"According to normal, we should have a test first to test whether you meet a Genin standard..." Chen Feng stretched his voice, causing the hearts of the three girls below to tensed.

Naturally, they don’t have to worry about other people’s teachers, but now their teacher is Chen Feng!

Just a test? Don't make trouble, Chen Feng's test has not been simple! Now even the idiot Naruto knows that he has to delve into Chen Feng's test with complicated psychology, not to mention that their IQs are definitely much better than Naruto.

"But I think you should all meet Genin's standards, so let's forget it." Chen Feng smiled and said words that made the three relax.

"So I decided to come up with a little question."

boom! boom! boom!

All three of them fell to the ground with a thud.

Teacher, can you not breathe so much when you speak? Luckily, I just relaxed.

"It looks like you guys are very excited, don't worry, my questions are generally not difficult." Chen Feng waved his hand and said with a smile.

This sentence meant that the three people who had just stood up almost fell down again.

Not difficult? If I remember well, Sasuke almost cried once when it was difficult, did you? Did Naruto be brought home by Fourth Generation? ! Have we suffered physically and mentally? ! !

"Ahem, the test question is like this." Chen Feng coughed twice: "You should know my strength, after all, our masters and apprentices have known each other for a long time."

The three nodded.

Chen Feng's strength is unquestionable, and even those who are bored with Chen Feng must admit it.

The three of them may not understand power so much, but they all know one thing-Chen Feng is definitely not something that the three newly graduated little guys can contend!

"Then how do you make me move based on what you know about my strength?" Chen Feng's shoes touched slightly, stood steady, opened his eyes, and looked directly at the three of them.

"The proposition is how can you force me to move my footsteps with your strength, that's all." Chen Feng smiled: "It's simple, isn't it?"

simple? Simple ghost!

Because Hinata's class is under the hegemony of Chen Feng, those who disobey him are kicked out in a casual kick, which is naturally very hateful.

One of Jōnin’s parents seemed to be kicked out by Chen Feng because his son, whom the whole family was looking forward to, was kicked out by Chen Feng because he was not obedient, so he didn’t know if he drank too much and said his head was pumped, and he came to the ninja school.

Of course, he was not looking for the fault, but wanted to reason with Chen Feng, begging for mercy, and send his son in again.

Then he just said his intention at the teacher's door, and Chen Feng punched out of the Ninja School from a long distance away!(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The style of this punch almost killed a Jōnin.

Since then, no one has pleaded for Chen Feng's orders.

And a Jōnin can't avoid Chen Feng's punch from such a distance. How come the three of them don't think they can beat a Jōnin now.

Let Chen Feng move? Sorry, that Jōnin was punched out by Chen Feng while he was holding a book while he was talking about the knowledge in the book!

Jōnin can't let Chen Feng take a step, can the little guys?

"I'll give you three attempts, don't you give it a try? Maybe I dodged it with your punch." Chen Feng chuckled and spread his hands, making the three of them helpless.

"What to do?" Little Sakura gave a look.

"What can I do? My family's heart-changing Technique is of no use to people of the teacher's level at all!" Ino frantically slammed his hair.

Hinata groaned for a moment, and made a suggestion using the extensive knowledge gained from her status as a big family lady: "It is said that after Master Chen Feng destroyed Cloud Shinobi, Konoha’s ninja moved out a powerful Chakra cannon from Cloud Shinobi. If you try this with this..."

However, the two people next to him were silent for a while and gave up this option.

Chakra cannon? This kind of thing is not something that the three Genins can move. If this can't be moved, then you might as well just ask Tsunade-senpai, Fourth Hokage and other strong men to besiege Chen Feng together.

"Why, don't you want to give it a try? Maybe one of you tempted me, and then I was immediately attracted by you. Maybe I rushed towards you." Chen Feng smiled softly and squinted his eyes. , The smile is very bad, very bad.

The three girls couldn't help but become popular, even the intimate Ino made before.

Be charmed? You can still consider it alone, um...

As for whether Chen Feng will come forward...

It's better to say that if you don't come forward, even the most cheeky Ino can't bear it!

Don't forget, there are people around, and the little girl still doesn't have that thick skin.

"Huh? Charm? Pounce?" Sakura suddenly raised her head, and immediately passed a complete set of combat plans to the little Sakura outside.

Little Sakura hesitates, is that okay?

"What's the matter, little Sakura, do you have a way?" Ino instantly discovered the weirdness of little Sakura.

"Well... there is one... but I don't know if I should use it..." Little Sakura hesitated and said intermittently.

"Little Sakura, if there is a way, then you have to give it a try. Isn't it a way out?" Hinata was also very encouraged to cheer up little Sakura.

"Then use it?" Little Sakura hesitated.

Hinata nodded: "Use it!"

"Well, Hinata, don't blame me." Little Sakura's hesitation disappeared, and she took out a kunai.

"Huh?" Hinata was taken aback.

"Huh? This way..." Ino was taken aback for a moment, and then joined in without hesitation.

And Chen Feng was completely stunned.

Well, I can only say that I am the heroine.

Little Sakura and Ino pointed at Hinata’s white neck with nothing, and pretended to be vicious and said: "Teacher, if you don’t save her, I will... I will take out Hinata’s little inner wall and remove it from Throw it out!"

Take it out, throw it out...

Threw it out...

Hinata suddenly burst into a burst of red, steam filled.

Chen Feng dumbfounded: "Okay, you've passed the test."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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