made Cloud Shinobi shudder when he was kicked to a distance of several tens of meters.

"Fortunately, there is no fright, and no trauma..." Chen Feng sighed. The little girl in his arms is his treasure, and no one is allowed to hurt her.

"Chen! Chen Feng!" Cloud Shinobi screamed suddenly, his eyes could not stop panic.

That's Chen Feng, with his own power, destroying the entire Cloud Shinobi Village Chen Feng!

"Why is he here? Isn't he Hyuga Disharmony? And there is Byakugan in Mingmian Water Country, so why does he leave it alone and have to arrest me?"

For an instant, Cloud Shinobi's mind flashed hurriedly, and a panic and upset thought came to his mind.

"It looks like you don't intend to say anything." Chen Feng's eyes were like ice, and a wild murderous intent came surging forward, raging and cold.

It was as if some ancient strange beast awakened from its deep sleep, showing its minions, looking for its prey, and the murderous aura emanating from it, the surrounding air and the sudden drop in temperature seemed to be solidified.

The murderous aura that rushed forward, like thousands of white war horses headed forward, slayed mightily, causing Cloud Shinobi, who was not timid, to collapse on the ground in terror, and wet his pants.

It is true that Chen Feng's name is countless times more fierce than the Demon King in terms of Cloud Shinobi, and he is almost a terrifying spokesperson.

Even Cloud Shinobi, who has the level of elite Jōnin, can only shudder and tremble.

"No! Wait, he may not be Chen Feng, if it is Chen Feng, I am afraid that I will just die with the kick just now. How can I still think about what messy things are here?" Cloud Shinobi said inwardly, The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense.

Because he didn't know, Chen Feng's mercy was not because he couldn't kill him with a single blow, but because he didn't want to shock Hinata.

"The one who came... should be the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hiashi, the father of the little girl I kidnapped..."

Thinking about it this way, Cloud Shinobi is back with confidence. He is also the role of elite Jōnin. If it weren't for Chen Feng, the great devil in Cloud Shinobi's heart, he wouldn't be so frightened.

"Ahem, Hiashi, Hiashi, because you are still the head of the Hyuga clan, you can only use the name Chen Feng to scare people. It seems that your Hyuga clan..."

He wanted to say a few more words, but heard an urgent cry from behind him: "Hinata! Hinata!"

Turning to follow the trend, Hiashi hurriedly chased him in a kimono, his eyes violent, and he had obviously opened Byakugan.

"Huh? This is Hiashi, and the person in front of me is..."

"I really don't want to hear your last words, but..." Chen Feng slowly raised his hand, and the ridiculous green onion in his hand burst out with an eye-catching spirit.

"I will send Cloud Shinobi Village down for your funeral!"


A shocking sword aura burst out suddenly, and in an instant, the entire Konoha felt a kind of chill.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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