Who is the card? One-term businessman.

And what world is Naruto? The world of ninjas!

Among the countless professions, although businessmen have money and great names have supplies, ninjas are the most prosperous.

It's not a big deal to offend a daimyo to go to another country, but it's not a big deal to offend a ninja... it's almost dead!

What's more, is it the strongest power in the world, and the shadow of the most powerful countries in the world?

Cardo collapsed to the ground with a pop, his eyes were dull, and he almost lost his mind.

Provoking Chen Feng? The person who snatched Chen Feng back?

"Master Chen Feng, don't, don't kill--" Cardo suddenly woke up, jumped up, his eyes widened like a toad, his voice hissed and his lungs cracked, almost tearing his throat.

"It's noisy." Chen Feng's eyes flicked and his arm slammed a fist.


The wind was wanton, and a huge force blasted past.

Cardo is no more than an ordinary person, and even an ordinary person's body is not as good as an ordinary person. How could he be able to stop Chen Feng's punch?

Even Jōnin can't possibly stop his punch!

Cardo's body was immediately blasted into a pool of rotten flesh, blood spattered, and his fat belly could no longer find his original appearance.

"Really, this kind of trash is also whispering in my ears, and it just smears my ears." Chen Feng snorted in disdain, and shook his head.

"Then ask, Terumi Mei, how did you come here? You are Fifth Mizukage, how can you just... and you..." Chen Feng glanced at the woman who was obviously beginning to develop.

Terumi Mei curled her mouth and snorted: "I am Fifth Mizukage, I can't leave the village at will, but what about someone? It seems that no one can restrict someone's whereabouts, right?"

Chen Feng is a little embarrassed. Damn, women need to be accompanied. Obviously Terumi Mei needs to be ‘fed’, otherwise he will lose his temper from time to time.

"Then this hungry... girl from the Shui Wuyue clan?" Chen Feng decisively changed the subject.

Terumi Mei glanced at Chen Feng with beautiful eyes, humming and throwing a hygienic eye, and said with a slight irritation: "What? Isn't my teacher who has a deep memory of girls? Why don't you see who she is?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The corner of Chen Feng's mouth twitched. I can see it clearly from the special code. Besides, not everyone can be remembered by me!

And Bai's life experience... Forgive me, even if I have the knowledge of later generations, I can't tell who this guy is?

Chen Feng just wanted to say the last two sentences, and then his body was taken aback, and then he turned into a smile: "Water has no moon white, right?"

Bai nodded blankly, but the mask was still not put down.

"Your mother...Well, is your father a parent?"

Bai stiffened and raised his head abruptly. The big eyes that were only exposed were full of surprise.

"It seems so, then your mother... is the girl from the Shui Wuyue clan who had a fight with Terumi Mei that day. I didn't expect that she is even this old daughter!" Chen Feng sighed again and again.

When Chen Feng hid his identity, he took Terumi Mei to challenge the ninjas of the Water Country. Among them were the girls of the Mizutsuki clan, and the Mizutsuki clan was not too many, plus Terumi Mei. In other words, it can be said to be tenable.

Of course, Chen Feng can't remember the name of that girl at all, or even what the girl looks like, just remember that there is such a person.

"You guessed it?" Terumi Mei stared suspiciously at Chen Feng, with a face full of disbelief.

Chen Feng coughed twice: "Ahem, this is not a sweet experience with you, how can I forget it?"

Ling Ran said the righteousness, but he was actually very guilty—because this guy didn't even remember the name of that Bai's mother!

Terumi Mei's face was red and white. Chen Feng glanced: "Huh, you can say it."

However, even those who are not familiar with the world can see that his teacher is obviously very happy now.

"Hey, teacher, this person is..." Ino pulled Chen Feng's sleeve and looked at Terumi Mei.

Hmm, Ino is a very sexy girl, but in front of Terumi Mei...

The figure can't be compared! Well, now that age is a problem, this is not a crime of war.

Impossible! Well, in the current position, after all, he is Lord Mizukage, this is not the crime of war.

But my own kind of enchanting is far from as good as that, how can I fight this!

Although I am young and have a clear sense of your vitality, Terumi Mei's mature style is obviously more attractive!

In all fairness, even if Ino chooses herself, she will choose Terumi Mei!

"Oh, she, cough cough, introduce me." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and introduced: "This is Terumi Mei, um, count as your senior sister, now it's floating outside for the time being, living in a small Fifth Mizukage. Your lord. Come on, say hello."

"Really Lord Fifth Mizukage?" Ino's mouth twitched, and Hinata suddenly felt a bit bitter in his mouth.

Only the little Sakura was ignorant, and then suddenly realized.

"Teacher! Did you say she was Fifth Mizukage?!" Little Sakura covered her mouth, her grown-up mouth looked very ladylike.

"The teacher's subjugation is wrong, I remember the five shadows... the four shadows are equal, if I have to say, my status is much higher than that of Kushina!" Terumi Mei raised her head, full of pride.

"No, I don't think that a Mizukage has shown your full strength at all. Your best future should be with me sitting down and doing a blowjob..." Chen Feng chuckled lightly, with a smirk on his face.

"That's not the problem!" Little Sakura frantically, messing up all her beautiful hair.

She looked at Chen Feng with a worried expression: "Teacher, how can you even teach people from other villages, so Hokage-sama will..."

"Oh? Are you talking about this?" Chen Feng frowned and meditated.

"Well, pay attention next time. I'll talk about things in the future."

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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