Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 155 Konoha's New Generation of Heroes

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

In the land of rain.

In a dense forest.

"Slap!" "Slap!"......

Following the sound of gentle footsteps, two tall figures appeared here.


In the puddle in the ditch under a tree, accompanied by a strange sound, the figure of Kinnara slowly overflowed from the puddle.

"Jin Na Luo, you seem to be in a bit of a mess."

Soyousuke looked at him, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said softly.

"Ah, ah, the guy you asked me to seduce is really rude. I wanted to try to hold him down by talking to him, but I didn't expect that guy to shoot when we met..."

"Really, he is really rude..."

The edge of Jinnara's clothes was burnt to pieces, at this moment he curled his lips slightly and complained helplessly.

Hearing his words, Soyousuke smiled on his face, his eyes flashed with nostalgia, as if recalling the time when he and Jiraiya got along.

"That guy... has always been so rude..."

Soyousuke shook his head with a chuckle, and said in a low voice.

After finishing speaking, he turned around slowly, looked at Yuren Village, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and said softly.

"Let's go, Minato, Kinnara, get rid of the stubborn guys in Urenin Village, and the war with Konoha should be declared over."

"Yes! Captain Aizan."

Hearing his words, everyone said respectfully.

Kinnaruo behind him also slightly restrained his frivolous expression, and nodded seriously.

The three of them slowly disappeared here. 【Zero↑Nine△Small↓Shuo△Net】


at the same time.

Tsunade and Orochimaru also returned to the Konoha stronghold in the Kingdom of the Rain.

Inside the camp tent.

"What... what!?"

"Team...captains actually went to fight Hanzo, the leader of U... Urenin village, and retreated unscathed!?"

A young ninja from Konoha looked at Tsunade's unbelievable trembling voice and asked.

In this regard, Tsunade showed a helpless expression, and said in a pretty voice.

"Isn't it to find the source of the toxin? Unexpectedly, as Orochimaru expected, the source of the toxin is Hanzo!"

Hearing her words, the young ninja suddenly shouted!

"The point is not here! Captain Tsunade!"

"Hanzo is called a demigod. Captain Tsunade, you can escape from his grasp. This is undoubtedly a very remarkable thing!"

Tsunade, whose ears were covered by his harsh voice, frowned and said helplessly.

"Okay, okay, keep your voice down, those who don't know think there is some urgent information!"

After finishing speaking, Tsunade took out a sealed bottle from his backpack, which contained a cloud of green poisonous mist.

She stared slightly at the cloud of poisonous mist, and said seriously.

"Fortunately, it's not in vain. Hurry up and get the experimental equipment. I want to test the ingredients in it. Maybe I can formulate an antidote. Hurry up. This is very important for the poisoned wounded!"

Hearing her words, the young ninja nodded heavily and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

After a while, he brought a whole set of instruments.

When Tsunade was preparing to test the poisonous mist, the young ninja hesitated for a while, and finally asked.

"Captain Tsunade, don't you have any conspicuous good news about your battle with Hanzo this time... You must know that there has been no good news of the battle in the village at this time."

Hearing the young ninja's words, Tsunade was slightly taken aback, his brows were slightly frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

It seems that there is one thing I forgot...


Suddenly remembering Jiraiya's entrustment, Tsunade's eyes lit up, he looked at the young ninja and said softly.

"We fought Senior Hanzo to the end. Before he left, he recognized us and seemed to call us Konoha Sannin. Is this a good news?"

Hearing her words, the young ninja was stunned, trembling.

"Being... called "Konoha Sannin" by the demigod!"

"This... This is of course good news! Great news that can boost Konoha's morale!"

The ninja said with bright eyes, he had already thought of the kind of sensation that would be caused if the news was reported in the village.

Tsunade was taken aback by his actions, frowned, and said helplessly.

"Okay, that's all, go out quickly, I need a quiet environment to test the toxin."

Hearing Tsunade's words, the young ninja nodded excitedly, and then quickly ran out.

Tsunade looked at his hurried back with curiosity in his pretty eyes.

It's just a title... As for being so excited...

Another guy like Jiraiya...

This time, Tsunade's idea was wrong.

in a few days.

After the news was passed back to Konoha, the name of Sannin instantly resounded throughout the Land of Fire after some of Konoha's intelligence departments promoted it!

This is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for Muye Village in terms of morale and prestige!

For a few days, the entire Konoha Village seemed to be filled with heated discussions about "Konoha Sannin".

The villagers all praised Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru as worthy of being the disciples of the third generation of Hokage, and they won a great reputation for Konoha Village.

Of course, there are also good people who started to discuss the achievements of Konoha's new generation in this long war.

The "Konoha Sannin", who has always been on the front line in the Land of Rain, is unsurprisingly the hottest focus of discussion.

However, apart from Sannin, there are several young Konoha ninjas who are often mentioned by the villagers.

One is "White Fang Konoha" on the sand ninja battlefield - Sakumo Hatake.

The other is "Konoha Shura" who is active in the border between the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Wind - Uchiha Tokino.

After the deeds of the two were brought up, it immediately attracted a lot of attention!

After all, the two young people from Konoha can make Sand Ninja feel terrified, this kind is undoubtedly the elite among the elites!

Just when the titles of "Konoha Sannin", "Konoha White Fang" and "Konoha Shura" were being discussed in Konoha Village.

Someone mentioned the son of Konoha back then - Soyousuke.

This young man who was regarded as proud by the villagers in the past has no remarkable achievements at this time! ?

How is this going? Where did he go?

Many villagers who liked Soyousuke asked questions one after another.

Their questions were quickly answered.

According to the information of the informer, the villagers learned that Soyousuke has been sticking to the border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth for four years, silently resisting the invasion from Iwanin.

When all the villagers who liked Soyousuke heard the news, they thought that even if Soyousuke had no merits, the four years of silent persistence alone were enough for him to stand shoulder to shoulder with the other new generations.

Under the dark Konoha, in the stronghold of the roots.

In a small hut, Danzo slightly opened his half-closed eyes, and said in a hoarse voice.

"Finally... the time has come... let's release the news..."

After he finished speaking slowly, he closed his eyes, as if he continued to think about something.

after one day.

Another explosive news came out of Muye Village!

Soyousuke, known as the "son of Konoha", blocked the invasion from Iwanin Village by himself at the junction of the land of fire and the land of earth!

The situation described in this news is so vivid that the villagers can't help sighing while being shocked!

The "Children of Konoha" was really able to protect the village at this time!

At the same time, when the achievements of various Konoha heroes are being advertised everywhere in the village.

A young child with blond hair was walking on the street.

Suddenly the voice in front made him stop. He stared at the pictorial in the hands of the group of people with a pair of blue eyes. One of the white-haired young men smiled brightly.

Seeing that bright smile, he suddenly laughed too.

Is that the heroes of Konoha...

I will be a hero one day and protect this village...

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