Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 164 Not even qualified to speak

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

Among the forest. 【Zero↑Nine△Small↓Shuo△Net】

The bright sunlight pierced through the lush foliage, leaving dappled light.

Under the light, there were huge broken trees and broken stones everywhere on a field, and broken puppet parts scattered all over the place!

The ground was full of potholes, and the corpses of several Konoha ninjas fell on the field in all directions. The ground was stained red with blood, and it was a bloody mess.


A black shadow fell heavily from the sky to the ground.


Immediately afterwards, a huge puppet descended from the sky, and a long knife pierced through the shadow's abdomen fiercely, nailing him to the ground.

Captain Morino, who was pierced by the puppet from the abdomen, turned his head weakly to the trembling Natoki with a dazed face, stretched out his hand tremblingly and waved it.

There was a painful expression on his face, and with the last bit of effort, he said indistinctly with all kinds of blood foam in his mouth.


As the vitality slowly faded away, his voice gradually weakened.

Naoki stared blankly at this scene, his pupils dilated instantly, but his legs were trembling and he couldn't move.

"Shua!" "Shua!" "Shua!"...

Several sand ninjas suddenly appeared on the field, and their bodies were also covered with scars. The death counterattack of Konoha ninjas caused them great trouble.

"Is this the kid? Konoha's ninja will protect him even if he sacrifices his life. Is it the nobleman of the Fire Kingdom?"

Captain Sand Ninja walked forward slowly, saying in a hoarse voice.

His face was full of exhaustion, and his eyes were full of red bloodshot eyes. Although he looked very tired, he still persisted like firm steel.

"No matter who it is, let's arrest it for the time being. If you meet Konoha Ninja at that time, it will probably play a role. [Zero ↑ ​​Nine △ Novel ↓ Shuo △ Net]"

Hearing his words, Sand Shinobi, who was manipulating the puppet, glanced at Naoki and said disdainfully.

After he finished speaking, he first controlled the puppet to fly back to him, with a slightly distressed expression on his face, and said angrily.

"This damned Konoha ninja actually destroyed my flow blade belt knife like this!"

"If this is the case, I'm afraid that the Flow Blade will only be able to play 50% of its role in the battle. It's really embarrassing!"

Speaking of this, he looked angrily at Mori who was lying on the ground with blood dripping all over the ground.

With a flick of his palm, the huge and broken Liu Ren Dao swooped towards Mori Nao!


With the violent bombardment of the huge flow blade, the position where Morino's body was located was split open by the flow blade in an instant.

No bones remained.

"Phew, you hateful guy, even if you destroy him, it's hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart!"

Sand Shinobi, who did this as if casually, spat and said angrily.

Captain Sand Ninja glanced at him and said in a deep voice.

"That's enough, Sha Jian, take that kid with you, and don't forget our mission."

Hearing what he said, Sand Shinobu named Sanda curled his lips slightly, turned his head to look at the dull-faced Nawaki, and shouted disdainfully.

"Little ghost, don't trouble us, just come here obediently."

There were several Konoha ninjas who had died protecting him around Nawaki on the field. After hearing Sandama's words, he was stunned and didn't say a word.

"Hey! Can't the brat hear you! Have you been frightened?"

"It's really troublesome...forget it, let's cut off your legs to prevent you from escaping."

After Sandama finished speaking, she swooped down towards the small Rope Tree with the huge Flow Blade Blade.

As if hearing the whistling wind in the air, Nakoki turned his head to look blankly, and the terrifying puppet with a sword was reflected in his pupils.

dead... dead...

Captain Morino is dead...

Jianmu....Yoshino....everybody is dead....

Am I dying too...

Sister...sister....sorry....I'm dying....

I'm really too timid and say such ignorant things...

How wonderful it would be if... I had the strength of brother Soyousuke...

Sheng Shu was thinking blankly in his mind, his pale little face was still stained with speckled blood, the sunlight shone slightly through the gap and projected on his body, and the emerald green necklace around his neck slightly reflected the shining luster.


A gust of breeze in the forest blew past, as if shaking the fluffy hair of the rope tree, and the necklace around the neck seemed to be rippling.



I saw that the flowing blade belt knife that had already raised its thick blade and was about to slash at the rope tree suddenly turned into powder in mid-air!

Under the blowing of the breeze, the powder in the air slowly drifted away, reflecting the bright sun like a beautiful star.

But Zhishu stared blankly at the tall figure appearing in front of him, and his already sluggish pupils suddenly dilated.

Under the bright sunlight, the tall figure in the white royal robe in front of him slowly turned around.

Like endless light, the same gentle and familiar smile gradually appeared in Naoshu's eyes.

"Rope Tree, are you scared?"

As a magnetic voice slowly fell, Soyousuke in front of him showed a warm smile on his face, and slowly stretched out his hand to rub Naoki's head gently.

I feel that this is not a dream but a fact that actually happened.

Sheng Shu's pale face was stunned for a while, and suddenly he began to sob uncontrollably.

"S... Soyousuke brother... woo... Soyousuke brother... woo... Big... Everyone is dead... Everyone is dead... Woohoo"

"Rope...rope's useless...rope tree...can't do anything...uh..."

Sheng Shu's pale face was sobbing very sadly, the big teardrops kept falling from his distressed eyes, he sobbed and choked up.

It was as if seeing the parent's child after suffering a great grievance.

"It doesn't matter...the rope tree will grow up eventually...the rope tree will have incomparably powerful power at that time..."

"I've always believed in that..."

"So... the rope tree now just needs to be looked at..."

Soyousuke gently rubbed Nawaki's little head, and comforted him softly with a smile on his face.

His voice fell slowly.

The sand ninjas standing not far away all tightened their faces.

Captain Sand Ninja looked at Soyousuke who suddenly appeared on the field, frowning.

This guy.... No one found him suddenly appearing on the field... This speed...

And Sama also looked at Soyousuke who appeared on the field with a gloomy face, although he was angry, he was even more shocked in his heart.

It turned out that just a casual blow completely ruined my Flow Blade Belt Knife! !

"You are Konoha's ninja, right? With such strength...Which one of Konoha's are you?"

At this time, Captain Sand Ninja asked in a deep voice from a long distance away.

Hearing his words, Soyousuke turned around slightly with a smile on his face.

Facing a group of dignified sand ninjas, he didn't look at them directly, but looked sideways at the rope tree, and said softly with a smile.

"Look at it, Nakoki, such a guy, even the qualification to make a sound shouldn't be possessed..."

As his voice fell.

I saw him gently raised one hand towards the sand ninjas, and whispered softly in his mouth.

"Broken Way: Ninety. Black Coffin!"

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"......

Several black cubes with an extremely depressing and ominous atmosphere suddenly rose from the soles of Sand Shinobi's feet and wrapped them up!

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!"......

Without even a scream, under the piercing of countless blades in the black coffin, all the sand ninjas disappeared in an instant!

The black coffin gradually dissipated, leaving only Sand Ninja with countless incisions on his body, slowly collapsing to the ground, with scarlet blood dripping all over the ground.

Nasoki who was standing behind Soyousuke had stopped sobbing at this moment, staring blankly at Soyousuke's back with wide eyes.

This...this brother...'s...strength...

Naoki thought about it in a daze, but he couldn't help recalling what his sister and Jiraiya elder brother said in the family yard.

"Haha, I actually want to touch the mirror, puff...hahaha"

"Do you know how strong that guy Soyousuke is!?"

"That guy....I've never seen him go all out..."

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