Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 157: The Plan Hidden Behind the Scenes

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!


In the sky above the Land of Rain, there were churning dark clouds accompanied by dull thunder, and the raindrops that had been brewing finally fell slowly.

"Huh huh huh..."

The sound of violent rain covered the entire Yuren Village.

At the high gate of the village, several Yuren were still watching with vigilant eyes, but they did not relax their vigilance with the sound of rain falling.

However, some subtle sounds were still covered by the most familiar sound of Yuluo in Yuren Village...

Inside a tall building that looks like a black rock in Yuren Village.

In a large conference hall, blood spattered all over the walls of the conference hall.

"'t...please...please.let...let me go...I...want to live..."

A figure covered in blood was crawling weakly on the ground, his eyes were full of fear, bright red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and he muttered indistinctly.

Around him, there were fallen corpses everywhere.

If you look carefully, you will find that their bodies are covered with fatal wounds, and their faces are full of terrified expressions!

As if surprised by his injury, this weird look is surprising.

"Crack!" "Crack!"......

Accompanied by the sound of gentle footsteps, a tall figure seemed to be slowly walking towards the figure crawling on the ground.

"It's amazing that he survived."

Lying on the ground covered in blood was a fat man with a broad build. After hearing this magnetic voice, his pupils shrank instantly, and his eyes were full of fear.

His forehead was covered with cold sweat, he didn't know whether it was because of his injury or fear, and he muttered with trembling lips.

"Please...please...let me go...I...have...have"

At this time.

Suddenly there was a flash of thunder outside, followed by a violent thunderclap!


In the flash of thunder, Fatty caught a glimpse of the tall figure standing beside him.

A very handsome young man wearing glasses, with a smile in his eyes and a gentle and quiet smile on his face, just looked at him gently.


The fat man, who had lost a lot of blood, had a pale face, and tremblingly swallowed his saliva.

"Is the heart on the right side? No wonder he is so lucky to be alive..."

I saw the young man standing upright beside the fat man with a slight smile on his mouth, and said softly.

At this time.

Outside, a young man with an expressionless face came in again. After seeing the fat man alive, his face was slightly astonished, and then he said respectfully in a low voice.

"Captain Aizen, let me deal with this guy, and I don't need to stain your hands."

Upon hearing this, Fatty's face turned pale again instantly, his body trembled, and beads of sweat fell from his forehead.

Hearing what the visitor said, Soyousuke shook his head slightly, and said softly with a smile.

"No need, everyone, save this guy's life."

Hearing this, everyone nodded respectfully.

For Captain Aizen, he never asks the reason, because everything is under the control of Captain Aizen, and all decisions made by Captain Aizen will be the easiest way to go straight to that new world!

When the fat man at Soyousuke's feet heard this, his tense nerves relaxed a little.

It seems...he saved his life...

Just as he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Soyousuke and Minato were walking out slowly.

At this time, a gentle voice came slowly.

"Remember, if you don't want to die, you should cooperate with Kinnaro's performance in the next time, you should know how to do it."

Hearing this, the fat man was slightly startled on his pale face.

Tight Naro!

It's all Kinnara's conspiracy!

No...Kinara doesn't have this strength...then...everything is the plan of this young man named Aizen in front of him!

Although he was shocked to think of it in his heart, the fat man still nodded and replied in a weak trembling voice.


Hearing what he said, Soyousuke who was walking outside raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a light smile.

"I hope you will cherish this hard-won life."

Accompanied by the magnetic voice softly echoing in the conference hall, he and Jieren slowly disappeared into the darkness.

Only the heavy panting of the fat man lying on the ground and the corpses strewn all over the conference hall remained.

Two hours later.

I saw a group of Yuren ninjas led by Kinnara to the conference hall in this towering building.


As the door was opened, a strong and disgusting smell of blood came to the face!

Seeing the scene in the conference hall, all the Urenin who had just arrived showed extremely shocked expressions on their faces!

"This... this is...!!"

Kinnara was stunned for a moment, then calmed down instantly, and immediately ordered the staff to check whether there were any survivors at the scene.

Although he was still very young, he usually still had a smile on his face, but at this time, Kinnaruo, who was calmly dispatching and directing everything, instantly became the backbone of the Urenin present.

A few rain ninja entered the venue instantly and began to check all the corpses.

"Captain Jinnara! Master Meng is still alive!"

At this time, a rain ninja on the field suddenly said anxiously.

Hearing his words, Jinnara's face brightened, and he immediately rushed to the side of the unconscious fat man, looked at him with worried eyes, and said in a deep voice.

"Immediately prepare for the rescue of Mr. Meng, and make sure his life is safe!"

"Others check immediately to see if there are any other adults alive!"

All the rain ninjas present nodded seriously after hearing his words, and immediately lowered their heads and began to move.

As for Jin Na Luo, who was in the center of the field with a serious face, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and his narrow eyes shone with a smile.


two days later.

In a tall building in Yuren Village.

Although looking through the window, it was cloudy and rainy outside, but in one of the rooms, there was still a fat man staring blankly at the outside.

There was still a thick gauze wrapped around his body, and he looked a little sluggish.

At this time.


With the gentle knock on the door, a few rain ninjas slowly walked in.

"Master Meng, how is your recovery?"

With a concerned smile on his face and narrow eyes slightly narrowed, Kinnaro walked into this room and asked softly.

Beside him, several young ninjas of Urenin closely followed Kinnara.

Seeing Jin Naluo with a smile on his face, the fat man's pupils shrank slightly, but then he showed a grateful expression and smiled.

"I heard that I can survive thanks to you, Kinnara!"

Regarding this, Kinnaruo smiled slightly and said softly.

"This is your destiny. If something happens to you, I'm afraid Miss Jiu will be extremely sad."

"Yes, yes, good fortune and great destiny..."

Hearing this, although the fat man nodded and smiled, the corners of his eyes trembled slightly.

"Then I won't bother you. Seeing that you have recovered at this time, I won't bother you any more."

Kinnara said with a light smile as he walked slowly out.

Hearing his words, the fat man smiled and watched him off.

When he was about to leave the door, Kinnara spoke softly as if talking to himself.

"By the way... Master Hanzo disappeared a few days ago... I don't know if he lost confidence in the war..."

The sound became smaller and smaller, followed by the sound of the door closing softly.


Hearing this, the fat man stood in the room in a daze, silent for a long time.


in a few days.

Kinnara was chosen as the acting chief of Urenin Village.

As the acting leader, he has two main tasks at the moment.

The first priority is to be responsible for immediately dealing with the broken diplomatic relations with the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind.

The second priority is to start preparing manpower to find Hanzo, the leader of the former Urenin and all the senior Urenin who disappeared with him.

In addition, Yuren Village introduced a series of policies when Jinnaruo first took office to comprehensively improve the daily life of the villagers in Yuren Village and solve their living difficulties.

The villagers of Yuren Village, who were sallow and emaciated, with numb eyes, couldn't believe it, for fear that this was a dream that would wake them up at the touch of a button.

However, when they were distributed enough food to fill their stomachs, they believed and burst into tears.

I can't believe that they are able to receive such fantastic treatment in Yuren Village!

at the same time.

During the time when Kinnara was acting as the chief, Urenin village announced a request for surrender to Konoha.

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