Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Chapter 187 Protection

Biquge, the fastest update of Hokage: Aizen Kuyousuke!

In the land of rain.

Located in a hidden Konoha stronghold.

Many Konoha ninjas were watching here, quietly looking at the tall figure walking gently on the field.

"Is this Captain handsome as in the legend...!!"

A female ninja clutched her chest, murmured while looking at the figure intoxicated.

"Is this the Captain Soyousuke that Captain Tsunade has been thinking about day and night... As expected... you are indeed Captain Tsunade! The boyfriends you found are so good...!!"

A female ninja with a slightly grim face thought solemnly.

For the crowd watching, Soyousuke has long been used to it, walked in the stronghold calmly, and responded with a gentle smile to all the curious eyes around him.

This kind of peaceful and warm personality made Soyousuke quickly capture the admiration and love of a group of female ninjas in this stronghold.


A charming figure wearing a green ninja tactical suit suddenly appeared on the field.

The golden ponytail flicked slightly in the air, and her brown eyes glanced at the sides, and her slightly serious and cold voice sounded on the field.

"Have you finished your respective tasks! If you don't finish before dark, you will be dealt with as a ninja violating discipline!"

After hearing her words, the female ninjas who had been watching on the side stuck out their tongues one after another, and quickly disappeared here.

Seeing this scene, Soyousuke who was standing in front of her couldn't help but smile, and said in a magnetic voice.

"Why are you suddenly so serious, Tsunade?"

Upon hearing Soyousuke's words, Tsunade's fair face couldn't help but blushed slightly, and his eyes couldn't help turning to other places, not daring to look at Soyousuke, and said softly.

"No...not serious, just let them busy with their own affairs."

"Besides, you finally came here, you spent a lot of hard time in Yuren Village before..."

"However, I still want to congratulate you. The negotiation went so smoothly. Thanks to you, Konoha, I was able to reach a peaceful agreement with Urenin so quickly."

Seeing that Tsunade was avoiding important issues and not answering his own question directly, Soyousuke smiled slightly, and did not continue to ask. Hearing her words of concern, he said gently.

"Thank you, but it's all thanks to you, Tsunade."

Saying that, Soyousuke raised his head, looking at Tsunade with a warm smile in his eyes.

As if reading something from Soyousuke's warm eyes, Tsunade couldn't help but suddenly flushed, and waved his hands abruptly and stammered.

", this...this kind of thing is all thanks to you, Soyousuke, could I be of help..."

For this, Soyousuke didn't explain much, but just took a step towards her gently.

Seeing this, Tsunade was taken aback.

When the figure was almost close to her side and felt the warm breath, she was slightly startled, and couldn't help taking a step back.

But she couldn't retreat, and behind her was the curtain of the tent.


Tsunade's back was tightly attached to the curtain.

And Soyousuke's tall figure stood upright in front of her, with his head slightly lowered, his deep eyes slightly narrowed, his face full of sunny smiles, and he looked at her gently.


Tsunade's heartbeat instantly accelerated to the extreme!

She didn't dare to raise her head easily, her fair little face was covered with blush, she turned her little face to the side, and at this moment, her voice sounded like a kitten's.

"You... what do you want to do... Sousuke..."

At this moment, her weak voice was not so much questioning, but more pitiful as seduction.

Seeing her blushing face and water splashing in her eyes, Soyousuke's originally smiling expression couldn't help being slightly dazed for a moment.

"I will protect you, Tsunade, even if you blame me after the war is over, I will protect you in my own way..."

I saw Soyousuke standing in front of Tsunade who seemed to be picked by you, but he didn't move at all, he just slightly squinted his deep eyes, and said in a soft and complicated voice.

Obviously, Tsunade was taken aback when he suddenly heard Soyousuke's words at this time, and then slightly raised his head to look at Soyousuke.

What she saw from that pretty face was not only the familiarity she had grown up with, but also the strangeness that she hadn't noticed in all these years.

" you have something to hide from me...why do you say that..."

Tsunade looked at Soyousuke's handsome face, and felt a little strangeness from this face, which made her a little worried.

At this moment, after hearing Soyousuke's words, she couldn't help but clenched her little hands slightly, and asked in a panic.

Hearing her words, Soyousuke shook his head lightly, showing a reassuring smile, and said gently.

"It's nothing, Tsunade, it's just a little bit of nostalgia brought back by the memory of the past."

As he spoke, he slowly raised his palm, stroked Tsunade's cheek lightly, and said softly.

"This is my first time doing this, Tsunade, your skin is really good."

Suddenly being treated like this by Soyousuke, Tsunade's fair little face couldn't help but flush slightly for an instant.

Although she didn't dislike Soyousuke's behavior at all, and even liked Soyousuke's touch in her heart, she still said angrily.


Hearing Tsunade's shy voice, Soyousuke flashed an apologetic smile in his eyes, slowly put down his hand, and said softly.

"Sorry Tsunade, I was the one to be rude."

"However, reminiscing about the old days can only go so far. It is time to end this war."

Speaking of this, his eyes faintly exuded a look of determination.

Then he turned around slowly and walked towards the tent beside him.

After he left suddenly, Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief, but he thought about Soyousuke's expression in his heart strangely.

Thinking of that scene can't help but make Tsunade slightly stunned, and always feel some inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

However, she couldn't find out where this uneasy feeling came from, so she could only give up.

In my heart, I deeply remembered the words I said to Yousuke.

A trace of determination flashed in Tsunade's eyes, secretly thought.

Don't worry, Sousuke, this beautiful skin...

I'll keep it for as long as you like...


In the land of rain.

In Tsunade's stronghold.

After Soyousuke arrived here.

Soon, the news that Soyousuke was here was transmitted to the rest of the strongholds by various intelligence systems.

A day later, the heads of several other strongholds arrived here one after another.

At this time, Soyousuke's face also slowly faded from the gentle smile in the past, revealing a dignified expression.

In a large tent, he is responsible for making a general offensive strategy for this attack on sand ninja.

On the table are the persons in charge of several large and small Konoha strongholds.

Uchiha Tono, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Kuroi, Misawa Taku.....

Soyousuke circled dots on the map from time to time, and analyzed all possible battle situations rigorously and meticulously. This kind of terrifying analysis ability made everyone below stunned.

After listening to Soyousuke's offensive strategy and analysis of the war, even Konoha's older generation who had participated in the First World War couldn't help giving him a thumbs up.

After the persons in charge of each stronghold returned to their respective places of responsibility, a ninja asked the elder Misawa Takusoyousuke what kind of ninja he was.

Sanze Tuo was silent for a while, after thinking for a moment.

He seemed to recall that day when the calm and calm young man was analyzing each battle in an orderly manner, and he couldn't help saying in an extremely complicated and solemn voice.

" really a rare military is a terrifying genius who is excellent in all aspects..."

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