Naruto Shikigami Aizen

One hundred and fortieth chapters demigod fall (2)

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Hanzo standing on the head of a giant salamander!

His face was solemn, even though the icy wind howled against his face!

Despite losing a left arm, his faith has not diminished a bit.

"My title is Sansho Hanzo. For me, a left arm will not make my strength any lower. Konoha's little devil, you will save your life for your carelessness!"

I saw Hanzo looking calmly at Soyousuke below, and said in a deep voice.

He put his right hand in front of him and made a slight seal! shouted!

"Sanjiao fish secret technique. Poisonous mist spray!"

As his words fell, the huge salamander fish under him suddenly puffed out its mouth, and spit several clusters of green poisonous miasma towards the field!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

After a few groups of green poisonous miasma crashed to the ground, they spread instantly!


The green poisonous mist diffused in the entire forest in an instant.

"Hey!" "Hey!"......

When the poisonous mist touched the nearby thick trees, the trees on the field withered and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Shua!" "Shua!"

After seeing this scene, Soyousuke and Minato backed away instantly!

The two of them quickly retreated a hundred meters away, standing on the trunk of a big tree, quietly observing the thick poisonous fog area on the field!

"It's really scary...The area where the poisonous mist spreads...almost all the signs of life have disappeared!"

Above the tree trunk, one could see that the corners of Jie Ren's eyes were filled with blue veins, staring at the poisonous mist in front of him with a pair of white eyes, and said in a deep voice.

On the side, Soyousuke said softly with a smile on his face.

"If he didn't have this strength, how could he provoke Yuren Village by himself."

"This kind of ninjutsu without any dead ends..."

Speaking of this, a bright light flashed in his eyes.

"Stand here, everyone."

"The next battle will have no advantage for you."

Soyousuke said softly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and walked forward slowly.

The poisonous fog with a range of hundreds of meters almost enveloped this area in the forest!

If you look from above, you will find that in a lush green forest, a huge group of poisonous fog is spreading in it, the scene is very magnificent!

In the poisonous fog, Hanzo standing on the head of the huge salamander had a slightly heavy expression, and said in a low voice.

"Escaped from the poisonous miasma?"

"It's a pity....It's hard to catch them with the poisonous miasma at such a speed...It will take five minutes before the next poisoning of the salamander..."

Speaking of this, his eyes turned slightly cold!

"Wait for five minutes! The next gathering of poison will directly destroy everything within a radius of several kilometers! Catch them all!"

However, outside the huge poisonous miasma at this time, Soyousuke slowly walked forward with a smile on his lips.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

I saw that Aizen's fingers flexibly formed several seals in an instant!

In the end, it was printed, and he put his two fingers together and stood on his chest!

"Wind escape. God soar!"

As his voice fell slowly, there seemed to be some subtle changes in the sky!

There was a smile on the corner of Soyosuke's mouth, and he kept his fingers together all the time!

In his body, the majestic Chakra instantly became active! !


huh huh huh

The originally calm wind in the forest suddenly became bitter and violent!

Standing on the trunk of the big tree behind, Kairen was staring at Soyousuke with big white eyes!

There is some shock on the face!

The chakra in Captain Aizen's body is boiling! !

This kind!

This level of chakra! !

What kind of ninjutsu is Captain Aizen using! !

"Clatter clatter!"

As the wind in the forest becomes more and more turbulent!

The trunks above the trees were shaking violently, making rattling noises!

The originally gloomy sky began to become darker at this time, and the thick clouds seemed to be rolling for some strange reason, and after a while, they became dark and dense, as if they were about to press down to the ground!

I saw a few thin lines connecting each other between the dark and gloomy sky and the earth!

Boom! !

Several terrifying tornadoes and hurricanes connected between the sky and the earth suddenly formed!

The tree trunks in the forest were torn off one after another!

However, the green poisonous miasma in the center of the field was only blown away a little!

Seeing this scene, a smile flashed in Soyousuke's eyes under the frame of the mirror, and he whispered softly.

"Isn't that enough..."

"Then add some power..."

I saw that the seal on my hand changed again!

The fingers froze violently!

The chakra in the body is almost about to turn into a rising flame and come out through the body!


The giant tree in the forest began to shake violently!

All people standing on the tree trunk looked at Captain Aizen in shock, but their eyes were full of reverence!

Such a terrifying ninjutsu!

Only Captain Aizen can do it! !

This kind of... God-like mighty power...

After Soyousuke sealed again, Shen Biao's terrifying power gradually became apparent!

The sky has been filled with thick black clouds!

The four hurricanes that originally stood upright like thin lines between the sky and the earth became thicker almost in the blink of an eye as the wind gathered! !

It's like four giant pillars supporting the sky!

Four extremely strong hurricane tornadoes destroyed everything in the forest!

Soyousuke, who caused all this, flashed a fiery smile in his eyes!

Under his control, four incomparably huge tornadoes and hurricanes squeezed towards the huge cloud of poisonous mist with countless rubble and chaotic trees!

at the same time!

In the midst of a poisonous miasma, Hanzo standing on top of the sansho fish looked at the terrifying scene outside with a shocked expression, and murmured.

"Did that brat do it..."

"This kind of horrible ninjutsu...What did that guy do...Is it really God who decided to let me die here..."

It wasn't just Hanzo who was shocked by all of this.

In another location in the forest.

Several Yuren also looked at the terrifying vision in the sky in shock!

Look at the gloomy black clouds that seem to be pressing down on the ground and the four majestic pillars of wind!

"That... that is!!"

"Could it be caused by ninjutsu!!"

"Not good! That direction! Could there be something wrong with Hanzo-sama!!"

A few Yuren said in shock.

After hearing what the last burly ninja said, the faces of several people tightened up, and they immediately set off to rush over there!

But in this rain ninja team, a young ninja was thoughtful in his narrow eyes, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, thinking secretly in his heart.

This kind of terrifying ninjutsu that can disturb the sky...

Could it be you...

Captain Aizen....

Another place in the forest!

At this time, under the control of Soyousuke, four terrifying hurricanes squeezed towards the green poisonous miasma!

Just a contact!


The poisonous mist dispersed in an instant!

Under the incomparable power of the hurricane, it instantly dissipated between the heaven and the earth without leaving a trace!

The place where the violent hurricane passed was a mess!

The land of the forest seemed to have been tossed violently by giants, and countless ancient and sturdy trees were uprooted!

It is appalling!

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